Title: Challenge #3  
: Lynni
Rating:  G
Spoilers:   unknown
Summary: Max does some snooping
Not mine...

Response to Challenge #3 by Anna at Dark Angel Archives. Lorgance is a real name, but I think it's cruel to name a
kid that.

"Logan?! Hell-o, the hitgirl needs to be fed!" Max hollered as she burst into Logan's apartment.
 She saw note on the mantle and picked it up. 
Max- Sorry, the hospital changed my therapy, so I'll be about an hour late. Make yourself comfortable, but I'm taking inventory of all my Egyptian art when I get back. -Logan.
"Real nice, Captain America, I have a job, too, ya'know." Max muttered as she plopped herself in front of his TV. 
The ups of being a squatter meant no rent, the downs meant no cable. She checked his cable listings and grimaced. How many variations of the Discovery Channel can one guy get? she wondered. Max walked back to the kitchen to make herself a sandwich. She noticed a photograph album on the counter. 
The Cales was embossed in gold lettering on the front. Max opened it. The first picture was a smiling and obviously wealthy young woman holding a blue bundle. Angela and Lorgance Feb. 10, 1997. Lorgance? Max thought incredulously. She turned the page. The same young woman was know holding a pink bundle, and a tousle-haired toddler being held up to see in by a man who must have been his father. Jack, Angela, Lorgance(Logan), and Corynne, June 26, 2000. Max smiled sadly. Logan's family was perfect. In comparision to her's, at least. Page after page of vacations, Logan and Corynne's first days of school. Then, on the next-to-last page, there was a funeral announcement. To honor the late Mr. John, Mrs. Angela, and Corynne Cale at 12 p.m.  September 6, 2015. Max frowned. She'd never heard what happened to Logan's family. What must be Logan's eulogy was pasted next to the invitation. 
My mother, father, and sister lost their lives for refusing to aid a cover-up. My mother was going to testify. The bomb on that plane was not accidental, and if not for the common cold, I would have died in that crash too. 
"Max? Are you in here? I left a note-" Logan stopped abruptly as he saw what Max was looking at. 
"They're why I started Eyes Only. Terrorist bomb on a flight to New York to see my grandmother. I got sick. 133 people went down with them." He said sadly, gesturing at the speech. 
"And I just thought you were yet another government-conspiracy lunatic." Max said. 
"I bet they miss you." Logan looked depressed. 
"Well, anyway, I found some encoded files that are a fairly old military encryption, you might know what it is" 
Max grinned wickedly. "Do tell- Lorgance."

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