The Players

Match of the Day




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Individual Listings

This list shows the individual listings. I realize it does not look the best yet. The current chart only shows the partner the player is most with, instead of the many others. That will change soon; just hold on!

Name Primary PartnersDescription
Alex F.JeremyAlex has not had very much experience, but enjoys playing the game.
Alex Y.DavidAlex is a very strong competitor who has a solid grasp on the game.
AndyJeffAndy does not play Kemps often, but he is a very quick learner.
AnthonyBrandonAnthony does not easily make mistakes, and takes advantage over his opponents.
BrandonAnthonyBrandon claims he is one of the best players. While that may not quite be true, he has one of the best strategy minds in the school.
DannyWellsDanny is an excellent player that excels at nearly everything... except defense. After figuring that out, he could become much better.
DavidAlex Y.David knows how to play the game. You'll never see him make a mistake, and he is very sly at picking up his cards.
EdwardJamesEdward is a great Kemps player, and he has some of the most experience at the school. After working out how to have a defensive side, he could become an even better player.
GrantPeter (and others)I haven't heard much about Grant's style of playing, but I do know that he enjoys playing the game.
JamesEdwardJames is a great player, and he is very well-balanced. This defense is often what helps his team win games against weaker opponents.
JeffAndyJeff does not spend as much time playing Kemps as other players, but has a strong foundation.
JeremyAlex F.Jeremy enjoys playing the game, even after being shut out.
Michael(Soon to be confirmed)Michael is a fair player who is an excellent opponent to play against.
PatrickWillPatrick knows what he is doing when he plays the game. He isn't playing as much now as he did in the past, but he still retains his knowledge.
PeterGrantPeter was the first homeroom teacher to join Kemps, and he has proven that he is as good a player as anyone.
Sam(Soon to be confirmed)I haven't seen Sam play any games yet, but I know he enjoys them a lot.
WellsDannyWells knows what he's doing when he plays, and Kemps is one of his favorite card games. He often becomes overly suspicious of his opponents however, and needs to work on that.
WillPatrickWill claims he is a Kemps master... He is good, but I wouldn't consider him to be the best player. He has an excellent strategy mind as well as a strong defensive side. He is, however, having a tough time settling in on partners, and that is bringing down his performance.

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