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Diablo 1, 2 Char.

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- Sorceress

- Sorcerer

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Shrine Info:

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Hosted Sites:
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SC Clans:

- WildArms

Gaming News:
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- Official D II Site







The Sorcerer
The sorcerer is a strong magic using character. The sorcerer almost does not need weapons at all, just lots of books to read and mana to use. Very powerful spells are his weapon, and very effective, and tends to be the dominant character in dueling. The sorcerer can clear a level faster than any other characters, with spells like chain lightning and fireball that can kill multiple at a time he is a very devastating class.

The sorcerer can not live without the use of spells. He is much too weak and too slow (with weapons) to go any other route of development. Most sorcerers will max out their strength very quickly so they can wear some half decent armor, most must use strength rings to get enough to where some decent armor, but his attack is so strong it balances out. Also with mana shield the sorcerer can get virtually 800+ hit points. You will find sorcerers using mainly 4 spells, fireball, chain lightning, mana shield, and teleport. Those 4 spells at a high level are really hard to stop, but with immunities at the higher difficulties it gets difficult, that's where stone curse becomes a big part.

Beginning Attribute Statistics
  • Strength: 15
  • Magic: 35
  • Dexterity: 15
  • Vitality: 20
  • Hit Points: 30
  • Mana Points: 70

Maximum Attribute Statistics
  • Strength: 45
  • Magic: 250
  • Dexterity: 85
  • Vitality: 80
  • Hit Points: 138
  • Mana Points: 596













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