General Outline and Format
Study will introduce you to truths and myths of Witchcraft, the history of Witchcraft, pantheons of many different cultures, various forms of divination, symbology, magick, herb craft, ritual form, meditation, spirits of nature (elemental powers, faery, animal totems, plant spirits) and natural healing. You will work with divinatory forms such as the Tarot, runes and astrology to help you on your path to self-realization (divination with this Coven is primarily for gaining insight into spiritual truths about the Self, and never for "fortune telling" or monetary gain). We study and practice natural / alternative options for health and care of the body, including the use of herbs, aromatherapy and crystals.

Students can expect between 5-15 hours of work per week outside of class and ritual. Work typically consists of readings, outlines, projects, meditations and journals. Local students will hold their classes one-on-one with a member of the Circle Clergy at the Covenstead in Springfield. Distant students will also hold their classes one-on-one;  Yahoo! Messenger, webcam, microphone and headphone or speakers are required.

Study and practice with the group is only a possibility for those serious and hardworking, age 21 and older. Acceptance is based on personal committment, suitability for Craft study and practice within our tradition, and compatibility with any existing Coveners. Gender, race, age, sexuality or national origin are never an issue.
There is no charge for any training you may receive as a member of Circle of the Sacred Journey. Because of this, the time your fellow Witches spend with you is an investment in you and your spiritual growth - their return is seeing you grow, prosper on your path, and become dedicated as a strong and spiritual Witch! In return, you are expected do any assignments with care, and attend gatherings/classes regularly, on time and prepared.

Children are not permitted to attend rituals or study sessions, so please make other arrangements for child care. Local students must also have regular, dependable transportation.

You must buy your own books and Craft supplies, including herbs, candles, oils, etc. If you do not have the financial means to purchase supplies for your training and work with the Circle, then you have material plane matters to attend to before becoming a Witch.
All members also bear responsibilities related to the operation of the Circle.  A calendar of events will be made available; although there will be exceptions (as with Esbats), most gatherings in Springfield will occur on Friday evenings or Saturdays.  Attending these gatherings will truly help bring you closer to the other members of the Circle, and help create a family!

Since all classes and most gatherings will take place at the Covenstead, all local members are expected to contribute to the physical upkeep of supplies used during Circle events. This includes any supplies shared in common (toilet paper, tissues, paper towels, incense, charcoal, candles, etc). In addition, each ritual will have a list of items assigned to each member. This could be altar flowers, incense, cakes or something special for a Sabbat. Be responsible! Others are relying on you. Having responsibility for the big things, like personal evolution, starts with being responsible for the little things.

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