Challenge #1
Submitted By: Lynni

How about a 350 word about Logan's disability, or the solution to it?

Challenge #2
Submitted By: Matt Quinn

A story, any length, involving one of the other escapees from the Manticore project.
There were eleven others besides Max, so there are plenty of nifty possibilities.

Challenge #3
Submitted By: Anna

Logan is at physical therapy away from his apartment. Max gets into his apartment
either by invitation or not, and, snooping, finds an old photo album.  Who's in it? Old
girlfriends, highschool friends, family, Logan's childhood, a trip taken, some of each?
You decide. How does Max feel about what she sees? Explore her thoughts and
feelings.  Does Logan catch her? Please, try to write more than one page.

         Challenge #3 by Lynni
         The Album by DaRkAnGeL041215

Challenge #4
Submitted By: Anna

Have a character tell another a ghost story. As a bonus, make it a "real life" ghost story
you may have heard from friends and neighbors.

Challenge #5
Submitted By: Anna

Have Cindy and/or Kendra remember or have a nightmare about, where
they were when the Pulse hit.

Challenge #6
Submitted By: Anna

Cindy and Kendra swap stories about their lives before the Pulse.

Challenge #7
Submitted By: Anna

Logan dreams he can walk. What does he do?

         Sweet Dreams by Rae

Challenge #8
Submitted By: Anna

A massive storm hits Seattle, rain, snow, ice, whatever. Max must help someone close
to her.

Challenge #9
Submitted By: Anna

Someone decides they can get rich kidnapping and exporting poor or homeless
women and children from the US. Think of a modern slavery ring or of kids shipped
off to be adopted in richer countries. Does Max see one of her friends kidnapped or a
child taken? Does she stop the entire operation or only get it moved from Seattle?
Does she let herself get taken?

Challenge #10
Submitted By: Anna

A serial killer has a field day with all the homeless and poor in Seattle. Max gets
involved. Does she witness the killer stalk a friend or is she stalked herself? You

          Night Stalker [1][2][3] by Matt Quinn

Challenge #11
Submitted By: Anna

Logan gets sick and feverish. What does he say to Max when she tends him?

         Virus by Brooke

Challenge #12
Submitted  By: Lynni

Logan took Max's Tryptohane after serching her apartment in Pilot. What if she finds
something else in of her's in his apartment? She might or might not confront him.

Challenge #13
Submitted  By: Matt Quinn


Describe the events that happened after the Pulse somehow.  Is there war, famine, anarchy, plague?  A worldwide depression?  You decide.

Challenge #14
Submitted  By: Anna

Logan is feverish and delirious. Who comes to stay with him? If it's
Max, who does he think she is? His ex-wife? His Mom? What does he say to her? If
it's not her, who is it and what does he reveal to them? Is it Zack? What
would he say to Zack if he were delirious? What would he say to Bling (or
Blaine, as someone mentioned Closed Captioning says) or to the delivery person who
happened to stop by and felt bad for him? The delivery person could
possibly be someone from Jam Pony, or a stranger from a rival delivery service.
Or, does he just relive his past, or live out his hopes and dreams, or his nightmares
(like never being able to walk again)? You have the power. Follow your muse!

Minimum length is 500 words, or two handwritten pages. Try to be as detailed as
possible. Describe sights, sounds, smells, emotions, and everything else.

         Virus by Brooke

Challenge #15
Submitted  By: Anna

Write a DA drabble.  A drabble is a fic that is EXACTLY 100 words long.  It can be
about any subject. Or, if you want more of a challenge, pick one of the themes listed

-Logan/Max romance
-Zack's first thoughts when he saw Max in Seattle
-Zack's first thoughts when he realized Max stayed for Logan
-Max's thoughts when she saw Zack in Seattle
-What did Logan really want to say about his relationship with Max
when he told Zack he didn't know what they had?
-What would Logan give Max for Christmas or vice versa?
-Orginal Cindy has a date.

         Truth Revealed by Michelle T
         Christmas Gift by Michelle T

Challenge #16
Submitted  By: Anna

Secret admirer challenge: A character has a secret admirer. Is it a
a stalker a murderer?

         The Rose by Myth13

Challenge #17
Submitted  By: Anna

Have a character tell a child a story or explain something complex to them (i.e., a
death in the family, moving out of town, why the sun sets.)  Keep in mind that the
language used to speak to a child is usually very simple-not baby talk, but short, very
understandable words.  They could explain the Pulse or why life is like it is. Max
could drop off a very young Manticore trainee--from a current program--and Max
could explain why things have happened to the child.

Challenge #18
Submitted  By: Anna

Challenge:A natural disaster strikes and your characters must cope.  Use any
disaster, flood, hurricane, tornado, earthquake, blizzard, volcano, melting polar ice
caps, asteroid...
How does your character react?  Do they save themselves or help others?  Hide or
organize relief efforts?  Explore the character's personality.  How people react to
stress tells a lot about them.

Challenge #19
Submitted  By: Anna

Have a character struck dumb (can't talk) and either blind or deaf.  How do they
communicate? It would be interesting if it were Max or Zack--people not used to
being less than perfect.

Challenge #20
Submitted  By: Anna

Rear Window Challenge

Something happens that Logan is virtually helpless to fix. Usually, he helps by using
his computer system. He can't use it in this story. Is there a power outage that affects
his systems? Does he see something happen to Max, or Kendra or Cindy or Bling?
Does something happen to him that he has to get out of? Try not to have Max come to
the rescue. Let Logan use his wits and other resources to get out of it. If you want, he
could even be trapped in an elevator with one of the other characters and a mugger, or
he could be trapped in a glass elevator at the mall witnessing something happen below,
or he could be stuck in his apartment, watching something happen in the next building
over or on the street below. He doesn't have to get out of it, either. You could just
document what he sees, how he feels and how he deals with it.

Minimum word count is 500. Hey, it's only two handwritten pages!

Challenge #21
Submitted  By: meg

A X-flies/ Dark Angel crossover- mabey Mulder and Scully are invitagating the
Minticore project- do they contact Loagan? does he trust them? Does max trust them?
Do they have any additional info for Max? the longer the better.

Challenge #22
Submitted  By: Anna

How about writing a fic in which Max gets in a motorcycle accident? She broadsides a
pickup that has run a stop sign and ends up in the hospital for a year after breaking
nearly every bone in her body?  This would be a good AU story. Max would have to
deal with being helpless and human. Would she push Logan, et al. away because she
doesn't feel good enough anymore?  Who would stand by her?  Would Lydecker find
her? Would she lose some of her 'powers'? I've often wondered if the writers will give
her a steel plated head because she rides recklessly on wet streets all the time.

Or some variation of this.

Challenge #23
Submitted  By: Anna

Have a character struck dumb (can't talk) and either blind or deaf.  How do they
communicate? How did they get that way? It would be cool if it were Max because
she's not used to being helpless, but it doesn't have to be. It could be Lydecker or Zack
after his helicopter crash.

Challenge #24
Submitted  By: Anna

A main character wins a cruise or a trip to another country or to Alaska. Does a storm
come up? Who do they take with them? Is it a "theme" ship, i.e., a murder mystery
cruise or a Disney World or a Star Trek cruise? How did they win this trip? Is it a trap
or an assignment? Are they accidentally on board when the ship leaves? Is it a
temporary job or were they on board to steal something? It could be any of the DA
characters. Wouldn't it be funny if, for some reason, either Max or Original Cindy got
stuck on the ship with Normal? He could have a ticket and they might not? Hmm.
Does the ship sink or does everything go smoothly? Is it romantic or funny or
scary--hey they have "horror show" cruises.

Challenge #26
Submitted  By: Anna

I know, I know. This one struck me as I was watching Stargate.

Write a crossover between DA and something else: TV show, book, movie...You can
include time travel if you need to to get the story to work. Maybe Max goes back in
time, or through the Stargate. Here are a few suggestions. These are just shows I
would love to see crossed over, but use your own if you don't like these.

Dr. Who
Stargate SG-1
Due South
Earth 2
The movie The Postman with Kevin Costner
The movie The Road Warrior

Any takers?

Challenge #25
Submitted  By: Anna

Write the most romantic DA fic you can. The catch? The happy couple cannot see
each other or be in the same room. They can do things for each other, set things up,
send things to each other or speak on the phone, but they cannot get together. Make it
as romantic as you can.  Be as detailed as you can. What spells romance to you? What
sights, sounds, smells, emotions?

Make this at least 500 words--2 handwritten pages.

Challenge #26
Submitted By: J4Ccinnamint

It's the Pulse all over again, and Logan is bored. He askes Max to go out for a day. Then...
a)She refuses. He hangs out at Jam Pony, since the Pulse2 hasn't affected it much, and talks to her friends. You finish.
b)She accepts, but something goes wrong during their day. You finish.

Challenge #27
Submitted By: J4Ccinnamint

A "sibling" turns up, but he/she's mutated from their experiences (physically or mentally... or both). You finish.

Challenge #28
Submitted By: J4Ccinnamint

Max ius out to find her mother, but she doesn't want to leave Logan alone. She figures out where she is, and goes after her. You finish.

Challenge #29
Submitted By: Anna

Beach Challenge
Send a DA character to the beach!
Adapt this exercise to the Dark Angel universe. Have a character visit a beach, alone or not. Turn it into a short story.

Beaches are unique places. Some have rocks, some have sand that looks like snow. All tend to smell like fish, or salt or snow. Write about a beach you've been to. Describe it in detail. Close your eyes and imagine you're standing there, on the last beach you've visited. What do you see? How does it smell? How does it make you feel? Is it summer or fall, raining or hot and sunny? What's happening--romance, solitary reflection, fishing, action?

Challenge #30
Submitted By: Anna

Real Life Challenge: Make a scene from a physical or verbal fight you've
had in real life. Include your feelings. Use characters from the show, or add
your own to the DA universe.

Challenge #31
Submitted By: Anna

Classics Challenge: Read Bible stories or classics (Shakespeare, Dickens,
Frank Herbert, MZB, etc.) Can you change them up or make them more
modern? How does this change the stories/characters? Can you translate them
into a fanfic story? For example: David and Goliath suggests a Logan against
a bad guy scene to me. Max is too much like Goliath herself. Hmm, another
possibility. Hamlet's "seeing daddy's ghost" thing has been done a lot, but
it still suggests a "momma died because of the Sector Police" type story. 

Challenge #32
Submitted By: Anna

Wishful Thinking Challenge: Write a scene about something that you wish
could've happened to you, but it happens to someone in Dark Angel.

Challenge #33
Submitted By: Anna

Toilet Brush Challenge:  Use these in a story

Toilet bowl brush
Ice cream
Heavy wind
A baby

Challenge #34
Submitted By: Anna

Massage Challenge: Use these in a story

A massage
Baby oil
Chocolate pudding
A crowd of people

Challenge #35
Submitted By: Anna

First Line Challenge:
Use one of these lines from published novels as the first line in a story:

-1 It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.-A Tale of Two

-2 She sits in the corner, trying to draw air out of a room which seemed
to have plenty just a few minutes ago and now seems to have none.-Rose Madder

-3 We are all of us, it has been said, the children of immigrants and
foreigners-even the American Indian, although he arrived here a little
earlier.-Sackett's Land

-4 The window of the bus was a dark square against the featureless

-5 The landing gear was almost the least of their worries; but it made a
serious problem in getting in and out.-Darkover Landfall.

-6 So this was a psychiatrist's waiting room.-Yargo.

-7 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.-The Bible. 

Challenge #36
Submitted By: Anna

Heart Challenge
Use these in a story:
A candy heart, hot air balloon, cartoon character, strip tease, alarm clock. 

Challenge #37
Submitted By: Anna

Continuation Challenge
Continue one of these:

-She slipped back into the living shadows, longing and trepidation at war in her heart.
-The mud and water cascaded down around her, swallowing the very air.
-He used his fingertips to softly stroke the contours of his true love's face, taking care not to wake her.
-"I will NEVER surrender!" he shouted and fell to his knees.
-"This is where I watched you die," she whispered.
-I am death incarnate. I am vengeance.
-For years, I felt dirty, like I couldn't wash enough.
-She stared up into the concerned eyes of her lover, falling deeper and deeper, until she let go.
-"Fine," she snapped, "no more sex."
-"I do," he said.
-Giving him a playful smile, she stepped into the rainbow of light and vanished. 

Challenge #38
Submitted By: Anna

Someone is watching home movies. It can be one character or more. Someone
could show another person's home movies as a joke at a party. Or one person
could relive their past.

Challenge #39
Submitted By: Sweet_Lady

Have Max in a situation where she is ALMOST raped. No NC-17 stuff. Is it a setup by Lydecker? How would Logan react? What would happen to Max's mental state?

Challenge #40
Submitted by: Anna

Write a Valentine's Day fic where two people meet and find, even though they may not be romantic, they get along VERY well.  The catch? It can't be two people you expect, no Max/Logan.  What about Normal/Kendra or Lydia/OC?

Challenge #41
Submitted by: Anna

Write a fic where Max and Logan never appear. Use only background characters, such as Lydia and Sketchy at home, Herbal and his wife, Lydecker off duty... use your imagination!

Challenge #42
Submitted by: Anna

Re-write a short story you've written from a different point of view. For example, if you wrote a story with Max's point of view, but Kendra or Logan are in it, re-write it with their point of view. 

Challenge #43
Submitted by: Katherine Lee

Write a story where Max and Logan get stuck in an elevator together. It could be in Logan's building, or while on a mission to save the world.  Explore revelations of how they feel about each other and even the possibility of sex. Be as creative as you like as to why the elevator stops, as long or as short as you like.

Challenge #44
Submitted by: Anna

In the episode "Female Trouble" Logan sells a painting that his mother left
him. Explore the reasons why his mother wanted him to have it. It would
probably work best from her point of view, or in a letter she wrote that
accompanied the painting after she died. Or, maybe she spoke to Logan about
the painting when he was a small boy.

Challenge #45
Submitted by: Anna

It's a hot summer day in Seattle. There are popcicles and lemonade all
around. Logan finds a pool or a lawn with a sprinkler. Who's invited to the
party? Is it a BBQ? A romantic picnic? A potluck dinner? Is it at his cabin
or in a city park? Are they celebrating something wonderful or just enjoying
a nice summer day? Have fun with this!

Challenge #46
Submitted by: Anna

Have someone connive to get two people under mistletoe. The planner can be
one of the people to end up under the mistletoe. As you may remember,
traditionally, anyone standing under mistletoe is supposed to be kissed for
good luck. Examples of this story could be: Have Bling try to get Max and
Logan to kiss, have Logan try to get Bling to kiss someone, have Max try to
get Original Cindy to kiss Natalie, get the picture? Have fun!

Challenge #47
Submitted by: Anna

Days of the Week Challenge: Write a fic that takes place over the course of a week. Each day, the name of the day has to be mentioned. It can be on a wall calendar, a person's name, or during conversation, whatever. Have fun!

Challenge #48
Submitted by: Anna

They say people go crazy when there's a full moon. Write a full moon night in

Challenge #49
Submitted by: Anna

One of the character's is dreaming of their childhood. It would be
interesting if it was a character other than Max or Zack. Is the dream happy,
tender, or sad? Is it frightening, triumphant or revealing? You decide. Enjoy!

Challenge #50
Submitted by: Anna

Water Challenge: Write a short story in which a large amount of water is a major factor in the
story. Does a freak flood prevent Max from completing an assignment for
Logan? Does the flood mean Max has to rescue someone? Or, is someone
trapped/held hostage on a boat in the ocean, or is a barge about to explode
with OC and Sketchy inside? You decide. Be inventive, go wild!

Challenge #51
Submitted by: Anna

Write about Zack and Tinga in Canada. Does he get her a new identity? Do they
stay together a while? Include how they celebrate the X-5 escape anniversary

Challenge #52
Submitted by: Anna

Max is making a birthday cake for Logan. Make this funny, happy, frustrating,
romantic, whatever. I have this image of her with flour and cocoa all over
her. Have fun!

Challenge #53
Submitted by: Anna

April Fools Challenge: Write an April Fools Day story. Have someone play a
joke on another character. Try to use someone unexpected, but you don't have

Challenge #54
Submitted by: Anna

Spring Challenge: Write about spring. Is your character happy to hear the
music of the melting ice or dismayed that they can't go snowmobiling until
next year? What does Spring mean to them?

Challenge #55
Submitted by: Anna

Favorite First Line Challenge: Write a story using your favorite line from
a book or a song as the first sentence.

Challenge #56
Submitted by: Anna

Easter Challenge: Include these in a story:

  The Easter Bunny - real or imagined
  an Easter egg hunt
  Church services
  a pack of Dachshunds

Challenge #57
Submitted by: Anna

Write a story including the following: Fireworks reflected on water a barbecue party with lots of food dancing a Dachshund or two

Challenge #58
Submitted by: Anna

Write a story in which the characters learn the meaning of true freedom. Perhaps Max, or Logan or a young X5 reflect on what freedom means.

Challenge #59
Submitted by: Anna

Original Cindy has a slumber party. Include jammies, music, a whipped cream fight, a power outage and anything else that strikes your fancy. It doesn't have to be sexual at all, unless you want it to be. I have a mental image of most of the people from Jam Pony being invited, for some unknown reason and Normal has on glow in the dark boxers with duckies on them. LOL!

Challenge #60
Submitted by: Anna

Since you all respond so wonderfully to these challenges, I have another unusual one for you. Please, read the instructions carefully. If you like this, I'll post more of this type.

I'm going to give you three words to include in a story. When you read the words, you're to write what comes into your head immediately and to write as fast as you can without stopping to edit for five minutes straight. So, don't read the words unless you have the time. You can edit your opening after you finish.

ANY one of the words MUST be the very first word in the very first paragraph. The other two words MUST appear in the first paragraph in some form--you can add ly, ed, ing, ...whatever. After that you can write anything you want.

Try to get into a Dark Angel mindset before you start so that when you read the words, you'll get a Dark Angel story. Hopefully, I haven't scared you all away because this is actually a very easy exercise. It's good for beginners because you have something to work with and, by writing as fast as you can, you don't have time to criticize yourself.

Below are your words. Use them in any order....

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Fire Certainty Clock

Challenge #61
Submitted by: Anna

Hi! Thought I'd inspire you all with a new five minute story challenge. This time you will have a phrase to use. It was posted years ago to the Due South fic list and I'm borrowing it.

Challenge: 1. Don't look at the phrase until you have enough time to write for at least five minutes. You must use the phrase, exactly as stated, somewhere in your story.

2. Write for NO LESS THAN 5 minutes. If you want to write longer, that's okay.

3. Write whatever comes into your head when you read the phrase. Write as fast as you can without worrying about grammar, spelling, etc., until AFTER you stop writing. Then you can go back and fix it if you want to. Give your story a rating and post it if you want.

4. Have fun!

Your phrase is below.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

Phrase is: First zip, then fasten.

Challenge #62
Submitted by:

Challenge: have our favorite couple (Logan and Max) go to a Cale family social occasion and meet a x-8 (or any other later model of x). have problems occur (pregnancy, seizures) the x-8 could crash at Logan's, and witness the growing Max/Logan relationship. a minimum of 500 words. have fun!

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