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Diablo II:
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Diablo 1, 2 Char.

- Amazon

- Rogue

- Sorceress

- Sorcerer

- Paladin

- Necromancer

- Barbarian

- Warrior


Shrine Info:

- Diablo 1

- Diablo II


Hosted Sites:
- GrounD ZeRo

- Matrix223

- Your site here!

- D2 Hack Sanctuary


Diablo Clans:

- Diablo's Knights

- Shadow Stalkers

- Your site here!


SC Clans:

- WildArms

Gaming News:
- Blizzard 
- Official D II Site






The Rogue
The rogue is right between the warrior and sorcerer. She is stronger than the sorcerer, but weaker then the warrior. She makes more use of magic than the warrior, but uses it less then the sorcerer, and etc. The rogue is most effective the a bow, and some magic to assist, however, the rogue can also be effective with a sword and shield but I do not prefer it, She will never be as effective with the sword and shield as she is with a bow, unless your sword and shield are incredible. She is also in-between as far as difficulty as she gains levels goes, where the warrior goes from strong to weaker, and sorcerer goes from weaker to stronger, the rogue is the same all the way through.

Rogues should mostly be using a bow for a weapon, it's what they do best with and are designed to be used for. Some spell casting also mixes well, the rogue has a sufficient amount of mana and magic points to be a magic user. Bows do not do as much damage as swords, axes, or the high level spells of the sorcerer, so she may need to use some magic. However, she does not have enough mana points to use lots of magic, and also she doesn't have enough magic points to gain the high spells of the sorcerer, but blends well in between. The rogue is a very fun character to use, and in multiplayer should always be with a team in the tougher difficulties.

Beginning Attribute Statistics

  • Strength: 20
  • Magic: 15
  • Dexterity: 30
  • Vitality: 20
  • Hit Points: 45
  • Mana Points: 22

Maximum Attribute Statistics
  • Strength: 55
  • Magic: 70
  • Dexterity: 250
  • Vitality: 80
  • Hit Points: 201
  • Mana Points: 173



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