The Lurch Files




















Lurch is the faithful man servant of the Addams Family. While it is never mentioned whether he is an Addams by birth ( or even if he were "born" at all) there is no doubt that he is an Addams at heart. In truth, without the faithful Butler, the mansion would probably be a cheerful place to live ( eegads.. perish THAT thought!!)
Lurch is a tall, brutish - looking fellow. His size and demeanor has a tendency to intimidate visitors to the mansion. The rare grimace or even rarer smile is about the most facial expression he seems to be able to achieve. Lurch is a man of VERY few words, preferring the basic primal grunt as his form of verbal communication
Lurch can also be called upon to entertain the family. He is an accomplished Harpsicord and organ player. Just don't ask him to dance.
Lurch's greatest characteristics are his loyalty, his dedication to his job, and his ability to keep the Addams family secrets to himself (until this website, that is.) Lurch is the model servant who goes above and beyond the call of duty to serve and protect his employers, friends and family.

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Classic Television Series

Ted Cassidy as Lurch

Ted Cassidy
Born: July 31, 1932.
Died: January 16, 1979.

Born in Pittsburg, PA and raised in Phillippi, WV. Ted Cassidy was a well respected actor who portrayed many different characters during his film career. His most notable role was Lurch, the faithful butler on The Addams Family TV series. He also portrayed the disembodied hand on the show named Thing. Other roles Mr. Cassidy is noted for are Harvey Logan in "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid", Injun Joe in "The New Adventures of Huck Fin" TV show and Ruk in the Star Trek episode "What Are Little Girls Made Of?"(episode # 1.9). Due to his large size,(6ft. 9in.)he portrayed larger than life characters. His acting career spanned Three decades. He even relived the role of Lurch in The Addams Family Animated cartoon, on the Batman TV series and a Reunion show in 1977.
Ted Cassidy died in 1979 from complications following open-heart surgery. His live-in girlfriend had his remains cremated, then buried in the backyard of their Woodlawn hills home. She did not have the remains moved when she relocated. Somewhere in Woodlawn, an unknowing house-buyer has a celebrity in their backyard!

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The New Addams Family Series

John Desantis

Born: unknown

There is no current information on John Desantis. This area will be updated as information becomes available. In the meantime, you can look for information at the Internet Movie Database

John DeSantis as Lurch

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Carel Struyken as Lurch

Carel Struycken

Born:July 30th, 1948

Carel Struyken was born in Hague Holland (I couldn't find year or date) and moved to the Carribbean when he was four. Mr. Struycken is a character actor who's large size has had an impact on many tv series and movies. Most notable are the portrayal of Lurch, the family butler in "The Addams Family" (1991) and its' sequel "Addams Family Values"(1993). Mr. Struycken got his acting start in 1978 when a passerby wanted him to play the Brute in "Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band". Other characters Mr. Struycken has played are Aquillon in "MIB"(Men in Black), Gaunt in "Oblivion" and "Oblivion2; the Backlash". Mr. Struycken has recurring roles in many of the popular science fiction shows of the 90's. ( Star Trek The Next Generation, Star Trek Voyager and Babylon 5, to name a few) He has also been in some of the more popular top ten shows; "Hunter", "St. Elsewhere", "Framed", and "Twin Peaks", Currently, Carel Struycken is working in Virtual Reality based hardware and software as well as appearing in many "Trekkie" conventions throughout the nation.
Mr Struycken can be contacted through
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