The Players

Match of the Day




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Alex F. & Jeremy

Alex and Jeremy are an excellent team, so good in fact, that they have achieved a number one ranking. This astounding duo has compiled a record of 0-2, an extraordinary statistic by itself. Keep up the good work!

Alex Y. & David

Alex and David are two excellent players. They have some of the most creative signals out there. Unlike many of the teams, they do not argue excessively against questionable calls, and that makes playing against them a pleasure. Just don't get too comfy; they are a very difficult team indeed. If you want to see Alex's Kemps website, click here.

Andy & Jeff

Together, Andy and Jeff have not had very much experience, but are an amazing team, and they have little left to learn. Perhaps they are best known for their shutout debut, overcoming many difficult opponents. Although more sports-oriented than other players, they have a great team and should utilize that strength the best that they can.

Anthony & Brandon

Anthony and Brandon have assembled an excellent team that works very well together. Their signals are barely noticeable, and they do not make mistakes. Despite their reputation of bending the rules to accommodate themselves, they are difficult opponents to whoever dares play them.

Danny & Wells

Danny and Wells have put together a strong team with very subtle signals. Perhaps their one downfall is their defense, but once they get that figured out, they're well on their way to victory.

Edward & James

Edward and James are a great team, fooling their opponents by using deceptively simple signals. They have corrected almost all of their former mistakes. The key to success is in correcting their remaining flaws.

Grant & Peter

This duo truly turned a new page in Kemps history by having a game of Kemps being played by a homeroom teacher. Together, Grant and Peter have put together a team like no other, winning their first game 5-2. Their future looks very bright if they continue to play as well as they have been.

Patrick & Will

Will and Patrick are a good team, with some very experienced players. Despite their reputation, they have played very few games as a team, and it is difficult to evaluate their success quite yet.

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