On Free-Association      by Nathan Coppedge
--Things which don�t exist are the basis for all which does exist, and the mind is where these possibilities are realized, the unmade worlds. Sometimes it may feel like one is breaking a law by thinking. But there are no mind laws. Creation of any product depends on an outlaw mindset, the passion of one that can move beyond the barriers he believes as a child, the boundaries imposed by his family life and by institutions.--

One of the tasks you must perform as a writer is that of free-association. One word connects with another word, and there isn�t always a clean, reasonable fit. Deriving pleasure from a particular reading will often depend on reaching for hidden significance. Free association is useful in ferreting out the secret meanings of a text. If you want to be a deep reader you must rely on your subconscious. But sometimes a decisive conclusion depends on deriving conscious truths from a text. This can also be a source of surprise and pleasure.
For a skillful writer there are no accidents, so a deep reading can be very revealing. However, the conscious critic is never a match for the writer�s subconsious power, which is derived from life experience. Strong writing tends to reveal much more of the writer�s passion, so that the critic may reveal the writer�s faults more than that of the writing, which becomes effectively transparent. Weak writing tends to conceal the passions and motivations of the writer.

Free word association is useful in the creative process because its a good first step towards writing a story. You put the right two or three words together and you can see a piece of the action. Rubles and denim: with the right background of associations you might connect rubles with Russian bread lines and denim with American fashion. Thus a contrast is born, and even a dynamic. Are the rubles buying denim, or is the man in the bread line wearing denim? This is a strong foundation for choices about characters and setting.

What associations do you have for the following pairings of words?

rose, court   human, gate   blinders, flashers  croquet, vase   pool (the game vs. the water)
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Short Stories from Dreams

Short Essays

Slant Expressions and Insights


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