A Desperate Solution?
By Antonio C. Abaya
Written on Dec. 22, 2008
For the
Standard Today,
December 23 issue

"Just read your article
No Better Idea and noted the last paragraph regarding President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo -- you will surely be among the top of her hate list. Granted the futility of whatever she can do for the country or the people, is there no slim possibility of her ever rising from the ashes like the phoenix?  There must be something she can do during her last year to save her governance/name and the legacy of her father.  Can you in your astute mind, offer a solution, even a desperate act to enable her to do even one good thing so she can exit with grace?

" I do feel so bad as I have known her since she was a young girl, she treats me with affection as she knows my close relationship with her Dad and Mom especially, and her brother Arthur is one of my best friends. I so want her wrong to be rendered right...is that possible? Do you have it in your heart to recommend a desperate solution - to give her one last chance that she may have the wisdom to listen to, to consider to do? Why not help her? I don't believe in too little, too late..

"Have a better idea?"

Because I respect the letter-writer's opinions and judgment, I have to make public and seriously consider this plaintive cry for even a "desperate solution" to allow President Arroyo to "exit with grace." Is there anything she can do to salvage her presidency and her name, and leave behind a positive legacy after June 2010?

I must preface my reply with the information that, like hundreds of thousands of other urban middle-class Filipinos, my late wife and children and I took part in the street protests of January 2001 that led to the downfall of Joseph Estrada and the rise to the presidency of then Vice-President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo

(Even earlier, in February 1986, my children and I also took part in the demos that deposed Ferdinand Marcos and brought to the fore Corazon Aquino, while my wife was stranded in San Francisco.)

This is not to say that we were happy with the subsequent turn of events after 1986 and after 2001. But that's another story.

In the presidential elections of May 10, 2004, after comparing the pre-election public opinion surveys conducted by Pulse Asia and the Social Weather Stations (SWS) with the results of the exit polls conducted by SWS, I was one of the few who came to the conclusion that President Arroyo had won those elections, but by a narrow margin of about 200,000-300,000 votes. (See my articles
GMA by a Hair and Who Won? of May 13 and 19, 2004, both archived in www.tapatt.org .)

Economist Winnie Monsod, using the same reference data, came to a similar conclusion months later in her column in the
Philippine Daily Inquirer.

That the Comelec subsequently came out with results that purportedly showed her winning by more than 1.1 million votes is, also, another story.  But I do not break bread with the gibbering mob who maintain, without presenting any credible numbers, that she was not duly elected to that position.

However, President Arroyo has been a total disappointment in the months and years after May 2004. Her moral ambivalence, her deliberate evasiveness, her refusal or inability to confront the Evil of corruption in her government, the apparent involvement of members of her own family in sordid transactions, her insidious appointment of questionable individuals to key positions in the judiciary and the bureaucracy �..all contribute to widespread perception that not only is she indeed part of that Evil, but that she is laying the foundation for perpetuating that Evil beyond 2010.

President Arroyo has categorically denied that she is seeking an extension of her presidential term, which expires end of June 2010. But that is not reassuring enough. She has not categorically denied that she is seeking a
new term as prime minister in the parliamentary order that her fawning sycophants are pushing charter change for..

I warned about this possible strategy as early as May 17, 2005 in my article titled
Prime Minister Gloria? and subsequent articles, all archived in www.tapatt.org.

(As I wrote in an article in late 2007, she may follow the example of Vladimir Putin of Russia who was president for two terms (2000-04, 2004-08) and was constitutionally ineligible for a third term. In December 2007, while he was still president, Putin ran for a seat in parliament and, not unexpectedly, won. When his presidential term ended in March 2008, his hand-picked successor, Dmitri Medvedev, won the presidential elections and, to no one's surprise, chose Putin to be the prime minister. The Big Difference, of course, is that Putin is genuinely popular in his country; Gloria is genuinely unpopular in hers.)

If she is indeed sincere that she will step down from presidential power in June 2010 (and not return as prime minister later), all she has to do is tell her lackeys in the House and the Senate to cease and desist from further maneuvers to convene themselves into a constituent assembly (ConAss) so as to railroad a shift to parliamentary before her presidential term ends in June 2010, so that she can succeed herself, as prime minister..

It is as simple and categorical as that. It is not even a "desperate solution." Why is that so difficult to do?

If she does not have the steely resolve to tell Prospero Nograles, Luis Villafuerte, Joey Salceda and Nene Pimentel and their cumbancheros to shut up about ConAss before 2010 � or if she tells them half-heartedly in public but they continue their covert and overt maneuvers -  then it can only mean that this is her own "desperate solution" to her impending problem of losing presidential immunity from criminal suits after June 2010.

If that is so, then it may be the turn of the sovereign people to come up with their own "desperate solution"  - legal or illegal, constitutional or extra-constitutional � to the recurrent problem of an unwelcome leader overstaying their welcome. *****

HOLIDAY GREETINGS. Unless President Arroyo surprises all of us with an announcement during the holidays that she will definitely not seek or accept the position of prime minister after June 2010 � her graceful exit, my dear friend - I will take a two-week break until January 6.

In that scenario, she could endorse the presidential candidacy of someone who she feels would be "sympathetic" to her situation, such as Defense Secretary Gilbert Teodoro, nephew of her family's business partner, Danding Cojuangco. And/or she and her family could fly off to, say, Portugal days or hours before her presidential term ends, where they could safely await the results of the elections. Declaring martial law and canceling the elections would be the least attractive and the most desperate solution and would likely boomerang on her.. 

A Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year to all. Or, as they say in Portuguese,
Feliz natal e pr�spero ano novo.

Ol�! *****

Reactions to [email protected]. Other articles in acabaya.blogspot.com. Tony on YouTube in www.tapatt.org.

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Reactions to "A Desperate Solution"
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Reactions to "Who are the Malays?"
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'Is that all there is?'

The best way Madame President can leave gracefully is to roll down the windows on her limousine and look out and see the poor who are starving and eating out of garbage cans.  Look out the window and see the small white coffins being carried down the street because they could not get proper medical care.  See the girls who are selling their bodies to help support their families.  See the shacks that people are forced to live in and, Madam President, those are the lucky ones who have a roof over their heads such as it is.
What a legacy that would be to be able to say I helped my people, I made a difference.  I helped all my people not just the privileged ones.  Yes what a wonderful thing to be remembered for.  Yes, Madame President, help the wonderful, beautiful people of your country who need help the most

Jay R. Brundage, (by email), Ridgefield, Connecticut, Dec. 24, 2008

Mr Abaya,
A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you too!  May you also have a problem-free, worry-free hiatus for two weeks, like the rest of the populace!

Ethel, [email protected], Dec. 24, 2008

P.S. And thanks for the columns which you regularly send, have sent, in fact, for so many years now!  'Thanks' is a very inadequate word, but right now, that's the only word I can think of. :)  'Til 2009!


Hi Tony
The key words are
the recurrent problem of an unwelcome leader.
It's the Trapo Politics haunting each and every Filipino who for the longest time digs himself deeper into dirty political quicksand.

I am old enough to have caught Cong Dado vs Macoy elections, and looking back, also having fought against Mayor Ambo tentacles in Pasay, then ending up in Edsa after the "snap" and up to the  upheaval against a "popular" Erap by a not so popular GMA forces. The so called lesser of evils is just as evil.

But do we now know better? Tita Cory said she said sorry to Erap? Did I see and hear right on teleradyo? Ahh!  and Malacanang respects her decision? Respect??!!
It's TRAPO POLITICS that's the cause of all our burden and curse.
2010 is just around the corner and still many forces, powerful forces, are being formed to protect the admin and to also challenge them. Trapo contra Trapo. Walang soluysyon dito.

Where does that leave Juana Change?Ibasura ang trapo should be the call. GMA is just the flavor of the month. Marcos,Ramos, Aquino/Cojuangco, Estradas, and 500 political dynasties are in the waiting. Lets turn off the teleserya!! Iba naman Juan!!
Merry Christmas and  a Trapo-free New Year(s)!!

Eric Manalang, (by email), Dec. 24, 2008
Ang Kapatiran Party


Dear Tony,

A desperate solution on her part sounds like a quickie with no lasting effect.  It is done without commitment.  Desperate solutions are typically "bahala na" or "subukan natin, baka makalusot" or "kapit sa patalim" until there's a way out of it.  They are easy come, easy go decisions where one can change his/her mind just as quickly as when the choice was done impulsively or in desperation. 

And for as long as our electoral system stays rotten from top to bottom, starting and ending with its gatekeepers, holding the 2010 elections will continue to mock, as well as shatter our trust and confidence in, democracy itself.  So what the bloody heck are our Armed Forces and Police protecting?  The problem will simply keep recurring and keep us spiralling south of the charts. 

What the country needs is a lasting solution to its intrinsic moral problem - the proliferation of corrupt practices because of society's incapacity to right wrongs at home and in the community.  That long-term solution is moral transformation to produce an upright society that, in turn, will give rise to good government.   Nation-building is like building a solid house.  It begins with laying solid foundations and sustaining it like a marriage, the way we're supposed to, based on rock-solid values that are applied routinely; and, most especially, in times when the conscience is assaulted by temptation. 

In the short-run, though, we still have to get out of the chains that bind us, otherwise, we will never get going on our long journey toward real change.  Filipinos need today a "Moses" aided by a team of trustees that will lead the nation out of its moral desert.  For once, I'd like to see the high and mightly, who have caused our country great harm with their damnable misdeeds, to be at the receiving end and, eventually, have their own "Red Sea" experience.  If that sounds like a plea for divine intervention, it surely is. 

But it comes with a caveat that God helps those who help themselves.  Our collective talents plus persistent and patient preparation, and the ability to seize opportunities for our much-needed breakthrough, are what will bring us all to our Promised Land....someday.  So, Moses, wherever you are, come forth and do your duty!  Dear God, please help.     Merry Christmas and keep writing the good stuff in 2009!

Raffy Alunan, (by email), Dec. 24, 2008


If Gloria goes public and declare her
Mea Culpa in no uncertain terms and assure us that she will step down at the end of her term in 2010, maybe, just maybe, we might be stupid enough to "believe" her assertion all-over-again!

Here is where the story of the Scorpion who ask her monkey-friend to take her accross the river,  would be a proper way to describe our predicament! The story goes that despite her,
(The Scorpion's) assurance that she would not sting her friend, (as she is known to sting anyone within reach)- once they were safely on the other side of the river, the Scorpion stung her "friend-protector" anyway. Just as the monkey was dying, he ask her friend: "Why did you sting me with your poison even after you promised not to? Her reply was simply: "Because I could not help myself"!

Until this moment, we just don't know what will happen if the scenarios as you describe them will come to pass. Can we expect anything less? As Gen. Yano and the Military establishment were celebrating some sort of anniversary, the good General ordered his men in uniform to stay Apolitical. This is as it should be. But in other news, the Marines in the field were "asking for shoes"!? Por Dios y por Santo, even this simple need have to be begged? What a way to serve one's country and people?!?!


(Please hold identity), Zamboanga City, Dec. 24, 2008


Gloria Macapagal Arroyo will have to go down in history as one, if not the most corrupt president the Philippines ever had.  I say this with conviction - and let me add, maybe, she overshadows the evil-ness of the late Ferdinand E Marcos.

You have said it all in your piece.  Really, looks can be deceiving.  Every time she is photographed in prayer and especially after receiving Holy Communion, she comes up with this innocent and prayerful countenance, that if one does know who she is, and what she has been accused of, will be impressed with her.  Of course everybody knows this is all choreographed for the sake and use of  media.

What a way to go.  GMA, diminutive physically, is a real giant in the world of Graft and Corruption (G&C).  She has elevated G&C  into an art, and prayerfully, no one who comes after her will be so talented enough as to duplicate her feat. 
O God, let this stop with her.  We have been in the pits with our presidents, do please give us a break. (Having said this though, it all depends on us the electorate, to unchain ourselves from the evil that continues to subjugate us.  The deliverance of our country rests on us, citizens.  Unfortunately, the electorate of this country is dominated by the masses who cannot distinguish celebrity from the real issues).

God bless and save the Philippines.   

Ed Valenciano, (by email), Dec. 25, 2008


Hi Tony,

Term extension lang kaya ang tunay na dahilan kung bakit pinipilit nila isulong ang Cha-Cha by any means?

Now they are claiming that it is not about term extensions, it is about economic - the economic provisions in our Constitution.

If we amend the economic provisions of our Constitution, do you think it will really help uplift the economic conditions of our people or uplift more their (plunderer and corrupt) economic conditions.

I have read somewhere that some or most of our plunderers lost 20 billion, was it dollars or peso, during the collapse of the Lehman Brothers and probably there are more left. These is one of the reasons as alleged that they are pushing Cha-Cha and amend the economic provisions to favor foreign investors. And who do you think these foreign investors (probably dummy) are, the plunderers. Wise ha, ika nga!     Thanks and more power!

Bert Celera, by email), Dec. 25, 2008


The first thing Gloria must do is ACCEPT that she made mistakes in allowing (if not herself) her husband and people around her to violate the Constitution and laws of the land. Then, JUST DO WHAT IS RIGHT FOR THE COUNTRY AND FOR THE FILIPINO PEOPLE.

Narciso Ner, (by email), Davao City., Dec. 25, 2008


Dear Tony,
If indeed President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo is a Catholic Christian who believes in the Ten Commandments, then following them and the teachings of Jesus Christ is part of the solution to our problems, because she is one of our problems.

If she remains a Christian in name only, then there is no hope for her to change. She needs to open her heart and let the Holy Spirit dwell in her so that Christ will be seen in her life, in her actions, and in her decisions.

In fact, we all need to let the Holy Sprit dwell in us to be truly be in and with Christ.
Merry Christmas!

Col. Hector Tarzan Tarrazona (Ret.), (by email), Dec. 26, 2008


Since December 30, 2002 Gloria Arroyo has been calling for unity among the Filipinos. She promised  then at the foot of national hero Dr.Jose Rizal's monument in Baguio city that she would not  run for the presidency in the 2004 elections to arrest the divisiveness, realizing that she herself has been the major cause of disunity among her countrymen.

We took her word as a glimpse of hope, faint though it appeared to be but hope nonetheless. She has failed to deliver in our expectations that she would be a better leader than deposed former president Joseph Estrada who showed us all how  inept he was, how hedonistic his lifestyle is and how plunderous he was, whose only qualification as presidential candidate was his being a Filipino citizen.

Eight years in power and six years after making that December 30 declaration with Rizal as witness the  people has become even more polarized and the gap between the few rich and the millions of poor has widened even more as corruption in her government  has become more widespread with even greater amounts of plundered money involved.
Arroyo has failed on all counts and the Filipino people have judged her as the most untrustworthy, the most corrupt and the most unpopular president this country ever have had as surveys after surveys showed

As we welcome the coming new year with even greater uncertainty and increased apprehension on how the growing army of the poor would cope in the face of global recession, the administration, through its press secretary, a certain Dureza (whose first name I would rather not mention here as it is not congruent with his person) is again calling on the Filipino people for unity of purpose, (Palace wish: less politics, more unity, PDI Dec. 29, 2008).

Do they not realize that their purpose is not compatible with the people's? They simply wanted the people to be blind to what they have been doing all along. They wanted the people to just keep quiet as they keep on plundering the nation's wealth as long as they are in power. They wanted the people not to block their railroading of the Constitution so they can change it to suit their own personal designs of   staying in power indefinitely. They wanted the people to unite with them in their own self-serving purpose.

If they have not realized it yet, the Arroyos and their ilk have long united the great majority of our people in their common opposition to everything this ruling family stands for.

Gloria Arroyo's  gargantuan failures and the humongous  and massive corruption that has been going on under her watch have made former President Corazon Aquino realize that Arroyo is much worse than Estrada was, prompting Ninoy's widow to "apologize" to Estrada for having contributed to his downfall.

The floutable woman Gloria was quick to praise the venerable lady Cory for the latter's apologizing to a convicted plunderer, hoping perhaps that when her time is done her own sins would be forgiven and those who have now been calling for her resignation would apologize to her for having done so.

She must now be harboring silly thoughts that may her successor (if ever one shall come to be) be a much worse and more corrupt president than she is so that she would not bear the distinction of being the worst.     God save this benighted land.

Ramon Mayuga, (by email), Essen, Germany, Dec. 29, 2008


Dear Tony:  

When I was young, I remember dreaming of becoming the president of this country.  Today, I no longer hold that dream.  I just wish of becoming a good citizen.

I think what we imperatively need more nowadays are good citizens who know how to care and love for this country, make it safer to live in, who know how to voice out their grievances without fear, and who are prepared to die for their rights and principles.  There are only few of these people now in our country. 

There are more of us who rest content with our private lives and be unmindful of the issues of the day. There are many of us who cannot leave our comfort zones and instead decidedly remain spectators on what is happening in our country.  They don't bother to  ask why their families starve, why there are broken families, why crimes abound, why classrooms are not enough for their children,  why textbooks are scarce, why there is graft and corruption.  Our society is becoming a voiceless society.  It is this voicelessness that created roaring monsters in the government.  While we may have heard voices of some who appear to be messiahs of this country, theirs are irritating noises and are out of tune because of their self-seeking interests. What we need is a unison vocie likened to the biblical passage that says "people shall shout with a great shout and the wall of the city will fall down flat."

The year 2009, it is my prayerful wish that we learn to become good citizens.  It is my prayer that we should learn to be more aggressive about our rights, freedom, and dignity as a people. I do not wish to leave this country even when it is filthy to live in. That would be unpatriotic. There is hope for this country.  Let us start contributing our fair share by loving our country, making it more decent and respectable from the eyes of the international community and God.  Nad we can do that by learning tobecome good citizens. Thank you.      Very truly yours,

Reginald B. Tamayo, (by email), Aparri, Cagayan, Dec. 29, 2008  

Member, Sangguniang Bayan
Secretary-General, SAVE Cagayan,  Aparri, Cagayan


The following will not salvage her presidency and/or name, nonetheless, I offer same to Gloria if she truly care for the Filipino people.

Push for the total automation of Comelec by providing funds or finding ways to make it feasible and working before the 2010 election.  It is about time that the true voice of the masses be reflected in the election result.

Allow the" people-elected" officials like Grace Padaca, Ed Panlilio, Redondo, et al participate in the selection of a non-partisan presidential timber who could lead the Filipino nation to a better tomorrow. Supporting the present secretary defense in the 2010 presidential election would pose more of a problem than a solution to the predicament of the long-suffering masses. 

If I am not mistaken, Teodoro was the head of a Danding-supported party (NPC?, ba) who tried to impeach Chief Justice Davide for some questionable grounds or reasons.  Of course, Teordoro if elected in 2010 would be a great help to Gloria, her family and cohorts. Personally, I assume Teodoro is a better alternative to the present crops of candidates like Villar, Legarda, De Castro, Binay et al.  Include Estrada in the undesirable group that is if he is qualified (which I doubt) to run in 2010.  But we are looking for a candidate that would be acceptable to the masses, aren't we?

Arcy F. Sibal, (by email), Sta. Maria, Bulacan, Dec. 31, 2008


Kuya Tony C. Abaya

We may be changing our constitution again which we have done in the past.  How many times do we have to do this we have no idea. Here is a suggestion:
"... Any president or political party or group of individuals, who acts or moves to extend the term of the president in violation of the Constitution, is/are deemed traitors and enemies of the State. Congress shall, by law, provide for a penalty of imprisonment and/or fine for such act." A constitution with a mandatory provision such as this will stop such moves to extend the term of a president. More power to you, Kuya Tony.

Leona Guera, (by email), Australia, Jan. 01, 2009


This is the article to end the year as you take a well deserved rest.
Yes, Tony, we have a desperate problem needing a desperate solution.
We have a desperate people desperately looking for a Leader. Most feel desperately hopeless.

I hope the New Year brings with it a BANG! Belated Merry Christmas and
a Joyful New Year!

Cesar Sarino, (by email), Jan. 02, 2009


More Reactions to "No Better Idea" (Dec. 18, 2008)

Dear Tony, 
I just have begun reading secrets of many famous Americans how they were able to beat the 1930 Depression, that is contained in the book THINK AND GROW RICH by Napoleon Hill. Maybe PGMA Administration with your help can give each one from the MILF, MNLF, the URBAN POOR a copy. This might change their mind and DESIRE to get RICH!

There is another book, THE SCIENCE OF GETTING RICH (SGR) by Wallace D. Wattles, this could be timely. We do not give our poor people the material things and the charity they want for it will make them more dependent paupers. We armed their minds with great principles in life- mind powers a sort of a fighting mind enough to carry their body to whatever they DESIRE. Past and present governments have tried already so many strategies to make our poor people run over the tide, just to feed themselves, all were in vain. Now trying another strategy, the road we did not take before, could be effective. 

The two books have proven already by so many rich and famous American. I am trying to start and work the principles myself, and I feel it is happening. If ever I get rich, you will be the first one to know.

Rodolfo Cada, (by email), Dec. 31, 2008


"It's an imperfect world and Filipinos are not alone in their imperfections." - ACA

Doesn't it make you sad when the Filipinos claim to fame is that we are a little better than the Taliban and the African warlords?  Human beings are alike because they are descended from common ancestors who lived in Africa some 200,000 years ago.  Wouldn't it be better if our governance and quality of life can be compared to that of the best human societies instead of the worst?

(But if you compare our governance and quality of life only to the best human societies, and never to the worst, then we will always be looking bad and will develop a severe inferiority complex and self-hatred, blaming our pre-Hispanic ancestors for all our flaws. ACA)

Here's more on the subject of the human family tree.  What may be difficult to accept for most Filipinos is that we are descended from Homo Sapiens who trace their roots back to the African continent.  The attached map shows the human mtDNA migration from Africa to the world's continents and islands and the approximate number in thousands of years ago when the human migration to the different regions of the world started.

Bobby Manasan, (by email), Burke, Virginia,  Dec. 31, 2008


Filipinos will agree and follow an authoritarian government if it see the leaders and the direction of governance is for the welfare of all, and not just for the good of the greater number that brings in the votes.

How about the minority? They are also citizens to be served by public servants. Let us never forget that all officials from the barangay clerk to the President, they are all servants of the people. The people are the masters. It should always be that way.

The government, especially the House of Representatives and Senate should remember , numbers is not the game, it is morality, fairness and what is right.

Rex Rivera, (by email), Gen. Santos City, Jan. 02, 2009


I believe that Filipinos in government  do not   run out of ideas. There are visionaries, a few of them who risk their lives staying honest. But these are the kinds who cannot grow because they are good corn seeds placed in a swamp meant for crabs, snakes, and crocs.

Even in matters about  our economy we have never really run out of proactive solutions. The problems we have are  the selfish motives  in our government leaders and this same virus creep into the new ones recruited. They  begin as good servants but later on  evolve into some smart evildoer clothed in angel's skin, because they adapt to survive and ultimately turn into the kind of persons they vowed to fight against. The highways, railways, etc., show us testimony of good things done. But these are mere cover for real intentions that lie beneath - money.   In all these,  the kickbacks and tongpats that we have to pay for kill whatever benefits that those  with vision made part of their long range plans.

Victor Manalac, (by email), Jan. 02, 2009


Dear Mr. Abaya,

A Better Idea?

We have to create new planned cities.   Not only new planned cities but instant planned cities.  Is this possible?  Yes, it is possible.  In fact, it already happened and is still happening.

Just as Singapore has wagered its location at the tip of the Malay Peninsula into an Asian transportation and financial hub, and Hong Kong advertised itself as a gateway to China, and now, South Korea is positioning itself as the gateway of regional markets stretching from China to the Russian Far East.

A new megalopolis called New Songdo City will be completed six years from now, in 2015.  The new-planned city is a private investment led by Gale International and POSCO.  Anchored by the triumvirate of a new international airport, a seven-mile highway bridge, and a new planned community, it is designed to leverage South Korea's geographic advantages to potential investors offering a range of special advantages, including tax, labor, and other incentives (

We have the geographic advantage too.  For a starter, we can create a new planning corridor along the Zamboanga's Moro Gulf as the new gateway stretching to Indo-Malaya up to Oceania or a new planning corridor along the Davao Gulf as the new gateway to the Pacific.

So what incentives can our country offer to potential investors?  I believe much more than what the above locations can offer.

Besides the traditional incentives of tax and labor, we have the geologic advantage for green and non-fossil energy (primarily geothermal, and hydro, solar, wind, as well).  Imagine the potential of our country besides our highly-competitive and highly-educated managerial and technical workers, we sit in the "ring of fire" hugging the Pacific Belt!

Unfortunately, the new planned cities cannot be done under the status quo that is perpetually dysfunctional, wasteful, corrupt, and with no rational bearing whatsoever to cost-benefit analysis.

Can you imagine, the savings we can use for a master-planned supportive infrastructural development by eliminating the institutional lifeblood of disparate pork barrels and distended bureaucracies, not to mention, the current executive and bicameral irrelevance and bloated sense of significance?  Can the people survive without them?  Definitely, yes!

Fundamentally, the executive and legislative cohabitators are not democrats who nourish us with political ideas and enlightenment but demagogues who with their sense of self-importance flim-flammed us to believe that they are managing and legislating to aid and protect the health and life of our republic.

If this is so, why are we then literally the "sick person of Asia?"  And how long have we been sick? 

I am so sorry to say that these parasites keep sucking the nutrition out of our malnourished and emaciated bodies and it has to end.  It must end!

The value of a temporary and transitional government besides in its role in revolutionary "housecleaning" is to pursue no matter what and without distraction the twin goals of energy and economic independence.

Energy independence is key to the creation of the new planned cities.  We may be a third world country for now but we have the geographic advantage to propel us to a better position in the world by providing a green and reliable non-fossil and competitive-priced energy to global investors.

The attendant economic outcome of the new planned cities is key to solving the political insurgency posed by communist and secessionist movements.  We may not share the ideological or political struggles of our brothers and sisters, and I don't expect them to agree with me as well as others.  And I respect that.  But at least, we can work on one thing.  That is, to work hand in hand for our economic independence.  I believe this is a compelling possibility for everyone to do this because the heart of all our struggles is economic.

Finally, I believe that it is through the transition government (about 10 years of not having too many loud-mouths and self-obsessed cooks in the kitchen spoiling the broth) that we can lay a no-nonsense and rationally-planned intervention to enjoying the fruits of our labor and common struggle towards a healthier democratic body.

Efren Padilla, (by email), Hayward, CA, Jan. 07, 2009
Professor of Sociology and Urban Planning
California State University at East Bay


Reactions to "Who are the Malays?"

The final bit about the definition of "Malay" was very interesting.  It truly complicated but clarified what I thought was a simple thing.

Shelah Hockman, (by email), Owosso, Michigan, Jan. 04, 2009


Dear Tony:
You can unite the Malays in Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore concerning their cultural values, traditions, norms, expectations, all other common/similar cultural aspects like music, painting, literature, songs, food, and so forth; and similar linguistic roots.  Dr. Harry Aveling, an Australian Professor of East Asian Literature and Culture at Latrobe University, Australia, and Dr. Nor Faridah Abdul Manaf , a Malaysian Professor of English at the Islamic University of Malaysia, are expert scholars on this particular matter.     Shalom,

George Bradford Patterson II, (by email), Jan. 04, 2009


Reaction to "Bonifacio Revisited" (Jan. 30, 2008)

Hi Antonio:
I liked your Bonifacio article very much.  Would you be so kind as to send me a website link to it?

If you don't mind, would you tell me where your sources are for Bonifacio stealing from the Katipunan funds, the mysterious sniper death out of range of Edilberto Evangelista (Aguinaldo's first choice for the Presidency) and Bonifacio's failure in every battle?
Really, the article was a wow.

I am in Honolulu now for the winter. It was delightful to meet you and I think you are a brave journalist.  Is it that "fearless" "Abaya" heritage? Aloha,

Elaine Hazzard, (by email), Honolulu, Hawaii, Dec. 17, 2008

(Actually, Eileen, most of that article was written by Dante G. Balacanao of Los Angeles. Unfortunately, I do not seem to have saved his email address. I invite you to read the many reactions to that article, all archived in www.tapatt.org. ACA)


Can this be another scam?


I stumbled into this site on the net and felt alarmed.  I sent it to one of my friends at the SEC in order to perhaps raise an alarm bell over there.  My concern is that in the last 8 years, more than Php 70 billion had been lost to scams, many in the name of multi-level marketing, Herbal Life and First Quadrant to name a few.  It may be timely to blow the whistle early so that if this turns out to be a scam in the making, people would be made aware and be very discerning before they part with hard earned money.  I'm afraid that given the economic slowdown, many might be convinced to fork out cash for membership fees, thinking that they will earn from the membership fees of others that they recruit.  They may even be asked to fork out cash for "inventory" that they buy from the company.  These scams have many ingenious methods and making you part with your money in the guise of investing for future gains.

Please click on the link and have a look. You may even put some of your paper's investigative reporters to work to see whether this is legitimate and for real. Regards,  

Gus Cosio, (by email), Dec. 08, 2008


Traffic Hazards in Makati

I didn't know whom to write to so I decided to write to the two of you instead about a recent news item on TV with regards to a traffic accident at the corner of Salcedo and Rufino Sts. in Makati around midnight Dec. 10th between an SUV and a car.

It maybe be unknown to most that the Makati government turns off a majority if not 98% of all traffic lights in the Makati area from Makati Avenue, Buendia, Jupiter, Ayala, Paseo, Pasay Road - all major intersections in the Makati Business district at
12 midnight every night.. even on weekends when there are still people in the commercial and restaurant areas. Its a free-for-all problem in Makati when you're driving home after midnight and accidents are just waiting to happen with what this city's government is doing.

Just the other night, coming out of Rockwell via Makati Avenue going towards Ayala, me and my friends were almost hit by a vehicle running at formula one speed coming from Buendia and we were fortunate enough not to get hit. Then after a few meters, another vehicle crossing Ayala towards EDSA was also in a mad rush to get to EDSA even when our vehicle was almost across going to Greenbelt... all in one night.

There are NO police officers or MAPSA officers to direct traffic and the worst thing of all - the corner of Kalayaan and Makati Avenue is always (24 hours) in a grid lock because there's no traffic officer to direct traffic, no traffic lights and the areas that do have traffic lights - these lights just blink forever at yellow. Is the Makati government really that insensitive to the health, life and safety of people who live in Makati and those who visit it? We have an expat guest who commented that traffic accidents caused by the lack of properly working traffic lights should be charged to the city government operating the traffic light in question. Because at the rate we were going, (40kph), we were almost hit by a vehicle going at twice that speed and didn't even bother to slow down simply because there was no traffic light to tell the driver to slow down even when our car was white and he could see us cross, he almost hit us...

How many people celebrate at Greenbelt and Glorietta nowadays? How many people come from the restaurants and bars of Jupiter and all the other vehicle owners who need to use this area to get home? With no traffic lights to regulate traffic, I won't be surprised if the government will ONLY resume the use of traffic lights after midnight if a politician or a policitician's family member dies in a traffic accident.

Just wanted to warn you and your loved ones to avoid Makati after midnight since it isn't a safe place to be driving in after midnight.    Best Regards,

Jenifer A. Xavier, (by email), Dec. 10, 2008


Wake Up, America! (Anti-Muslim/Obama propaganda)

Tony, you might find this interesting- particularly the end part about Democracy's "life cycle".

May we have a Happy New Year where we discover that our survival as a Nation and as a People depends on our ability to overcome prejudice, suspicion, hatred and indifference. God bless you.     Shalom!

Ed J. T.Tirona, (by email), Paranaque City, Jan. 07, 2009

---------- Forwarded message ----------

Subject: FW: Bone Chilling Video



> This is a 6 min. video that is well worth the time

> to watch. It is a chilling message. It's a video that
> needs to be forwarded all across America and the world!


> Don't leave the first screen, it will open automatically.

> Notice at the bottom right you can reverse-stop-play the

> video.(I had to pause frequently to keep the message fro>
out-running my eyeballs.)


> What kind of world are we leaving to future generations?

> After the video finishes, click on 'Enter The Site'

> - scroll down halfway to see a map of the United States,

> that clearly defines where the Muslims have set up Al-

> Qaeda terrorist cells in all but a few states!


> An eye opener .....


> >




Is That All There Is?

As we gracefully glide over the hurdles of life in the race to the finish line, let us not forget what is really important - always flush the toilet for the next fellow in line.  Just kidding!  In 2008, we have weathered what man and nature have thrown on our paths - no rice, no jobs, no money, no house - and through it all emerged unbowed with a smile, ready to greet 2009.  C'mon 2009, lay it on us!  We can take it as well as anyone else around.

Here's Bette and Peggy to set it in the right perspective for us:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fpn_xu81ySo - Bette Midler "Is That All There Is?"

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTpFUT-lxls - "Is That All There Is" by Peggy Lee

Bobby Manasan, (by email), Burke, Virginia, Dec. 19, 2008

PS:  Is that a little Filipino moonwalker in the Peggy Lee video?

(Looks more like the twin brother of you-know-who who also failed to grow to normal size because of too much smoking at age 6. ACA)


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