Construction of a simple plasma globe or "jar" for that matter.


Hooking it all up:big fat purple plasma streamers.

After taking out a couple of hunderd syringes or more it is time to turn up the variac. I was actually quite surprised by the results. The pictures and the video speak for themselves I guess.

plasma globe in action.

Streamers moving towards my hands and i am not even touching the glass. Applied voltage is 50 volt DC. The picture is not a time exposure. The background looks a little yellow. This is because I had to adjust the white-balance a little bit. The streamers looked blue in the picture while in reality they are just as bright and purple as in these the pictures.

plasma globe in action.

Massive discharge towards my hand. All i feel is a light tingling sensation. The strange thing is you can actually hear the streamers striking the glass. It's like someone's scattering sand at it..

plasma globe in darkness.

This photo is a four second time exposure taken in complete darkness. I am no where near the globe with my hands in this picture. In complete darkness you can still see hunderds of thin streamers hitting the glass. Even though you're at a save distance. The blue is more of a purple in reality.

(Video player requires Flash Player.)

Final words.

The project took me less than a week to build and the only costs i had were from the epoxy glue and the electronic components. The rest of the parts were junk or were just lying around. If you like what you see then give it a try and build one.

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