Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is Circle of the Sacred Journey a real Coven or just an online discussion group? Circle of the Sacred Journey is a physical Coven. We have opened our doors to solitaries without access to other serious Craft practitioners so that everyone looking for a Green Coven has the ability to walk the path they are meant to in this lifetime. 

2. Why do I have to join a Coven in order to get training?
You don't. You can take classes on the internet or at local new age/metaphysical centers and bookstores in your area. There is a committment for personal growth and responsibility made by the student to the teacher in a Coven setting which is lacking in other settings. Much of the information, and many exercises and experiences, which you receive when training one-on-one in a coven are private and specific to that coven's tradition, and you will never find them written down in a book or dictated to you in a public lecture. Above all, the experience of bonding with other Witches and growing together spiritually is what you will not find outside of a Coven structure. One setting is not better than another; what is important is which is better for you.

3. What if I have already been initiated into another tradition? Prior learning will be demonstrated by your ability to progress quickly through the material we study together.

4. What is your view on the use of magick in Witchcraft? Magick is wonderful, no doubt about it. However, it is our philiosophy that we are not here on this plane to work magick, but to evolve spiritually. This involves a lot of hard, introspective work, facing our inner shadows and dealing with them. Magick can be useful in achieving that goal, but first the serious Witch must learn the basics of our Craft so as not to be sidelined or distracted by magick. There need to be connections formed with the gods, the Elementals, one's guides, and one's self. Many have never done this kind of work, and it is truly all-consuming. As a very wise Crone High Priestess told me more than once, declaring one's intention to the Universe to become a serious student of the Craft will bring up one's issues! It is thus necessary to grow in wisdom and knowledge about the Craft, combined with intensive spiritual work, to bring about changes in one's life before relying on magick to do so. This is an extremely empowering experience for most people.

5. If this is real Witchcraft, why is studying with the Circle free?
One of the main tenets of our beliefs, and part of the personal Code of Ethics of most Witches, is that there shall never be a monetary charge for teaching the ways of the Ancients and the Arts of the Craft. As we have received freely, so shall we give freely. Question the motivations of any teacher of Witchcraft who charges for learning. 

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