The Lurch Files

The New Addams Family Series on Fox Family Channel

The New Addams Family Series

The New Addams Family Series Debuted on the new Fox Family Channel on October 19, 1998 during their 13 Days of Halloween Special. It enjoyed great ratings and a new-found fan base. However, due to production costs, low avertisement, the new series was stopped production on May 28th 1999. While based on the original series and using the scripts from its classic predessesor, the show was revamped and updated to bring the classic humor to new generations of fans.

The New Addams Family Series Cast Picture


Gomez Addams Glenn Taranto
Morticia Addams Ellie Harvie
Fester Michael Roberds
Wednesday Nicole Fugere
Pugsley Addams Brody Smith
Lurch John DeSantis
Granmama Betty Phillips
Thing Steven Fox

Episode Guide

These are NOT the Actual names of the episodes but rather my own to allow me to differentiate between them. As soon as I recieve the Official episode names I will change them.

  • 1. The New Addams Family Debut: Halloween with the Addams Family

Originally aired October 19, 1998

During the Festive Halloween Night, thieves enter the Mansion and try to rob the family, Meanwhile Pugsley and Wednesday go out TRICK-or -treating dressed as the most horrific duo to ever be on TV; Siskel and Ebert!
Guest star:
Jerry Van Dyke as Boss
Robert Moldaey as ED

  • 2. Deadbeat Relatives

Orignally aired October 20, 1998

Wednesday brings back from the dead Gomez's Cousin Vlad; Morticias old Flame who is intent on winning her back by killing Gomez.
Guest Star: Christopher Sayer as Vlad

  • 3. Back to School

Originally aired October 21, 1998

The local school board requires Wednesday and Pugsley to attend school. Gomez and Morticia are concerned about the violence they teach there. for instance; Hansel and Gretel pushing that poor old woman into the oven.

  • 4. Festers Date

Originally aired October 22, 1998

Uncle Fester answers an ad for a dating service then mistakes a stranger for his match. The kids use a love potion on her to make her like him.

  • 5. New Neighbors Meet The Addams Family

Originally aired October 23, 1998

Newlyweds move into the house next to the Addams mansion. Once they meet their new neighbors they want out of the lease. Unfortunately for them, Gomez is the landlord.

  • 6. Grandpapa Addams

Originally aired October 26, 1998

Grandpapa Addams comes for a visit after burning down his house. Gomez and Morticia think he needs a break and set up a vacation to a spa. Grandpapa thinks they are sending him to an old folks home and tries to act young.
Guest star:
John Astin as Grandpapa.

  • 7. Gomez, The Reluctant Lover

Originally aired October 27, 1998

Pugsley has a crush on his teacher and sends her al letter originally written for Morticia by Gomez. The teacher falls in love with Gomez. In order to disuade her, Gomez pretends to love her instead of Morticia.

  • 8. Morticia, The Matchmaker

Originally aired October 28, 1998

Cousin Melancholia seeks solace at the mansion after her engagement turns sour. Morticia tries to set her up with teh family lawyer who is no match for the family. And when Melancholias fiancee shows up, look out!

  • 9. The Addams Family Tree

Originally Aired October 29, 1998

After being insulted as having no breeding, The family hires a geneologist to trace the family tree.

  • 10. Cousin Itt Visits The Addams Family

Originally aired October 30, 1998

Cousin Itt moves into the attic after being thrown out by his girlfriend for gambling his money away. Gomez tries to get him a job as a zookeeper. Park Commisioner Fisk, however, misunderstands and puts poor Cousin Itt in the zoo as the main attraction!

  • 11. Art And The Addams Family

Originally aired October 31, 1998

Wednesday is failing art class, so Gomez calls on teh great artist Picasso. Unfortunately, He gets the wrong number and get SAM Picasso, Pizza deliverer and all around greedy person. He comes to the house to teach Wednesday how to paint.

  • 12. Thing Is Missing

Originally aired November 2, 1998

After being insulted, Thing runs away. Later the family finds a ransom note. Gomez is distraught and hires a hapless investigator to find him.

  • 13. Fester goes on a Diet

Originally Aired November 3, 1998

Uncle Fester finds a female friend on the internet who is coming to visit. He has told her he is a stud. He hires a personal trainer to help him get into shape before his new love appears.

  • 14. Morticias Romance (part 1)

Originaly aired November 4, 1998

It is Morticia and Gomez thirteenth wedding anniversary and the children are curious as to how their parents fell in love. They tell the children how Gomez was promised to Morticias sister, Ophelia. This is part one of a two part episode.

  • 15. Morticias Romance (part 2)

Originally aired November 5, 1998

Wednesday and Pugsley enjoy the rest of the tale of how Morticia and Gomez are wed. They learn that Ophelia falls in love with cousin Itt and how cousin Vladd, Morticias Suitor, dies in a horrible toothpick accident (See episode 2) And finally, how they were able to overcome all obstacles to their forbidden love.

  • 16. Wednesday Runs Away

Originally aired November 6, 1998

Wednesday runs away after being caught and grounded for releasing live alligators into the sewers. The family begins a search for her.

  • 17. My Fair Cousin Itt

Originally aired November 9, 1998

Cousin Itt gets the starring role in a play and learns to talk in a "normal" fashion after putting marbles in his mouth. Cousin Itt starts acting like a spoiled star afterwords so the family tries to get him back to his old self.

  • 18. The Winning of Morticia Addams

Originally aired November 10, 1998

Fester reads an article stating that happy couples should fight and that marriages without conflict are headed for destruction. Worried, he tries to create conflict between Morticia and Gomez.

  • 19. Festers Toupee

Originally aired November 11, 1998

Once again, Fester has an internet romance coming over for a visit. He has told her he is a ahndsome athletic type with lots of hair. He tries several wigs on to make himself look more like his self description.

  • 20. Lurch Learns to Dance

Originally Aired November 12, 1998

Lurch recieves his invitation to the Butlers Ball but doesnt know how to dance. The family tries to teach him after a small problem with a dance instructor. Lurch is terribleuntil Gomez teaches him ... THE TANGO.

  • 21. Pugsley Joins the Junior Patrol

Originally aired November 13, 1998

Pugsley joins the Junior patrol, puts out Wednesdays fires, puts flowers in the kitchen and, Gulp, calls Gomez "DAD". Morticia hires a psyciatrist to help poor Pugsley through this terrible phase.

  • 22. Melancholia finds Romance

Originally Aired November 16, 1998

Melencholia digs Digby Warren, but Fester believes he is just after her money; a love em-leave em kind of guy. The Family sets out to expose him. Meanwhile, Gomez trains for the Transilvania Decathalon

  • 23. Morticias Favorite Charity

Originally Aired November 17, 1998

The family donates items to the Charity auction. Fester even throws in the Iron Maiden ( after Morticia Shames him into it). Unfortunately, Pugsleys favorite Tiger Clock is included in the donation. It is the only thing he has ever loved. Distraught, he climbs into the chiminey and refuses to come until the family can get his clock back.

  • 24. Morticia Joins the Ladies League

Orginally aired November 18, 1998

Just as Morticia wants to make an impression on the local Ladies League, Gorgo, the dancing Gorilla escapes from the circus to paly with Pugsley and to replace Lurch. Lurch is devestated that he is being replaced. Even the kids wont throw darts at him anymore. But after Gorgo serves alcohol to the League, Faithful Lurch comes to the rescue!�

  • 25. Morticia, The Breadwinner

originally aired November 19, 1998

  • 26. Morticia's Dilemna

Orginally aired November 30, 1998

  • 27. Christmas with the Addams Family

Orginally aired December 7, 1998

A MAll Santa has jepoardized Pugsleys faith in teh man with the red suit. As Pugsly sulks, the family tries to console him with a visit from Santa.. aka Uncle Fester in the red suite!

  • 28. Crisis in the Addams Family

Orginally aired January 4, 1999

The Stock market has taken a dive! and the family thinks Gomez is broke so they do odd and end jobs to make money. Lurch and Fester open an escort service. Gomez meanwhile has found the perfect gift for Morticia.. that is, until she has a Garage Sale.

  • 29. Gomez The Cat Burglar

Orginally aired January 8, 1998

Gomez has a sleepwalking problem. The family notices that the local area is being victimized by a burglar and morticia believes the sleeping Gomez is the criminal .

  • 30. Green Eyed Gomez

Originally aired January 15, 1999

  • 31 Uncle Fester's Illness

  • Originally Aired January 16,1999

    Fester has lost his ability to cunduct electricity. All forms of home remedies are tried to no avail. Is it time for the family to visit the local hospital emergency room?

    • 32 Morticia, The Decorator

    Originally Aired January 22, 1999

    • 33 Thing's Romance

    Originally Aired January 23, 1999

    • 34 Close Encounters Of The Addams Kind

    Originally Aired January 25, 1999

    • 35 Amnesia In The Addams Family

    Originally Aired February 2, 1999

    • 36 Wednesday's Crush

    Originally Aired February 8, 1999

    • 37Morticia, The Sculptress

    Originally Aired February 15, 1999

    • 38 Gomez, The People's Choice

    Originally Aired Februaru 22, 1999

    Gomez is upset when the local mayor seems to clean. He decides to run against him. He is doing quite well until he comes across information showing the mayor is not as clean as he seems. Has Gomez made a mistake?

    • 39 Lurch's Grand Romance

    Originally Aired April 29, 1999

    • 40 Addams Family In Court

    Originally Aired May 3, 1999

    • 41 Cousin Itt's Problem

    Originally Aired May 7,1999

  • 42 Morticia, The Playright

  • Originally Aired May 14,1999

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