Title: Night Stalker 
By: : Matt Quinn
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: no real spoilers (it takes place between "Cold Comfort" and "Blah Blah Woof Woof")
Summary: A serial killer is terrorizing Seattle, killing and mutilating all he encounters.  Max and Logan get involved and all sorts of surprises happen.  Old friends and old enemies return and a new chapter in the lives of those who fled Manticore is written.
Disclaimer:  Not mine...

Part 2

Streets of Seattle, 12:00 AM

"Now what?" Johnny asked. "We're likely to pick up some seriously unpleasant company soon.
Do you know anywhere safe?" Johnny continued to hold the gas pedal to the floor, sending the car
hurtling along at more than seventy miles an hour. If it wasn't for the fact that they were the only car out
on the road at this time of night, Johnny would have caused an accident. Max looked in the rear-view
mirror. Nobody was following them, yet.

"I think I know where we can go that's safe," Max said.

"Where?" Johnny asked anxiously.

"Lydecker will expect us to go to ground, to places where there are either large numbers of
people or very few people. Such places as the areas under the docks, old warehouses, extremely
crowded nightclubs, or squatter communities. They won't expect us to be hiding the in the apartment of
one of Seattle's wealthiest philanthropists, now will they?"

Logan's Penthouse, 12:12 AM

"Hello?" Max said. "Anybody home?" She and Johnny had just walked in, unannounced, as
Max usually did. Logan was probably unaware of Max's old friend, but would be extremely interested
in him once he knew.

"Evening Max," Logan called from his computer room. "What brings you here at this time of
night?" Max had no idea what hours Logan kept, but this seemed kind of late. She hadn't been sent on
any little errands for some time, which were the usual causes of Logan's not sleeping.

"Lydecker problems. I don't think his army of Black Ops people will come looking for us in the
home of one of Seattle's rich and fashionable."

Logan wheeled himself out to meet them. He saw Max, who was expected, and someone else
whom he did not know. The new arrival was slightly taller than Max, was thin and rather muscular, had
short dark hair and silvery eyes. When he saw Johnny, he raised an eyebrow. He wasn't used to
having Max bring half-clothed, scarred young men into his penthouse late at night.

"Logan, this is Johnny. Johnny, this is Logan Cale, a friend of mine."

"Evening," Johnny said nonchalantly. "Nice place."

"I've heard of you and Manticore. Nice to meet you," he said politely. He wanted to get off on
the right foot with this X-5 escapee, unlike the last one. Johnny's eyes locked on Logan and he tensed,
almost as if he was going into attack mode. Max turned toward him.

"Relax," she said reassuringly. "He's a friend."

"Not many people know about Manticore," Johnny said. "Most of those who do are enemies.
How do I know this character is not one of Lydecker's agents or some kind of traitor?"

"If I was one of Lydecker's goons," Logan said. "I would have laid some kind of trap. I would
have also not have interfered with Lydecker's communications network when Lydecker was hunting
Max on Sedro Island some time ago. I don't like that evil bastard any more than you do."

"Can you prove this?" Johnny asked. "Some of us don't trust those who know too much about
the past."

"He jam up some of Lydecker's equipment, throwing off his pursuit of me. He's also helped
Zack and I kidnap Lydecker some time ago."

Johnny's eyes went wide. "You kidnapped him?"

"Got him just as he left an ADAP meeting. The guy's a reformed alcoholic. We interrogated him
rather brutally, trying to get him to tell us where Brin was. It turns out that he had no idea who took her
and that we were abusing someone who, for once, was innocent. As you know, we joined forces to
rescue Brin but Lydecker double-crossed us. I thought at first he wanted to sell us to the Chinese along
with Brin, to secure his retirement, but he just wanted us and the renegades in one place so he could
deal with us all together with his small army of Black Ops types. You already know what happened
with Brin."

"One third of us have been taken," Johnny said sadly. "Where's Zack?"

"I don't know. I think he'll be lingering in the area though. If you want to see him, go look for
him. However, he's said over and over again that staying together is too dangerous so he might not
want to be found."

"Well," Logan said. "I know Max fairly well and I know a little about Zack, but what about you?
What's your history?"

"Why do you want to know?" Johnny asked, voice terse. He was suspicious about the outsider's
interest in him.

"Before I met Max, I had heard about Manticore from my contacts in the military and from
various rumors. The military people reported a massive manhunt going on in the western half of the
USA for twelve 'gifted children' just before the Pulse and of a man named Lydecker who led the
manhunt. During the last days of the post-Pulse anarchy, I heard of children, teenagers whose only
distinguishing characteristics were their dependency on Tryptophan and the barcodes on their necks
and sometimes were soldiers in the militia forces. They had supernatural combat skills and many of
them wanted to know about others of their kind. When Max paid me a visit one night, I knew the

"When Zack was sixteen, he joined with the Army of the Northwest and fought in their campaign
to destroy some kind of drug smuggling/white slavery network," Max said. "He didn't go into much
detail but he said they made him one of their field commanders because of his great talent. He left them
after the Federals pacified the last of the major bandit forces and he thought they were getting too

"Back to the subject," Logan said. "Johnny, what have you been up to?"

"When we escaped Manticore, we split up. Zack insisted that everyone go to the major cities
and split up, lessening the chances of recapture. I wanted to go through the northern forests, possibly
into Canada where they couldn't do anything to me anymore. I though it would be hard for them to find
one person in those vast woodlands." He shuddered, remembering ancient pain. "I was wrong. It took
them two months, but they tracked me down and took me back. I don't think I even got close to
Canada; probably didn't even leave the state."

"They tortured him," Max said. "Knowing Lydecker, probably in various horrible ways."

Johnny still hadn't stopped shuddering, but he could still speak. "You don't want to knowwhat
that bastard did to me. I can still see it, in my waking nightmares."

"As I said earlier," Max said. "Apparently, when deprived of Tryptophan, he goes into some
kind of hallucinatory psychosis." Johnny's statement took on a questioning tone at that, but he didn't
ask about it. Instead, he described his drug problem.

"I ran out of Trytophan six weeks ago, when I came to Tacoma," Johnny said. "I can't
remember too much since then, other than waking to find myself covered in blood in places I can't
remember going to. All that's interlaced with visionsof the horrible things." Johnny began trembling
again, eyes looking everywhere as though he expected to be attacked by something.

Max put her arm around his shoulder, trying to comfort him. Logan raised an eyebrow, looking
straight at Johnny. "Johnny, the blood you found on yourself came from people you killed. I have
reason to suspect you may be the Night Stalker, Seattle's latest serial killer and media publicity cow."
Johnny's eyes went wide at this.

"I'vekilled people? Innocents?"

"Johnny was always very moral," Max said quickly.

"Sorry," Logan said. "Of course, if you were in some kind of far-out mental state at the time, you
really can't be held legally or morally responsible for that. If you take regular doses of Tryptophan, as
you apparently have, you seem like a model human being." Johnny eyes got wider at that, but he
remained calm.

"Well," he said, forcing himself to smile. "Now what? We've been here conversing for what
seems like at least an hour and I wonder if Lydecker's hunt has died down."

"His hunt is eternal," Max said. "But his immediate search through the city won't end until at least
daybreak. Thankfully, we parked the Hummer down the street from the building so even if Lydecker's
people found it, they won't think to look here."

Logan shrugged. "Perhaps then, you two should stay here for the night. I have a guest room
which you two could use."

"Thanks," Max said. "Well, what should we do? Sit around all night and watch movies and eat

"Well, I'd like to hear a bit more about Johnny and his life," Logan said. "I find myself craving
knowledge about Manticore."

Johnny smiled a bit. "One of Lydecker's aims is probably to keep knowledge of Manticore from
getting too far. The more who know it, the better."

"Maybe I should run a Streaming Freedom video on Manticore some day. You, Zack, and
Johnny could star in it. It will give Lydecker and his goons quite a fright, possibly rousing enough public
opinion against the whole project to make Lydecker give up. After all, public opinion in 2000 stopped
Vice President Al Gore from litigating his way into the White House."

"Lydecker's not some Washington politico, he's a heartless monster," Johnny said tersely.

"He seems almost like some kind of warped father figure," Max said. "I can't believe I'm
defending him, but he seemed to display genuine dislike of the concept of Brin being sold to the
Chinese and he refers to us as 'his kids', plus he seems to feel some guilt about killing Eva during the
escape. He even invited me to come back to Manticore of my own free will, to 'come home'. To top it
off, he seemed to show genuine concern for Brin's well-being when she came down with the weird
genetic disease. I still think he's a warped little sicko, however."

"Lydecker is Satan, the Antichrist, and Hitler all rolled into one," Johnny said. "I don't care if he
calls me his personal idol and the greatest visionary of the 21st Century, I still hate him."

"There was a movie character George Lucas invented for his Star Wars films during the late 20th
and early 21st centuries whose named meant "Dark Father" in Dutch. Darth Vader, I think he called
him. Lydecker might be a real-life version of this guy, without the breath-mask and the laser sword and
all," Logan cut in, half-smiling. He thought he would bowl them over with his extreme knowledge of old

Johnny ignored him. "Max, perhaps we should try to kill him."

"When Zack and I kidnapped him, it caused all sorts of trouble and that was at an ADAP
meeting. He's likely to be more careful now; heck he might not even leave his forward base anymore.
An attack on the Federal Building when it's on alert like it is now would be suicidal."

Meeting Room, 12:45 AM

"I'm tired and that means my judgement is going to have lapses," Lydecker said angrily, "but I'm
still right. Alan, how in the hell didn't you beat them? You're bigger and stronger than they are, and all
your potential genetic flaws have been corrected." He faced Alan across the table of the meeting room,
the two locked in a combat debriefing.

"I don't know, sir. However, remind me next time to make sure that Max doesn't kick me in the
balls, sir," Alan said. "That pretty much ended the fight right there, sir."

"Women," Lydecker sighed in a grossly exaggerated fashion. "They so love to do that in fights."

"Sir, permission to join the hunting team requested."

"Not entirely yes or no, Alan. I'll need your knowledge of their character to track them and
predict their movements from here, but I can position you on teams that are likely to catch them when
we start getting close. My conventional troops are never a match for them, even with the advantage of
surprise and greater numbers."

"Perhaps we should use the older Hydra warriors to catch them," Alan said. "They're older than
the Manticore people and are less genetically advanced, but they're more of a match for them than
conventional Special Forces."

Lydecker smiled at his protégé. "That's a good idea, Alan. I'll have to call up General Kelly,
who's in charge of Hydra, and see if I can borrow some of his people."

Logan's Penthouse, 2:56 AM

Logan had finally given in and went to bed. This left Max and Johnny sitting next to each other in
Logan's plush living room, which looked out over the city. Logan had loaned Johnny some of his
clothes, which fit the X-5 escapee surprisingly well. The man was now wearing pair of jeans and an old
T-shirt advertising the Seattle Mariners. Johnny seemed to have gone into a more pensive mood,
staring intently at the mahogany table across from the two of them. Max was concerned with Johnny's
mood changes; they might precede another bout of hallucinatory psychosis.

"There were twelve of us free, you know," Johnny said. "Now there are only eight. A third of us
have been taken by Lydecker, back to Manticore. Makes one conscious of his or her own mortality,
doesn't it? Knowing that at any second the black helicopters or black Humm-Vees of Lydecker's
goon squad could come crashing down on us at any minute."

"Or perhaps one of our 'siblings,' brainwashed into fighting against us," Max said. "You never
know. Perhaps next time Lydecker comes for us, it will be with Rick or Jeri or even Brin as his

"Irony bites," Johnny said morosely. He seemed more lost and depressed than usual, even
though that night was the first time Max had seen him in a decade. Max put her arm around his
shoulder, to reassure him a bit. Johnny leaned a bit closer. "Thanks for caring," he said simply. "It helps
brighten the sad parts."

A few seconds passed. "Ah, what the hell," Johnny said, suddenly brightening. "Let's raid the
rich guy's wines and have a little party. I don't think he'll mind, now would he? Besides, all this talk
about Lydecker and our captured 'siblings' and our own mortality royally sucks. Well, what do you

"I don't think so," Max said. "Logan would appreciate being asked first, but he's asleep now
and he wouldn't appreciate being woken up. You'd like him to show you just as much respect, now
would you?"

"Yep," Johnny said. "Oh well, then what?"

Roof of the Kelly P. Freeman Federal Building, 5:00 AM

The enormous Chinook came in for a landing atop the Kelly P. Freeman Federal Building at
exactly 5:00 AM and Lydecker was there to meet them. As the back doors opened up and seven
figures in black emerged, the Colonel smiled. "Thanks, General," Lydecker said into the cellular phone
he had.

"Any time, Deck," the General said. "These guys will help you quite a bit with tracking down
your two runaways. Send them back once they're finished."

"Yes sir." The first of the Hydra warriors had walked up to him. "Reporting for duty, sir," the
man in black said. He had silvery eyes like Johnny, but the color was not natural. Rather, it was the
result of cybernetic augmentation that gave him increased visual acuity and longer sight range.

"You've arrived on time, soldier," Lydecker said. "Find a place for you and your team. We'll be
ready to go in the morning."

Logan's Residence, 7:15 AM

"Well," Max said. "I've got to go to work this morning." The two had simply been "hanging out"
for the past several hours, with very little to do. She got up from the sofa and set off for the door.
Johnny simply stayed where he was.

"Have fun," he said. As soon as he had left, he began thinking. Before he ran out of Trytophan,
he had to take a pill on average once every few days to prevent his seizures. He had always stopped
the seizures very early on, so he had no clue until a few hours ago that left untreated, his seizures could
progress into insane killing sprees. He'd have to get Tryptophan in order to avoid killing innocents and
he'd have to get money in order to buy Trytophan, but in order to get the money, he'd have to get a
job. Not an easy proposition in a city patrolled by a psychotic military officer who knew every detail of
one's appearance. However, the consequences of another prolonged period without the drug were
worse than risking one's freedom in order to work.

Jam Pony X-Press, 7:30 AM 

"My, Miss Dependable is in right on time," Normal said as Max walked in. "Don't sneak off
again like you did earlier."

"Extenuating circumstances," Max told him. Normal looked nonplussed at Max.

"Read my lips, no new work breaks," he said, wagging his finger in characteristic George
Herbert Walker Bush fashion.

"Will you break that promise as fast as your idol did?" Max asked.

"He was a good President," Normal called. "He managed the Gulf War well! Everyone makes
mistakes at least once!"

"De Most High says to forget whad is behind and focus on what is in de future," Herbal said,
swooping down the stairs in all his sartorial splendor. "And Normal, de Bob Marley Memorial Concert
is in three days. Can I get off work?"

"Can I get off work on June 12th?" Normal asked. "Or will the business disintegrate without my
expert leadership?"

"Brothers and sisters, is it not righteous to let de workers have breaks?" Herbal asked.

"Hours are 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM," Normal said. "And you get a lot of breaks simply due to the
rate of package delivery. So don't whine about how overworked you are. It'd be a lot more strict if
Mr. Sivapapa whatever was in charge."

Sketchy, who had been standing in the corner near the bikes, broke down laughing. "What?"
Normal said, perturbed. "What's so funny about Mr. Sivapapasudaraman?" Sketchy cracked up even
more and Normal scratched his head. "You guys are weird. Now, if we're all here and we're all
bored, let's get started a little early."

Everyone groaned.

Port Districts, 8:00 AM

Johnny walked down the street, eyes alert. Although he needed a job in order to keep himself in
food and Tryptophan, he also needed to avoid Lydecker's soldiers. Therefore, although he kept an
eye out for businesses that operated along the waterfront, he also listened for Humm-Vee or helicopter
engines. He had already fenced Lydecker's Humm-Vee for $6,000 to chauffeur service, which had set
right to work painting fanciful dragons on the sides, but that money wouldn't last. When he had last
purchased Tryptophan, it cost him $100 for fifty pills and that was in Las Vegas, which was close to
some chemical plants. Seattle, which was known for being a trading center and oil refining area, would
only have the needed drug at a much higher price, if at all. That, plus food and lodging, would eat up
money quickly.

"Excuse me," he asked a vendor who seemed to have his hands full serving several customers at
once. "I need a job. Do you have any openings?"

"Not now, too busy!" the man, a short, bony looking character, shouted in a loud Russian
accent. "Find someone else!" The man stopped talking and continued to shove large bratwursts in the
direction of his clients. At least this guy had customers; most of the nearby shops were deserted.

"My, what manners go around these days," Johnny sighed, then continued walking along the port
district. "Jobs are scarcer then hen's teeth around here." He looked towards a series of stalls in a
covered market, but there were very few customers and the vendors looked bored, indicated that
nobody had shown any interest in awhile. He looked around a bit, hoping to see something that might
lead him in his search for employment, but something else caught his eye instead. That something else
was a bit out of place and could signal trouble.

It was a tall man in dark military garb who had strange silvery eyes. He carried a compact Uzi
pistol, which looked to be fully automatic. The man was following him. He looked around a bit more
and saw two more moving downward from a side street. This signaled trouble. He began walking
down the street at a faster clip, hoping to get away from them.

"Colonel Lydecker," one of them said into his radio. "We've found this 'Johnny' but we believe
he's spotted us."

"Corner him somewhere and incapacitate him," Lydecker's voice said from the other end. "Then
radio me with your location. Try to take him in a group; this guy's engineering is a full generation ahead
of yours."

"Yes, sir," the soldier said, agreeing only with the orders and not Lydecker's opinions. The
cybernetic devices that augmented his major muscle groups, acting as extra muscular power and
serving to keep his existing muscles in good condition, never tired and never weakened. The Manticore
troops, who had been designed for speed and stealth more so than raw physical power, would be
hard-pressed to bring down one of the Hydra warriors.

Near the Space Needle, 8:10 AM

"Here's your package and thank you for patronizing Jam Pony X-Press," Max said cheerfully to
the man who leaned against the light pole. "Don't hurt yourself with it now." She knew that the delivery
was a gun of some kind; she could tell by the noises it made inside its box. She didn't like guns; they
brought up too many bad memories.

"Don't worry, young lady," the kindly-looking old man said. "It's only a precaution. With the
crime rate up and the police as unreliable as they are these days, one should be prepared. Besides, I
know how to use these things." He ran his fingers through his thinning white hair and smiled. "Good
luck with your job." He turned and walked away. For a man his age, his movements were surprisingly

"Thank you, sir," Max said and pedaled away from him. She had two more packages to deliver
on the early-morning part of her job. As she drove down the road, she didn't notice the two men with
silvery eyes standing by an old sign. One of them talked into a walkie-talkie as he saw her and the two
set off at a fast clip in pursuit.

Port Districts, 8:12 AM

Johnny looked behind him to see the small group of silvery-eyed troops in hot pursuit. He looked
around him to see a possible way to get away from these people without attracting undue attention,
especially from the sector police standing next to the light tank on the corner. He saw an alleyway and
began walking towards it, keeping an eye on the mysterious pursuers. They turned with eerie
synchronization and began following him.

He began walking and they picked up the pace just enough to keep the ratio of movement the
same. Their slightly faster pace was carrying them closer and closer to him. He entered the alleyway
and leaped up onto the wall, then pushed off before he could drop so that he ended up leaping to the
opposite wall, then repeated the process a la Jackie Chan until he was on the roof of one of the
buildings. He then took off running down the long roof.

Two of Johnny's pursuers clambered up the wall behind him and took off in pursuit. One of them
leaped, his legs moving in a curious fashion, and landed in front of him. Johnny had no choice put to
attack. He threw a punch at the warrior, who seized his hand and spun, flipping him. Johnny seized the
man's neck with his legs as he went over and flipped the enemy in turn, sending them both crashing to
the ground. Johnny was up first and brought his foot down onto the back of the other warrior's head,
hopefully knocking him out. The man lay still, but that was the least of his problems. The other one
leaped on top of him, moments later. The new arrival pinned Johnny easily.

"You couldn't run forever, 'Johnny'," the new warrior, a young female with reddish hair, said in a
feminine but harsh voice. "Lydecker's waiting."

"Not a chance in hell, lady," Johnny said, head-butting her in the nose. She gave a small cry and
leaned up, clutching at her face with the free hand. Johnny used his other hand to strike her on the chin,
sending her reeling. He flipped up onto his feet and kicked her full in the face before she could get to
her feet. She collapsed with a moan. Johnny exhaled, tired by a fight for the first time in a long time.
These people weren't as tough as any of the Manticore people he had fought with, but they were by no
means as easy to deal with as Lydecker's Black Ops people. However, his troubles weren't over yet.

"Two down, one to go. However, I'm armed," the last of the new arrivals said as he leaped up
from the alley in what appeared to be a single jump. He was the first one of the Hydra warriors that
Johnny had seen, the one with the Uzi. He opened fire on Johnny, aiming for the legs and stomach for
hits that would incapacitate, but not kill. Apparently these people, who apparently were allied to
Lydecker, wanted him alive.

Johnny leaped to avoid the stream of Uzi rounds and tumbled through the air to meet his
opponent. The man raised his gun, still firing, in order to hit him. As Johnny slammed feet-first into the
man's face, a bullet struck him in the shin and ricocheted away, leaving several shallow cuts and bone

"Damn!" Johnny cried out. "That hurts!" He channeled his anger and pain into the blows that he
was sending into the man's face, bruising him and breaking his nose. He moved too fast for the man to
react, even though the enemy was more thickly built than he was and probably was stronger. The man
was apparently stunned, so he was meeting little resistance. Then, he heard something behind him.

"Forgetting something?" another voice said and Johnny turned to see the first of the mysterious
warriors, his face cut by his impact into the roof, standing directly behind him. Before he could blink,
the man was upon him. The Hydra soldier got two nasty blows into Johnny's face, bloodying his nose,
before Johnny could work his foot into the man's stomach. Then, he flipped him off. The man yelled as
he flew through the air. Johnny watched in satisfaction as he tumbled into the alley, but the enemy
seized the edge of the roof and flipped himself back up, assuming a fighting stance.

"Why won't you just stay down?" Johnny said, half-imploringly.

"That's a good question," the female soldier said. Johnny turned to see her standing mere feet
behind him before she kneed him in the crotch. Everything went red for a moment and pain exploded
through his body. By the time his vision cleared, all three of them were standing over him, looking
mighty pleased with themselves.

"That was quick," the third Hydra warrior said, wiping blood from his broken nose. "Lydecker
said to expect a serious fight from him because his engineering is ahead of ours."

"Lydecker was right," Johnny said, sweeping them with his leg. He knocked the soldier with the
broken nose into the female, knocking both of them down. However, the soldier with the cut face
leaped away from the proceedings. Johnny wasn't interested in another sparring match, so he snatched
the Uzi from the soldier before he could recover from his fall, pointed it at the enemy, and squeezed the
trigger. Five rounds slammed into the enemy's stomach and chest, but the man only doubled over.
Some blood trickled from the wounds, but they apparently did little damage.

"Internal mesh armor is good," the man said. "You'd need cop-killer bullets to do much damage
to me."

"Oh fine," Johnny said. He raised the pistol and fired exactly two rounds. Those rounds pierced
his enemy's eyes and exploded out the back of his skull. The man dropped dead and Johnny turned to
see the other two gone. "Where'd they go?" Johnny asked himself. "This is unusual." He was left alone
on the rooftop, scratching his head. The other two hung by their hands from the edge of the roof twenty
feet from Johnny. They'd get the drop on him later, when he came by the other side of the building.

Jam Pony X-Press, 8:30 AM

"Good job with all the packages," Normal said. "I might just make you employee of the month,
despite your little disappearing act last night."

"Thanks," Max said. "I really appreciate that." She didn't particularly care, actually, but she
wanted to be as nice as possible in order to get away from the overbearing pest.

Suddenly, one of the other riders whom Max didn't know careened right by Normal. The irate
supervisor spilled coffee on himself as he leaped back to avoid the man. Normal yelled after him.
"Watch where you're going, bucko! This shirt was expensive even before the Pulse!" He shook his fist
at the departing rider. Max smiled in spite of herself and began backing away, hoping Normal didn't

"Max, take this package to the Seattle-Tacoma Airport," Normal said, handing her a sizable
box. "Give it to a man named Saunders and make him give you $10 for it first. Make it snappy."

"Sure," Max said, putting her feet back on the pedals. She pedaled away at a faster-than-usual
clip. She pedaled down the street and turned the right corner, heading towards the Airport, which was
on the other side of the city. The silver-eyed soldiers appeared from the crowd on the left corner and
saw her pedaling away. One of them scowled and said some harsh words to the other and they picked
up their pace, pursuing Max through the city.

Old Chinatown, 8:45 AM

Johnny walked down the street with a faster-than-usual gait. The encounter with the silver-eyed
people had shaken him a bit. Up until fifteen minutes ago, he had never had Lydecker's goons come
that close in a public situation. Perhaps it would be a good idea to go to Vancouver, where Lydecker's
web of spies and soldiers wouldn't be so stifling, if it was there at all. Besides, prices of everything in
general were lower in Canada, including Tryptophan. It had already been eight hours, more or less,
since his last dose, and he imagined the first of the seizures would be coming in forty hours. He had to
have another dose by that time or the hallucinatory lunacy would start again and more people would
die. Max might have a few extra pills, but he wouldn't want to impose.

Job, then food, then Tryptophan. Very important.

Meeting Room, 8:45 AM

"Hydra troops report contact with Johnny," one of Lydecker's aides said. This one was a slightly
less nondescript man, who had contacts and an earring, along with long sideburns. "One of them is
dead, shot through the eyes. The other two have injuries of some kind or another, ranging from bruises
to a broken nose. Johnny is nowhere to be found."

"Damn," Lydecker swore. "Have the other troops gotten to Max yet?"

"Two are following now, sir. Max is on a bike and they're on foot, so they have a slight
disadvantage. They can't pursue openly, not in public."

"That's marginally better," Lydecker said. "Still, one bird in hand is better than two in the bush.
Is there anyone fitting Zack's description that the Hydra people have noticed? Or any cars fitting the
description of my SUV? I'm a little ticked about that, mind you. That car, and the gas needed to fuel it,
costs a ton these days, even with my military connections."

"Nobody's seen your car, sir," the aide said. "Zack's gone to ground pretty well. He might not
be in the city anymore. I haven't heard from any of our people in Los Angeles, San Francisco, San
Diego, Portland, Olympia, or Sacramento, so if he's left the city, he hasn't gone anywhere that we
have agents. Smart guy."

"The best of them escaped that night," Lydecker said. "The very best. If it wasn't for the aging
disease, we would never have caught the first three and Max and Zack would have never surrendered
Brin to me. Eight more of them, dispersed through a third of a billion people in less-than-ideal
conditions. A damned shame, in my opinion."

"Yes, sir," the aide said. "Perhaps you should try to gain access to the hover-drones. They might
provide better coverage and enable us to spot Johnny and possibly Zack."

"I don't want to have to contribute any more to the corrupt morass that is this city's government
than I have to," Lydecker growled. "These sleazy politicos nauseate me."

Streets of Seattle, 8:47 AM

Max pedaled down the street, heading for her destination. She was totally oblivious to the two
men with silver eyes who pursued her through the crowds. As she came to one of the checkpoints, she
took out the ID card that the Sector Police always insisted that people carry. The short, red-haired
Sector cop looked over her ID and gave it back, yawning as he did so. "Carry on," he said without
much care. She pedaled around the checkpoint and continued on toward her destination.

Meanwhile, on the same street, Johnny was making his way through the crowds toward the
checkpoint. He saw Max pedaling around the Sector police, but he also saw the two silvery-eyed
characters in pursuit. Max apparently did not notice her unusual pursuers. Johnny, who had experience
with those characters, immediately went into attack mode. He widened his pupils, getting a good idea
of the thickness of the people on the street and how to get to Max the fastest. He had to warn her
about the silver-eyed men and their malign intentions.

As Max came closer, the Hydra soldiers picked up their pace. Apparently they too had managed
to glimpse him and wanted to close in for the kill. All four of them were heading for a colossal collision
in a public street. There were Sector cops nearby, armed with machine guns, so this confrontation
would be pretty interesting, to say the least.

Suddenly, Max turned down a side street and disappeared. One of the Hydra soldiers split off to
pursue her, but the other kept walking towards Johnny. The one heading towards the male X-5
escapee was tall, blond, and armed with an Uzi pistol. Johnny had the Uzi pistol from the battle with
the other silver-eyed soldiers, but he had no idea how much ammunition was in it. He did know,
however, that the Hydra troops were invulnerable to body shots due to some kind of internal armor.
He'd have to shoot through the eyes to kill or through the joints to cripple. However, Johnny had no
intention of involving the Sector cops in the fight. He ducked into a back alley. A moment later, the
Hydra warrior joined him.

"You're mine, Johnny," the man said in a harsh, nasty voice. "You may have killed Bud, but you
will not escape me."

Johnny smiled as he leaped vertically onto the fire escape. "I've lured you into a trap," Johnny
said. "Come on." The Hydra warrior smiled evilly and leaped up as well. However, Johnny reached
out as the man rose to meet him and struck him in the face. The resulting force/motion chaos sent the
enemy toppling into a Dumpster. Johnny leaped down, smashing into the Hydra soldier's chest with his
feet. However, the adversary was far from finished.

He somehow slid out from under Johnny's feet and flipped up to face him. Then, he punched him
in the face, sending the X-5 escapee toppling. As Johnny fell backward out of the Dumpster, the hunter
surged forward to press his advantage. Johnny responded to this by kicking his opponent in the groin
and sending him toppling out of the trash receptacle and into the main alleyway. Johnny dropped down
to finish him off.

However, it wasn't that easy. Someone had seen the battle and alerted the nearby Sector cops.
One of them, armed with an M-16 automatic rifle, strode over to the entrance of the alleyway. As soon
as he saw the combat, he opened fire on the two combatants on full automatic. Johnny saw the man
raise his rifle and had a very good idea.

As he and the Hydra warrior were grappling, Johnny spun him around to face the police officer's
firepower. He heard the meaty thud of bullets smacking into the enemy. Johnny knew the attack would
probably not kill the victim due to his internal body armor, but it would definitely give his enemy some
type of disadvantage. He saw the soldier's eyes go wide as the bullets continued to hammer into him,
but the man had apparently not suffered lethal damage.

"Nice try," the man wheezed. "But it takes at least a grenade to do serious damage to the internal
armor we Hydra warriors have. You won't win this way, punk." The rival super-soldier smiled with
bloody teeth, indicating some damage had been done during the battle.

"Hydra," Johnny whispered. The X-5 group was from a project called Manticore and its
members were the results of combining human DNA with the animal genes necessary for certain
physical traits such as improved vision and reflexes. Apparently another project, this one involving
internal armor and possibly cybernetic strength enhancers, was also named for a mythological monster.
Things were getting pretty strange about now.

The firing had stopped. Apparently the officer had figured out at this point that something was
very odd about the fact that one of the fighters was still holding the other up and the one who was
absorbing all the ammunition had not died. "What's going on here?" he gasped.

"Not much," Johnny said. "Here, catch!" He threw the Hydra soldier into the cop, knocking both
of them down. He then leaped from the ground to the side of the building, pushed himself off onto the
opposite wall, and repeated the process until he was on the roof of one of the buildings. Then, he took
off running, hoping to find Max and warn her of the problem that was facing them.

Meeting Room, 8:49 AM

"Another Hydra warrior reports contact with Johnny," Lydecker's punkish aide said. "However,
he's received the usual fistfight damage, superficial damage from massive bullet barrage, and possible
internal damage from a bullet that has pierced his mesh armor. Should we bring him in?"

"Are his wounds interfering with his combat ability?" Lydecker asked. "If so, he can come back
and rest. We can even Medevac him via chopper if absolutely necessary. However, unless he's dying
or crippled, I want him to continue the hunt along with the others. This guy's got titanium under his skin,
so he can't be hurt too bad. Relay my orders."

"Yes, sir." The aide walked off to deliver the message. Lydecker frowned. The Hydra troops
were designed more for frontal line-breaking attacks while the Manticore soldiers were designed for
commando operations in which survival depended on being quiet and getting in and out of the target
area quickly. The Hydra soldiers could receive more punishment than the Manticore troops and keep
fighting, but in terms of mobility they were at a disadvantage. Their mesh armor made them physically
slower than the X-5 group, although their reflexes were just as good. If Johnny could keep ahead of
the pursuit forces and only engage them on his terms, he stood a good chance of defeating Lydecker's


Highway Leading into Downtown Seattle, 9:00 AM

Max had completed her delivery and was pedaling back along one of the roads when she
spotted a curious character coming towards her. The person was male, was powerfully-built, and had
dark hair in a crew cut. However, his most distinguishing feature was his silver eyes. He carried a
pistol, but it was pointed downward. As soon as he saw Max, he began moving towards in a more
determined fashion. Max looked around to see nobody else in the immediate area. This was out on one
of the roads leading into Seattle proper, so there weren't too many people that time of day.

The silver-eyed man began running towards her. He wasn't as fast as Max was at top speed, but
he moved far faster than a normal human. He raised his pistol as he ran and once he got within range,
he began shooting. Max leaped off her bike and hurtled forward in the air. The man raised his air, still
shooting, but he was a bit too slow. Max was upon him.

She got hold of the gun and tried to pull it from his hand, but the man's grip was nearly
unbreakable. The tendons in his hand were thicker and there appeared to be extra muscles, which gave
reason for the increased strength. With his free hand, he struck at Max's face and torso. The blows he
inflicted were a lot more damaging than those delivered by ordinary humans, which were pieces of
evidence showing that he was more than human.

Max decided on a change of plans. She kicked the man in the groin as hard as she could and he
groaned horribly, his grip loosening on the gun. Next came a heavy blow to the bridge of the enemy's
nose with the heel of her hand, shattering it. The man groaned again and let go of the gun. Max stepped
back, looking at the gun in a curious manner, then flipped it into some nearby bushes. She then brought
her fists up in a fighting stance.

"You'll pay, bitch," the man groaned in a harsh, ragged tone. "However, Lydecker wants you
alive. I'll just beat you into submission."

"Try that and you'll have some painful and creative things to your body," Max said. "Bring it on."

The man roared in fury and charged. Even though blood was streaming from his nose and he ran
a bit off-kilter due to Max's kick, he still moved extremely quickly and with great strength. If Max was
a normal human being, she'd be dead a hundred times over. However, Max was far from normal and it
showed in the battle that followed.

As the man came closer, Max leaped up and kicked him in the face with her right foot. His
broken nose made a wet sound as her foot struck it and the tip of her foot caught in his eye. As soon
as her foot lost contact with his face, she brought her left foot into play and hooked his other eye. He
roared again and swung blindly at her, but she had already landed behind him. She kicked him swiftly
in the back of the head, sending him toppling over, unconscious.

"You're obsolete," Max said. At this point, she had decided that apparently Lydecker had
loosed one of his other creations on her. She climbed back on her bike and pedaled away, back
towards the city.

Meeting Room, 9:15 AM

"Another one of the Hydra warriors reporting in," Lydecker's aide said. "He found Max on the
city's outskirts and she basically beat the shit out of him. He reports that he has an utterly smashed
nose, a possible concussion, and a whole lot of bruises and miscellaneous fistfight damage."

Lydecker sighed. "Honestly, these people were engineered to provide infantry forces with
soldiers capable of withstanding massive firepower and getting the job done. A contingent of these
people broke through Chinese lines on Quemoy in 2010 simply by walking into them and killing the
entire enemy force in a series of nasty hand-to-hand engagements but yet they can't even beat one
Manticore soldier. It gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling, you know. The project that I'm in charge of has
produced America's finest augmented soldier yet."

"Sir, what should we do? Many of the Hydra troops are damaged and one is dead."

"Bring them all in. Fat lot of good they've done; let's send them back to General Kelly for
repairs and tell him to debrief them. Now why don't you go find Alan for me? That would be a whole
lot better."

Jam Pony X-Press, 9:20 AM

"Excuse me," Johnny said as he walked in. "Have you seen Max anywhere?" He wasn't really
asking anyone in particular, but an African-American with a Jamaican-style multicolored cap answered
his question.

"Max is out on a run ride now," Herbal said. "Can I help you?"

"I'm a friend of hers. I need to speak with her most urgently." Johnny was becoming agitated,
looking right and left.

Herbal frowned. "Why don't you wade right dere," he said.

"Sure," Johnny said. Herbal disappeared somewhere, leaving Johnny anxiously waiting and
looking around. He had to warn Max about the silver-eyed men and women; they were a deadly threat
to all of them. His hands trembled a bit as he thought about the mysterious attackers. Trembling hands
could be a sign of extreme agitation, but they could be something far worse.

"Uh oh," Johnny said, an undercurrent of fear creeping into his voice. It had been less than 24
hours since he had been brought back to sanity by the Tryptophan, but it looked like the seizures were
beginning again. If not stopped by Tryptophan, they would build and build into episodes of
hallucinatory psychosis in which he would quite possibly kill someone or even many someones.
Perhaps the combat with the Hydra troops had caused some kind of chemical imbalance; even the
battle with the Black Ops people during his capture wasn't that intense of a workout.

"Can I help you?" an annoying nasal voice said and Johnny turned to see Normal approaching.
The blond supervisor, complete with his headset, apparently thought that Johnny was either a lucrative
new customer or a potential employee. Either way, someone he wanted to speak to. Johnny stared
blankly at Normal, eyes wide.

His perception was starting to act funny. Every few seconds, Normal's image was replaced for a
split second by that of Lydecker. Johnny told himself over and over again that this was not Lydecker,
he was simply an annoying guy with a headset. That alone kept him from going over the edge and
attacking the supervisor.

"I'm justwaiting for someone," Johnny said. "Don't mind me."

"I don't tolerate loiterers," Normal said. "Tell me who or I'll call the cops."

"Max," Johnny said. "Happy now?"

"State your business," Normal said. "I don't want one of my valued employees getting distracted
by useless things."

"Um, Normal?" Sketchy broke in. "You see, I've just had another run-in with the Sector cops
and" his voiced trailed off as soon as he spotted Johnny. Even though Johnny had cleaned himself up
a bit and was wearing better clothes, the rather dim-witted messenger recognized him as the deadly
Night Stalker whom he and Max had encountered before.

"The Night Stalker!" Sketchy yelled. "Run!" He bolted and Normal turned away from him to
face Johnny. Johnny, however, got the worst of it. The combination of all those reminders sent him
spiraling back into madness.

"Lydecker!" Johnny screamed and launched himself at Normal. Normal yelled in half-fear
half-surprise and jumped back. All this, plus Sketchy's recognition of Johnny, brought other
messengers from Jam Pony X-Press running. Although none of them liked Normal, none of them
wanted to see their supervisor torn to pieces by a notorious maniac and thus expose them to the risk of
having a new, more imperious supervisor. A lot of them joined in the fray immediately.

He had the dark monster of his nightmares by the throat now, and was pounding his skull
into the concrete floor of the building. Now perhaps closure was coming; the death of Lydecker
was at hand. Lydecker swung a fist and caught Johnny on the chin, but it had little effect. Johnny
was an enraged engine of death at this point and nobody could stop him, nobody could hurt him
at all.

A swinging pipe came from somewhere, but Johnny blocked it with his forearm. The
combination of speed and being blocked caused the pipe to snap in half. He kicked back,
catching in the stomach whoever swung the pipe at his skull.

Still holding the smashed half of the pipe, Original Cindy was sent tumbling backwards into some
crates. Sketchy, who rather stupidly opted for a frontal attack on Johnny, soon joined her. "Why
Cindy," he said a moment after he landed on top of her. "I didn't know you cared." He smiled in a
rather moronic fashion.

"Don't get any ideas, biker boy," Original Cindy said.

Meanwhile, the fight was getting worse. Normal was getting the worst of it from the insane
Johnny, but the domineering supervisor wasn't without help. Herbal, easily one of the toughest of the
assembled messengers, had recently waded into the fray.

He caught Johnny on the chin with a powerful kick and sent him toppling off the boss. "De Most
High has given you into my hand!" he declared. "Now time to be shown the door." Johnny flipped
back up and assumed a combat stance. Several of the other messengers began circling the new arrival,
wary of his demonstrated combat abilities but itching for a fight nonetheless.

Into this lunacy pedaled Max. She had just left one fight and came back to work to find another.
In the center of the maelstrom was Johnny, who looked a little worse for wear but was still capable of
mass destruction, although a beat-up Normal was off to the side and a righteously-mad Herbal was in
attack mode. Sketchy and Original Cindy were laying amidst a bunch of smashed crates, the latter
trying to get out from under the former.

"Johnny!" she shouted at him. Johnny spun away from Herbal to see her.

The shape-changer was back. She was alternating between the young Max, the older Max,
and a female Black Ops soldier who looked like Max. However, the older Max was beginning to
replace the other characters. The changes alternated faster and faster until reality came back to
hit him in the face

"Whoa," Johnny said, looking at all the devastation he had caused. "What happened?"

"That's why I'd like to know," Normal groaned. "I ask him why he's loitering around here, then
he up and screams 'Lydecker!' at me and starts a mini-riot here. Read my lips: This guy's insane. How
is it that you know this guy, anyway? He was waiting for you."

Max thought fast. "He's my brother," she said quickly. "He's a little quirky and sometimes loses
touch with reality."

This was a little much for Johnny. His eyes rolled back in his head and he fainted.

"Well, why don't you remove this guy from this legitimate place of business then?" Normal said
accusingly. "This guy's dangerous!"

Original Cindy's eyes were wide at this point. "Max, you told me that you didn't have a family.
And why is it that you look so beat up?"

"It's all a long story. Now, does anybody have anything that smells really bad? I think I may
need to revive him and remove him."

Logan's Residence, 10:00 AM

"Hmmm," Logan said as he heard Max and Johnny's story. "Apparently if something reminds
him too much of Manticore, he goes crazy." Max had taken Johnny to Logan's penthouse after the
episode at Jam Pony X-Press.

"This was a small episode," Johnny said. "I didn't need Tryptophan to end it and it wasn't a lack
of Trytophan that started it. When I saw Normal for the first time, he started looking like Lydecker and
I thought that this was my big opportunity to be rid of him forever. Now, I end up trashing Jam Pony
X-Press and jeopardizing Max's job. Life sucks."

"How erudite," Logan said. "Well, I know a way to deal with this problem."

"How?" Max asked. "If he goes off the handle every time something reminds him of Manticore,
then the city of Seattle's got a big problem."

"This hasn't happened before and I've dealt with plenty of blond males in my time. Perhaps
being in the same city as Lydecker is triggering all kinds of psychoses and problems that I don't know
about," Johnny said regretfully. "Perhaps I should leave the city and stop ruining everyone's day."

"Well," Logan said. "There's a mental hospital in Vancouver. The director there owes me a favor
or two. Perhaps I can convince her to take Johnny for some mental trauma therapy. If he can deal
successfully with his waking nightmares and can get some help, the hallucinatory psychosis problem can
be solved. Apparently it's the combination of Manticore memories and lack of Tryptophan that cause
these fits, although the recent events at Jam Pony are an exception. If one factor is dealt with, the
whole problem can go away."

"Seems like a good idea. Besides, if I'm out of the country, then Lydecker's people might not be
able to get to me. Heck, why don't you come along, Max? We can start over in a foreign country
away from Lydecker and his goons."

"American immigration into Canada is closely monitored. Although you can get a medical
exemption from Logan, I'd to go through all sorts of requirements to enter Canada legally. Besides,
I've got too much here to leave behind."

"If it's all agreed, I'll get to it right away," Logan said. "I can have someone take you there by
three this afternoon."

Meeting Room, 11:00 AM

"Colonel, I've found something," one of Lydecker's aides said. This one was a tall man in
nondescript clothing who wore a headset similar to Normal's. "Someone is scheduling for a man to be
taken to a Canadian mental hospital whose special requirements include taking Tryptophan on a
weekly basis. I think that this must be Johnny."

"Good job," Lydecker said. "Find me the departure date and I'll have Alan and some others
waiting for them. Heck, call General Kelly. Have him send a couple of Hydra troops too. I want no
chances taken with this bag."

Dock #45C, Puget Sound, 3:30 PM

The sun had come out, brightening the scene and adding color to the otherwise drab
surroundings. Max, Logan, and Johnny were all standing near a pier support on the Seattle waterfront,
waiting. To their right was the entrance of the Sound and to the left were the big docks where the
cruise and container ships landed. Logan's friend, the hospital director, had sent a boat to pick Johnny
up and take him to Vancouver. There, he'd get the necessary help and hopefully be cured of the
Manticore nightmares that had haunted him for most of his life.

"How long do you think this will take?" Max asked Logan.

"I'm not sure," Logan said. "It depends on how deep-seated the trauma is. It could take less
than a week, or it could take months. Hopefully, it won't take very long."

Johnny was being very quiet throughout the conversation. His gray eyes looked out over Puget
Sound, taking in all the details of the harbor. He held a small duffel in his left hand, which was full of
clothes that Logan had let him borrow. "Nice city," he said. "Too bad I couldn't stay here too long.
Perhaps I'll come back, once I'm done with all the psychiatric stuff."

"Why?" Max asked. "Most Americans would kill to get into Canada as migrant laborers; you
can get in free with minimal effort. Besides, Lydecker's goons probably won't be able to get to you

Johnny shrugged. "Who knows?"

Skies Over Puget Sound, 3:31 PM

Lydecker watched from his helicopter as it flew over Puget Sound. His quarry was there, on one
of the docks. Max was with him and Lydecker smiled in spite of himself. Two birds with one stone,
always a good proposition. The hunters were moving into position from boats in Puget Sound and from
helicopters now, ready to make the bag. If this was successful, he would have recaptured exactly half
of the X-5 group and the tightwads in the Defense Department would give him the money to get Phase
Three up and running. Then, things would start to happen. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a
Japanese cruise ship coming into the Sound.

Lydecker smiled again. Things are going great, he thought, and they're only getting better.

Puget Sound, 3:33 PM

As the speedboat drifted closer, Alan watched from the helm. Now, he thought, was the day of
destiny. Two of the traitors were waiting on the dock, along with a scruffy-looking man in a wheelchair.
Apparently they were waiting for someone else in a boat. Alan grinned evilly. They'd end up meeting
someone in a boat, all right. Someone unexpected. He turned to check on two of the Hydra soldiers in
the boat with him. These were veterans of the morning's hunt for Max and Johnny. They'd had their
battlefield damage fixed and they were well-prepared for battle.

Skies Over Puget Sound, 3:35 PM

A lone Blackhawk helicopter flew through the air towards Dock #45C. This particular aircraft
had two Hydra troops in it. These two hadn't participated in the hunt for Max, but they had been
adequately briefed and their cybernetic capabilities were tinkered with a bit in order to increase their
strength and speed. All of them knew exactly what they were dealing with. As the chopper came closer
and closer to the prey, the men tensed. It was all going to go down soon.

Dock #45C, 3:37 PM

"Max," Johnny said, his pupils wide and eyes focused on a distant speedboat. "We've got
company. Telescope your eyes and get a good look at that guy in the helm of the boat."

Max did as Johnny told her and got quite an eyeful. Alan and two of the silvery-eyed men who
Johnny had told her were augmented soldiers from an older program manned the speedboat in the
Sound. Alan saw the two watching and waved in an almost flippant fashion. He knew they knew he
was there.

"Logan, we've been set up. How trustworthy is that friend of yours, again?" Johnny asked

"She's very trustworthy. I think that maybe Lydecker's tapping the phone lines or something,
then listening for topics of conversation related to you or Max," Logan said. "Now maybe I'll get to
meet a Manticore soldier loyal to the government."

"I doubt that you'd like the meeting," Johnny said. "You know too much. Now, do you have a
gun on you? I can shoot all of them right now and save us the trouble."

"Logan," Max said concernedly. "You need to get out of the way. I think that Alan and the
Hydra soldiers are one element of an elaborate setup. Johnny, do you see any Humm-Vees or
suspicious aircraft anywhere?"

"I see several helicopters out over Puget Sound," Johnny said rather distantly. "None of them
seem to be coming our way. However, I think I can get a look into the cockpits of the choppers." He
telescoped his eyes and peered into the pilots' areas of the craft. Two helicopters were news crews
and one seemed to be a sightseeing tour. However, when he looked in one, he got the surprise of his
life. The pilot was Lydecker!

"Lydecker's in one of the choppers," Johnny said, alarm evident in his voice. "He's keeping an
eye on the whole thing." He looked into the cockpits of several other helicopters and his jaw dropped.
"One of the other choppers, the one nearest to us, has some Hydra soldiers. I foresee a simultaneous
air and sea attack on this pier with the objective of kidnapping Max and myself and killing Logan. Rich
boy, I'd split if I were you."

"I'm not running," Logan said defiantly. "I won't leave you two to face him alone."

"If you don't run, you swim," Johnny said, iron suddenly appearing in his voice. "That water is a
pain enough to swim in if you're healthy. You, on the other hand, don't have use of your legs."

"Johnny," Max said, stopping him from carrying out his threat. "Neither Lydecker's people in the
air or Alan's boat are doing anything. I suggest that we leave the dock."

Skies Over Puget Sound, 3:38 PM

"Go!" Lydecker roared into his radio. "Hit them before they leave!" Already he knew that Max
and Johnny and their paraplegic companion knew that his team was closing in and he didn't want them
slipping out of his hands just yet. He steered the helicopter towards the docks. If he came in behind
them, he could "herd" them towards the far end of the dock and into the waiting arms of his boat

"Note to self," Lydecker said. "Discipline Alan over the wave, especially if they get away. Such
a breach in mission protocol warrants at least a restriction of privileges." He saw the boat moving in
towards the dock and the helicopter diving towards them.

Dock #45C, 3:38 PM

"The die is cast," Johnny said. "The attack begins."

"You know, Julius Caesar said something like that a long time ago," Max said. "Just before he
overthrew the Roman Republic."

"Yep," Johnny said. "Gotta love those ancient Romans and their coup d'etats. Nothing like a
little crossing of the Rubicon to get the job done. You handle the chopper, I'll get the boat people."
Johnny tensed as the boat approached, then leaped from the end of the dock. The slightly-mad X-5
escapee flew gracefully through the air and crashed into Alan in the boat's driver's seat.

"Hello, hello," Johnny said without pausing, then punched Alan in the face. He then kicked one of
the Hydra troops in the face. One of the silver-eyed men was the guy Johnny held in front of the
machine gun earlier that morning. As his comrade fell backward, he moved forward with murder in his

"One of those bullets pierced my internal armor," the soldier said. "That hurt, and you'll pay in
blood for it."

"Not a chance in hell, metal butt," Johnny said, reaching out and throwing the Hydra soldier into
Puget Sound. The man was pulled down by all the metal in his skeleton, but Johnny didn't expect him
to stay down very long. However, the enemy's absence gave him ample opportunity to beat up Alan
and other soldier. Alan and the other soldier also had plans in the fight, all of which involved subduing

Meanwhile, the helicopter carrying the small army of Black Ops and Hydra troops had swooped
down to the dock and Max and Logan found themselves besieged by soldiers, some of whom were
only mostly human. The vanguard of the strike force was all Hydra troops and Max was having a devil
of a time fighting off two of the silver-eyed men at the same time.

Skies Over Puget Sound, 3:40 PM

Lydecker watched with slight consternation as the speedboat veered away from the dock and
sped out to the middle of the Sound. Johnny's rather foolhardy jump into the boat with his enemies had
sent the boat spinning off course. The colonel also saw the Hydra soldier who had been thrown
overboard go swimming after the boat with inhuman persistence. Apparently General Kelly's people
had managed to get something right, for a change.

Max was having a hard time with the Hydra troops. One of them was hanging from the edge of
the dock, but he was rapidly climbing back up. The other Hydra soldier was fighting Max to a standstill
while the man in the wheelchair looked on. Lydecker decided to bring the chopper down to a lower
altitude and "buzz" Max, to try to distract her from the fight and give the other super-soldier the chance
to incapacitate her.

Puget Sound, 3:41 PM

"Time to die, traitor boy!" Alan roared as he smashed Johnny's head into the boat's dashboard
with one hand. The Manticore loyalist was also trying to get the boat back on course with his other
hand, but he was having quite a problem. His struggles with Johnny were making his steering erratic
and taking the two ever-closer to the enormous Japanese cruise liner that was heading glacier-like in
their general direction. A collision with it would end the fight for both parties.

"Not yet, wimp!" Johnny said, kicking Alan in the kneecap and sending the boat on another
erratic course. This course, however, was heading straight for the prow of the cruise liner. Alan howled
in pain and struck Johnny across the face, steering the boat away from the cruise liner and back
towards the docks. They passed by the first Hydra soldier who went overboard, but he couldn't grab
onto the craft before it left him in the wake. The other augmented warrior had gone over the side a few
minutes earlier, leaving only Alan and Johnny to fight.

Shikoku Queen, 3:41 PM

"What the hell is wrong with the boat captain?" Captain Hideo Kawasaki asked his fellow
officers. "The way he's going, he's going to get himself killed!"

"Captain, what should we do?" one of the bridge officers asked. "The way he's driving, he'll end
up in our path whether we change course or not!"

"Radio the harbor authorities," the Japanese captain said. "Tell them about that boat!"

Above Dock #45C, 3:42 PM

Lydecker brought his chopper low over the heads of the combatants, hoping to disorient Max
and make her easier prey for the Hydra soldier. The warrior who had clung tenuously to the dock
minutes ago had dropped into the Sound some moments ago due to the actions of the man in the
wheelchair. The scruffy fellow had run over the man's fingers with his "vehicle" and caused the man to
lose his grip.

The Colonel looked at the man who was aiding Max. "Isn't he the journalist from the conference,
the one who tried to negotiate?" he asked himself. "The one who got thrown off the roof for his pains?"
That man was involved now, and Lydecker made a note to find out how much that character knew
about Manticore by any means necessary.

Puget Sound, 3:42 PM

"You idiot!" Johnny said. "We're going to crash!" He kicked Alan, who had pinned him, in the
face and then kicked the wheel to change the course. The boat, which had previously been speeding
towards the side of the Shikoku Queen, now turned away at a ninety-degree angle. The two Hydra
soldiers were even farther away from the speedboat than they were before, leaving Alan alone to face

"Lydecker wants to see you," Alan said. "Very much so. He wants to pick up where he left off,
you see. The torments he put you through as a child were to deter other escape attempts. However,
now he's more interested in retribution for all the troubles you've caused him."

Johnny's eyes widened and images of his past torment began echoing through his brain. Those
images began to creep into how he perceived reality and Alan's appearance began to change. His hair
turned blond and curly, his eyes and face changed, and he seemed to age more than twenty years. He had become Lydecker!

"Damn you Lydecker!" Johnny roared in a hallucinating frenzy. "I'll send you to Hell!" He
steered the speedboat towards the cruise liner and seized his enemy by the throat. "Time to say hello to
those big propellers!"
Part 3

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