Circle of the Sacred Journey meets the needs of the serious student of the Craft seeking to practice Witchcraft within a Coven structure. It is also a teaching circle, comprised of Witches who are willing to seek and share their knowledge and help others find the path they must walk in this lifetime...the sacred journey.

We follow the Wiccan Rede ("An it harm none, do what thou wilt") and the 13 Principles of Wiccan Belief.  We are a robed, non-skyclad Coven. As Witchcraft is a life-honoring religion, no member may smoke or abuse drugs or alcohol.

Our tradition can best be described as a combination of Green Craft, Shamanism and Celtic Wicca.  We see value in many facets of practice and combine them in ways which best meet our individual needs as well as those of the group. We seek connection with
Deity and attainment of personal spiritual growth within a framework of living in harmony with nature. This does not mean we neglect any of the more well-known aspects of Witchcraft; to the contrary, we do work with divination and magick. The goal of such work, however, is first and foremost to assist us with our personal evolution as we walk our paths.

We honor both the Universal male/God energy and female/Goddess energy; as in nature, we believe all things flourish when held in balance. Personal growth is also key to advancement within the tradition. Reading a book or memorizing some facts will not make you a Witch! Hard work, perseverance and serious study along with a connection to the spirit world and the natural world will take you much further. 

Coveners are bound by ties greater than those of blood or marriage. Truly, a good Circle is a family. As such, all members are expected to work together in harmony and love as we support one another in our struggles and triumphs on our different paths. These bonds will be strengthened through attendance at ritual Sabbats and Esbats, drumming circles, group meditations and other Coven outings and gatherings.

Some notes to the novice Seeker:
Witchcraft is not about power, ego or control. It is about love.
Magick, while useful and very effective if done properly, is not the core work of this Circle.
Negative energies/negative magick are not a part of our Craft.

*NOTE: You do not have to be initiated into or by a coven to be a Witch; for us, it is the fulfillment of one's committment to the gods for growth, wisdom and connectedness, as demonstrated by skill, development and spiritual maturity, which makes one a Witch.
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