Navigational novelty:freestanding nude media

Forums. Music banned in over 3 African 3rd world nations If I had a nickle for every time I got kicked out of a theater, I'd have 37.333333 cents nag, nag, nagI don't play well with the way things are.
Writin' I really don't know what this stands for.
>>>old weblogs/updates>>>
7/7/01 9:18 PM: Once you take a vacation and get away from the routine of updating, it's easy to just forget about bothering with the webpage. Even when you have a huge batch of never-before-seen Burt Freeman comics.

6/29/01 10:11 PM est: Going to be gone the rest of the week. Not my choice. Checking out for music distribution.

6/29/01 10:48 AM est: Perscription for the death of free?! Or a damn good idea. You be the judge...

6/28/01 10:54 PM est: Homestead is going to start charging for personal webpages because they suddently realized that thier business model didn't factor in making money. got sued, and makes the artists pay for thier stupidity (My commentary/FU letter). Yahoo is going to start charging too. I had a large commentary on all this, but computer problems caused me to lose it. In short, because the businesses wrote a weak business plan they are making thier clients suffer. Dishonorable! Business plans shoulden't only be used to sucker shmucks into investing, it should be doctrine! More...

6/27/01 12:05 PM est: Zeldman for president in 2004. Not gonna happen, but it sounds like a good thing to talk about. Thompson-esque high-speed craziness right here. The good shit, not cheap stuff. Thank you. That is all.

6/26/01 11:02 PM est: If you are here for answers, then: Yes. If you're not here for answers, then dig this man! Taken seriously by wackos today! Just ignore the fact that back in Jesus' day, they didn't have sissors or combs, general ethnicity of the area he was born in, and other things I thought were obvious and the page might be slightly acceptable by people. The picture in the last post is funnier if you know Jack Chick and are familiar with past posts. That's what's up with that. That's not all! If you act now, there's a new Burt Freeman comic at absoulutly no extra charge!

6/25/01 8:00 PM est: Smell that! Smells like something sweet! More on that later. Sorry about the last post, I went off half cocked. The article is done, and features a boring layout, with no pictures. You didn't think I'd get it done did you? DID YOU!?!?!

Second time I've had to do that. There's more, but the lightning outside and threat of power outages says "upload while you still can Joe"

6/24/01 10:06 PM est: Obligitory cryptic italics... John Lee Hooker is Dead. Dale Earnhart is still alive and putting memorial highways a few feet from playgrounds. Enough. Over 50 email ads while I was gone struggling with the NC highway/interstate system. Other things too. Total world destruction seems like a happy thing right about now. Damn you all. Damn Joseph Pulitzer. Damn the article on Pulitzer that is coming very soon. Damn tomorrow, when the article will probably show up. Damn it all.

6/20/01 9:24 PM est: Going places may interfere with my culinary project, as it were...
Dig it, I have just learned something. While it's true I don't know everything, it's also true that I always know what I'm doing. Always, so, instead of my normal excuse that my crappy pirate version of photoshop is acting funny, This is why I do not use .gifs:
1, 2, 3, and, 4. In a way, .gif represent corporate evil, therefor, I will not be useing them (You know, however: There's no animated .jpgs, so the animated article button stays. The animated link image to Independants day stays too.)
Do you know pain? Get to know
Pain. Join the keep kids the hell away from the internet inititive. Another reason webdesign shoulden't be so easy. Simple drag and drop online webpage makers should be illigal. Either that or make them as buggy, difficult, invasive, faulty, and gennerally disagreeable to work with as FrontPage Express. Useing FrontPage Express really forces you to learn to scan HTML for problems, sence if you happen to accedentally code a high-quality perfectly designed, validated site, FrontPage Express 'fixes' it for you the second you save. FrontPage Express removes everything in the <head> writes it's own <meta>tags, and tells your layout to bend over and take it... WYSIWYG is ass. I have no idea what the layout is really going to look like. Nothing like it does in FrontPage Express, thats for sure.

Next Day 10ish PM: Things still brewing...I'm Due for places unknown...This is why I'm afriad this site is becoming a weblog. At least I keep it short. Compared to that anyway. By the way, I refuse to say BTW, IMHO, or 'blog. Motavation , damn, i cant spell. screw it all

6/18/01 11:26 PM: Things are brewing. We'll see... On the site, more movie reviews for the load of new movies coming out. New stuff might show up this week, but the entire month of july, I'll be absent. Working @ summer camp. I've checked. I'm the only male working on the CITII staff. That's not all, they have me listed as a female. Yes, I'll write all about it.

6/14/01 2:44 PM: Useless to me.

6/13/01 8:36 PM: Important stuff you really fucking care about: Episode # 9. World's greatest epic continues.
Webspace? Homestead is for losers. Useing it to make webpages is anyway. I'm currently planning to use it as a filedump so I continue to upload. There is a mirror of the front page there, @, but there is NO reason to go there. They stick a bar at the bottom of the screen. Bad them, bad! At least one can click away the geocities damn box. However homestead is better than fortunecity, which won't allow you to link to files on it's server from an outside location, which makes it totally useless to me. I'm trying to see if great-jones-street can help me, and if they can, I would be eternally greatful to them. What they are doing is a really great thing. Everyone needs to go and love them. It's Oniedesque baby! That should be reason enough. Speaking of websites that are doing the good work, is supercool. Screw corbis images and thier corporate selves. is free and wonderful.

6/12/01 4:46 PM est: The minimal interface is now 100% Lynx certified viewable. Bow down to me! I'm setting up a redirect dohicky that will allow everyone to point thier browser to and be directed to the proper front page according to thier browsers abilities. I'm the man!

6/12/01 2:39 PM: The damned useless art/visuals/whatever page is now wholly dedicated to burt freeman. Like it wasn't already. I'm proud of my design for it though. It's really good.

6/12/01 11:55 AM est: That's right. Everything has changed. Freestanding nude media has a brand new front end, more webspace available, and a new FULL COLOR Burt Freeman! Arn't you lucky.

6/11/01 8:25 PM est: Damn javascript! Damn it all to hell! I was going to do a java image switch thing for a special redirect type page for this page, but javascript is like blowing a watermelon though a hose pipe. Lots of blowing but absoulutly no going. I think I'll have to think of something else. I know this update makes no sence, but I don't care. Boy, I'm hungry. I'm not kidding about the great stuff coming later though. Damn, this is a stupid update. Makes no sence at all. Theres top secret stuff going on behind the scenes though.
The newspaper is not for my lies!

6/10/01 5:07 PM est: At the risk of totally running out of webspace, I've giving you 2 brand new Burt Freeman comics and 2 more movie reviews. The Burt Freeman comics, though, is where the fun is today. Episode 6 is nothing to write home about, but episode 7 is This summers epic blockbuster! Tells the story of pearl harbor! Action! Betrayal! Ninjas! Romance! Everything that a certain movie (I never plan on seeing) is not.

6/9/01 9:01 PM est: I'm back. Yes, the comic book convention was good. Not nearly enough to write a good article of even a good update about, so you get two (2) new Burt Freeman comics. arn't you happy. If they look diffrent, thats because they were made with photoshop instead of the normal windows 3.1 paint. New Burt look, same Burt taste! On to the report on the convention: There was alot less free stuff than I would have liked, which resulted in me becoming broke very quickly. There were also a great deal more vendors out, instead of companies selling thier own comics. Mucho anime bootlegs, but since I don't care too much about anime, it didn't bother me too much. There were, however, some japanese music/soundtrack CDs and I spent my last $20 on those. Highly recommended: any music having to do with the anime "cowboy bebop". Plus: remixes by ninja tune and rephex artist. The ass-end of the convention was, of course, the best. The independents are a little less independent, a little sexier (in the case of "fasion police") and as screwed up as ever. Talked to a cartoonist named Rickman. He has a website, it's not up yet, but when it is, I plan to check it out. Only a few deconstuctionist comics. Not enough freaks though. Oh well. I have many trade paperbacks, and now, you have 2 new Burt comics. By the way, one has numbers in it and an allusion to a DJ Shadow song, and the other co-stars breasts and Mr. T.

6/9/2thousand-O one all day: Absent, my secretary will handle your visit:

6/8/01 6:53 est: I'm not so funny when I'm pissed off. At least, I'm not so funny when I'm pissed off and go off half-cocked. That's whats up with the last update. This time, less bitchin', mo' fixin'. The clowns in the front row main front page has been improveificated with a new, high-tech look. It's now officially your movie headquarters. Whether you like it or not. Visit it now. Why? Another review in the 2001 summer movie spectacular. There will be more movie reviews as movies come out this summer, and I make up stuff about them. The minimalist frontpage now has a link on the main frontpage, and a way radical new look dude! Ok, it's not radically new, but it's diffrent, and thats good. I plan to do a minimal backend, and all the mainpages for the individual sections will also have minimal versions. Of course, the minimal versions will link to other minimal versions, thereby making a site capible of being seen on any type of computer and any speed modem. If I only have the webspace...

six eight oh one three seventeen eastern standard time: Microsoft wants to be God so bad, it stopped being funny. What could this mean? >>this<< This could mean that words on websites could be turned into advertisements/links for the evil empire. Bad mojo! Sure it can have some useful purposes, but so does genocide, and we don't like genocide or microsoft, now do we? In related news, I will not be useing any form of micrsoft's new OS. Nor will I be useing any new form of Internet Explorer.

6/7/01 12:29 AM est: Insert what I've been doing here. Insert thing that bugs me and a link to it here. Insert reason I'm down in the dumps right here. Whatever. On to the site news. Most pages including but not limited to the Fiction page and The clowns in the front row have been slightly improved. There is also movie reviews for a handfull of the new summer movies on the Clown's page. You can always trust thier opinion. Just to let you know, yes, the reviews are totally false.

6/6/01 12:03 AM est: Ambience and encryption. That's how the day was spent. Made four ambient song that I shall upload to as soon as possible. Got Radiohead's new album. Not ambient, but really good. Finally got pgp off a download at, a zip file, downloaded in about half an hour, as compared to the three hours at I'll update the FAQ with my public key later. I will be spending my weekend as the only bad-ass-looking tanned person at the comic book convention. I'm glad I'm not a stereotype. I know several. Updated Swifty the Avenger page @ a little bit. Might fancy it up a bit more later. Everything will happen later. Now is for inactivity...

6/5/01 10:10 PM est: Created amazingly minimal frontpage. Only text and tables. It's got a diffrent color scheme, but the same feel. I still like this frontend, so it will probably get the update preference. It's just a expirement for now. I don't expect to steamline anything right now. I just want to see if I can get 100% validated. Then I can brag. We'll see if I decide to expend that much effort. Since the rest of the site is large .jpg images (the only ones my copy of photoshop seems to be able to churn out) and complex design, the minimal frontpage is pretty much useless.

Later that day...The main thing in the way of validation, happens to be geocities damn box. Remember the update from 6/1/01, where I complained about the box. It's keeping me from the glory of being fully validated. Damn them.

6/4/01 seven oh six: Updating between social interaction. It's best to leave the website on the back burner, where it can slowly simmer. One must occationally stir, though. Examples of what happens when things are on the front burner for too long: Music from hell! No, it doesn't involve the Backstreet Boys. I like how serious they take it. Funny stuff. People who are this serious shoulden't have children. Look, thee, heathens, hither. Behold ye nonbelievers, the difficulties of buying pants! Indeed! 'Tis a website devoted to the sacred affair of buying pants. Doth thou still not feareth pants that doth not fittest thou? It should be harder to make webpages. What's brewing in this particular pot? Beside asking myself rhetorical questions, the music page has been updated, with a new splash picture, and another song. The place for old updates has been improved. The Article button has been improved in an invisable manner. I also added Metatags even though they are more-or-less useless and banal. Heathens, get thee from my sight!

6/4/01 11:31 AM est: Yawn. "I probably shoulden't have glanced in the rear-view mirror, now that I look back on it" Tom reflected. I'm funny when I don't get enough sleep.

6/1/01 9:46 AM est: Someone keeps calling early in the morning and hanging up when they get the machine. I wish they would stop. Today, I link to a website that doesn't suck Debussy. It's the website of the mo' less interchangeable Byrd twins. High quality layout, plenty of grade-A content. Good stuff. It's all right here. They even manage to get through a Dark Angel review without any Che Guevara jokes. My only complaint: MIDI background music + Java menu scripts that occasionally don't work. It's downright dangerous to run scripts on geocities, what with all thier strange ad-java-add-on-ass-box-things (may or may not be in upper right corner) what doen't always work itself. That causes the error message:

You don't have to click it. It's not real!

If the visitor hits No, As I'm prone to do, no java scripts or any other sort of strange script on the page works. This was the problem with my First Pass. No problem with that on this frontpage. Hit No all you'd like. It's not going to save you from my menu. Add to that, the fact that the more java you use, the harder it is to get the website perfect+compliant, with a side of validated. Their website, checked. On this webite, the music button has be improvificated. The music page will, too, be improvificated when I feel like it. Read that last sentance as stating: I'll make all the images on the music page smaller next week. Maybe I'll do the rest of the html for the new article next week. Maybe not. You can place bets if you'd like. Odds are 2:1 against.

5/31/01 1:51 PM est: Todays site that proves we are the best website on geocities is this one.You know, if you free your mind, your ass will follow. Apparently, someone took what was clearly a joke, and took it seriously. After a quick glance though the site, I've come to the conclusion that the purveyor of the supposed joke either took it to far, or believed it him/her/itself. The linguistics that the entire thing is based on is at best physically painful. Best line:

But if you open up your mouth and try to unmask them, THEY will DENY everything and call you a CRAZY person. If you insist, THEY may even get you literally under arrest or take you to a madhouse. YOU KNOW IT.

That's crazy, man! I guess that makes me THEY. That makes this website the home of the THEY (and the land of the free!). National anthem humor. To attone for that pun, a vintage, rare breakbeat. In universal (almost) .wav format. If I could find it again, I'd give it to you in .au or .aiff too, but I can't find it, so .wav is all you get. Some 'ignent' folk might not know what to do with it. But you know what you do... If I could spare webspace, I'd upload more. YOU KNOW IT.

5/30/01 2:56 PM est: During the summer, it's best to be constantly damp. There for I must advocate the use of Gardner Acres Swin Club. Gotta have sunlight. You know, when geocities is mostly losers like this, it makes it easy to be the best website on geocities. This is why we chose geocities. Its easy to stand tall among the lowest common denominator. Middle schoolers should not be allowed to have websites. Expecially moody/bitchy/crazy/goth middle schoolers. Who makes the horrid animated gifs that these losers use on thier webpages? Who would want to use those animated gifs. Apparently a person who says:


Right on son. Your on your way to becoming a white collar suburbanite who complains <future> that rock music is getting worse and worse, and I tell ya' the rock stars of today are crazy, just give me somma' that good old music I useta' listen to when I was a kid. </future> I'd give you more quotes by the pathetic duo behind the website in question, but you can get them yourself. How the hell did these protosimians even manage to make a website at all? I'll end this with my favorite Jack Chickism:

Oh yea! Rock on Pope!

5/30/01 12:19 PM est: Upon further consideration of: a)the work and thought that it would take + b)bloodthirsty corporate lawyers, I have decided not to rip of Yahoos layout so as to make fun of it. Can you spot the minute changes made to the website? I can't. I'll give you a hint though, it's good that you can't tell.

5/29/01 1:27 PM est: Superheros and censors. What they do:

What do you take out of the movie?

What do you take out of the movie?

We take out all F words, S words, B words, and words related to Diety. We also take out sex, nudity, and violence.

Now showing: 20 minute Fight Club. I love it when people do crazy shit like this. I added some new phrases to the random generator up top. See if you can spot what they are! I'm going to upload this bitch (I'm talking about this minor update to my website. Not you.)and then I'm out like a trout!

5/28/01 10:22 PM est: I fixed the wacky table layout. Many (unneeded) tables were removed, and the legs of the remaining tables were tightened. Our website will now look the way I meant it to, no matter what your screen resolution. Is that a good thing, or a bad thing? That's open to debate. I really must learn CSS. The main title image has been improvefied to better reflect this website's status as the only free website in the world. The side bar now serves a purpose, but keeping the icons where they will be noticed is going to be bothersom. Again, say it with me: I really must learn CSS. Adding lots of <p align="right"><font color="#FF0000">.</font></p>s to the side bar to keep the icons on the top feels cheap. It takes to much trouble too. What's on the radar? Another AIDS. This time, I convert my site, to Yahoo. The world may never be the same.

5/28/01 2:16 PM est: Freedom. Will bring much pleasure your way. Now: I have updated the art page to visuals and added a new cartoon. Yea, the cartoon was made with windows 3.1 paintbrush, on a 2 year old computer, but at least their there. I wish I could somehow reduce the number of frames on the front page. There's frames in frames for cryin' out loud. They slow down my updating. I'd fix everything, get everything 100% compliant (it's very not) , but you know, that would take too much time+effort. I have better things to do. I may one day. An update in the webspace issue:

Disk Space Usage
10,371,079 bytes
4,628,921 bytes
Total Allocated:
15,000,000 bytes

There you go. I wonder if I can get more space. It's not going as fast as I thought it would. No, I haven't done the html for the new article. Yes, there is something in the side bar. Did we sell out to the man? Quite the contrary young lad...

5/20/01 4:33 PM est: I thought was bad. It's a bit amazing how simple things like this change your whole perspective. Go there and help the poor guy out. He's a man on a mission to fight against crime. Let's hear what resident crime-fighter Electrode Cat! wearing Electrode Hat! has to say about this.

I dare you to tell me this isn't the greatest living superhero. Fighting is of greatness of towardness great evil! In certain city fighting of opposition in direction of evil is of great profession. Support coming from me in a certain form of respect is toward you in a large amount. Villian who are pursue of innocent harmament are in order direction towards stop. Unrelenting is nature of preferance toward activity of the nature of those in activity of type described negitively! Quickness!: Motion in support of fighter to prevent disaster in cause of action!

Yes, the new article is done. Written. Stick a fork in it. I've yet to do the html yet, and probably won't untill next week. I must work on project. A Lot coming summer...

Note: The novelty of having everything in B/W has worn off.

5/7/01 A little while after the last update: We have relocated + dredged up the old clowned AP report. It's in the AIDS section, click the picture below. Oh, and the timmy page! My tea tastes like weak sewer water, is that normal? I think not. I'm also slipping randomly between plural and singular self referance. We are also working on a new article.

5/7/01 8:12 PM est: We love airtravel.

5/5/01 3:40 PM est: Big news from Mr. Chick the fundamentalist prick! According to the right-wing fundamentalist holier-than-thou nuts there at his website:

Communist justice tastes like chicken!

ALL, revolutionaries Juan! expecially one's like George Washington, William and Mary, Ben Franklin, Martin Luther, and you know, Juan, Jesus was a revolutionary too. And we all know what happened to people closest to the people above. Because revolutionaries want to drink the blood of your children, there is a new article, on speeders.

For some reason, all the test on the pictures look purple in the article. Not my fault, wasn't my doing, it was a photoshop thing and I'm too lazy to fix them. I will find the responcible party and give them a taste of communist justice!

Well, thats it. More stuff to come, as always.

5/3/01 4:24 PM est: I've changed the raves rants and bitches to the cooler and hipper "articles". Everything else related to that subject has changed too, including your collective memories. Other things have changed. Go away, I'm working on a new article. Don't really go away.

4/26/01 7:41 PM est: Well, turns out the application to UNCG AASC wasn't lost, so I shall be a counselor. Therefore, in the name of entertainment I shall provide a day-to-day record as the isolation of working with strangers+stress of having to work day in day out with children(highly unpredictable environmental factors), combined with sure sleep deprivation, drives me and my associates insane. I'll keep track of both weeks and relate the debacle in a series of articles entitles "reality, paranoia, and other illustrious conspiracy theories at Virginia Tech" and "reality, paranoia, and other illustrious conspiracy theories at UNCG" yee-hah. Also, more AIDS.

4/24/01 5:55 PM est: Geocities has screwed up all the streaming audio on the music page. The downloads still work, but for how long?!! That's not all, my application to be a UNCG AASC counselor has been lost by the incompetent personal department. This means one of two things a) I will have more time during summer to devote to creative projects like this webpage, because they misplaced my application and when they found it, it was too late, thus resulting in me becoming even more cynical about human nature, businesses ect. b) after stuggling against all odds, I finally get them to accept my application and I get stuck working in a camp I can't stand, resulting in me becoming even more cynical about human nature, businesses ect. c) I mace random people and go to college in Ohio, meet my long-lost soulmate and save the world from democratic elections. Anyway, When I do have some free time, I have 2 new rants/articles in the tube, and community theatre to upload. To tide you over until then, I've added a new song (that doesn't stream) and improved the FAQ.

3/31/01 3:50 PM est: I'm not dead. Instead of uploading the 2 new Raves, Rants, and Bitches that I have, I'm working on more important things. Looks like, for now, Its one update a month, untill further notice. Atleast I'm updateing/changing all the stuff on my cafepress page. Also in other news: Christy Hayden. Funny as a non-literate gastonian can be. Besides me. See also: Little Retard Timmy.

2/8/01 7:50 PM est: Look at this. That pretty funny. Its a bunch of conservative christians spouting off about how horrible certain movies are. They really have a problem with everything. . <sarcasm>It's true, everything is a conspicicy by the devil! Everyone is out to get you! Your only friend should be the CAP guy and the bible! Burn All videotapes!!!</sarcasm> Weilding Biblical quotes totally unrelated to what thier talking about, This dude tells you what God wants you to see. Acording,of course, to the CAP guy, the only one who can decide what God wants They are against reality, It's too violent, sexual, and gennerally dissagreeable to be participated in. I'm probably going to do something with it, probably heathen deconstructionist comedy. I'm tellin' ya, organized religeon is the worst thing to happen to itself. Hey, hey, let the crusades rebegin! "Evolution Sux" Says their hero, William Jennings Byran. For your pleasure, I've put up a review with my comments on it.

2/6/01 8:44 PM est: Tyler's scanner now works, but I can't garentee that I can get to it in the near future. But, the good news is that the AIDS page (really gotta change that name) page is now up, and dig the stuff in there! I'm throwing it up in haste (its 9 or so now, as I've been typing this, I've been uploading and doing other stuff) So expect errors and such. I'll fix them later.

1/27/01 7:34 PM est: After an intermitable wait, there is a new rave, bitch, and rant! Its a good one. I will begin Community Theatre on a differant server. It shall be large and in charge. In other news: Electrode Cat wearing Electrode Hat! find out more in the new rave, bitch, and rant. I've also just found out, in the writings area, Post-Zanadrene Era story is incomplete. I will try and type the 70% of the story that is missing. I'll probably make some improvements. So, Part 2 of Post-Zanadrene Era is in the tube.

1/23/01 4:58 PM est: No news is good news. For a while anyway. I've slightly redesigned the backend and added a new section. It's not funtional right now, so leave a message after the tone.

1/4/01 4:34 PM est: Tyler's scanner is broken. The wait for Mr. Slug will be longer than anticipated. However, I do have a page for old updates. Will there be a new Raves, Rants, Aand Bitches article?! Due to geoshitties webspace constraints, I may have to do some shuffling of log-in names, which will be messy and bothersome. Official stats as of now :

Figure 1.2:
8,168,315 bytes
6,831,685 bytes
Total Allocated:

15,000,000 bytes

In related news: Joe must now go back to school. Less updates, less often. Oh well. Until next time, there is in reality a new Rant, in the form of... complaint against people who sue, in shape of... Welcome to the Sewer.

1/3/01 6:08 PM est: I am not a filthy whore, do not ask me to link (ass kiss) your website in exchange for promotion. I'll get promotion myself, the honorable way.

1/3/01 3:33 PM est: Greetings citizen! Today on a very special episode of Raves, Rants, and Bitches, We will discuss the horror, and the reality, of the highly risky, dangerous and too-close-to-home effects of useing a cell-phone. An episode that the whole family should watch together.

1/1/01 12:03 PM est: Well, Its the new millenium, and I haven't seens a single flying car, PanAm is out of business, but it doesn't matter because theres no spacestation up there anyway. 2 thousand years of human evolution and we're not all living in a giant techno-city in the middle of a desert being ruled by a super-computer. I want my money back! It's 2001 and we don't even have a self aware computer (we have Deep Blue, but its only interested in talking about chess. "Chess this" and "chess that" No fun to talk to at all) However, we do have the item pictured in figure 2000.1.

I spent new years eve sleeping, instead of my traditional habit of trying to convince the neighbors the world is ending, because We have new neighbors, and they're rednecks with guns.

In related news, the art page is now up, anyway, it will be, but there's not much in the way of art there because I don't have a scanner or any other way of getting my art from the paper into the computer. Yes, I have tried jamming it into the floppy drive, but it didn't seem to work. However, I do have a plan to steal borrow Tyler's at least to scan "Mr. Slug" so that csn be up there.. .

There's not even any nudity in it!
There you have it. Mankinds greatest achievement of the 20th century.


12/29/00 6:04 PM est: The FAQ is now up, in the guise of "your humble narrator" so if I hear any questions I'll call you bad names and tell you to go to the FAQ.

12/29/00 2:34 PM est: The Writings page is now up, you can now be amazed, amused, and possibly, appaled, appeased, or Alexander and many other A-words. Exept Anupheliac.

12/28/00 7:28 PM est: I have now added the Eye Catching Bottocks page. Nothing on it works.

12/27/00 6:29 PM est: the music page works for real now, and I have some cosmetic changes to the main page, and to the clowns page. I was quite busy today, and now I feel I have earned a break. I do believe I'll finish the last of the touches-up to the present pages, and leave the rest till tomorrow. Untill then, I'll leave who ever stumbles onto this site with a few goodies. Two really, the Clowned version of an associated press article and the old menu.

12/27/00 5:54 PM est: The music page is now fully compleat and ready to go. Its full of great songs too.

12/27/00 4:19 PM est: The music page is now up after my break, I'm currently working on convertin all the songs and setting them up to stream.

12/27/00 1:45 PM est: Welly, Welly, Well-well, seems our old friend the Clowns In The Front Row site is now up, after much retooling. As soon as I can, I will put up more movies, and also put up movie reviews by the Clowns.

12/27/00 12:42 PM est: The main page is now up. Nothing functional as of now. I will now proceed to created pages and links from thin air, nothing up my sleeve...

Everything (exept the stuff that is not) Copyright Freestanding Nude Media. Questions, Comments? E-mail us.

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