
The crossing of two forces

1st aett, 7th rune

The exchange and resulting
interaction between the human
and the divine

Connection, gift, exchange
interaction, balance



Sapphire, aquamarine, fluorite, azurite,
lapis lazuli, sodalite, rose quartz, amethyst,
jade, kunzite

Deep blue

September 28 - October 13

6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

The Germanic name: Geuua (Gebo)
The Norse name: Gipt, Giof
The Anglo-Saxon name: Geofu (Gyfu)
The Icelandic name: Gjof
The Norwegian name: Giof

Gebo symbolizes a gift that originates
and results in the connection between
people. Personified by the Norse goddess
Gefn, "the bountiful giver," Gebo links the
human world with the divine, since one aspect
of the gift derives from interaction between
humans and the divine. The concept of giving
that is inherent in the G-rune is not onesided,
but actually a two-way exchange: The gift is
given with the understanding that a gift is to be
given in return. Therefore, Gebo is the rune of giving
and receiving. Through this system of give-and-take,
everything balances out. The preservation of
balance is the important idea here. It applies
equally to positive and "negative" gifts.
Ways that the Gebo rune has been used
traditionally vary from people using the
Gebo "X" to sign their name or mark the
treasure on a map, to people using the
Gebo "X" in correspondence to denote kisses.
From this last use comes another aspect of Gebo,
that of a contract, a partnership, particularly
between lovers. The rune was also imprinted on
stone or wood and used as a boundary marker.

Odin-His role here was as the giver
of life to the original humans, Ask
and Embla, who, until Odin and his two
brothers gave them life, were human-
shaped trees, the ash and the elm.
The three gods endowed these two
wooden logs with the qualities of wit,
breath, hearing, voice, vision, and
other human characteristics.
Gefn-One of Frigga's handmaidens, she
sold her hymen for a jewel but continued
to retain her virginity. She is considered
a form of the Earth Goddess. All women who
die as virgins are passed into Gefn's care.

Raven, wolf, hoound, eagle, bear,
cat, falcon, lobster, oyster,
chimpanzee, firefly, eel, bull,
cock, iguana, stag





While Kenaz is the rune of humankind,
Gebo is the rune of deity-that magical
power present in the Ginnungagap
(energetically charged void) before the
formation of the worlds. Gebo represented
the gifts given to humans by the gods. For
example, in the Icelandic poem "Volsunga,"
the three gods Odin, Vili, and Ve encountered
the two trees, Ask and Embla, on which each
god bestowed the gift of life. Gebo also
embodies the gifts that humans give to the gods
in return for the gift of life. There is no part
of us that is not divine, stemming from the goddesses
and gods. In turn, there is no part of the Goddess
and God that is not part of us. We are one. In
Gebo, this relationship flows both ways.

Magical initiation
Love magic
Sacred sexual expression
Mystical union of the Goddess and God
Increases harmony in relationships
Reconciles polarities
Harmoniously connects runic streams of energy
Accesses divine wisdom

Gebo, gebo, gebo,
Gu ga gi ge go
Gub gab gib geb gob
Og eg ig ag ug
G a a a a f f f f f f f

On the highest level, the gift transcends
both the giver and receiver. When
including the Gebo rune in a sending
(sending runic energies toward a goal),
remember that every gift demands a gift
in return. The law of compensation dictates
that any displacement or movement of energy
has to be compinsated for in some way. With
Gebo, the movement is a gift that moves from
giver to receiver and sets up a chain of
energetic patterns that culminate in a
balancing. In this sense, the giving
inherent in Gebo resembles the barter system,
where one person might trade bread in exchange
for jam, and as a result both parties have
bread and jam. It is a mutual exchange,
benefiting both.
Through the exchange between humans
and the divine, an aspect of Gebo revolves
around the sacred mystery of the two (or
many) into One. The power of the G-rune
binds people together through an act of
will, in order to create a specific result.
An example of this is sacred sexual expression,
which is the exchange of energetic polarities
in a way that produces an intended and desired
result. When doing magical work, you can also
use Gebo to bind two or more runes together.
In magic, Gebo represents the reconciliation
and merging of opposing energies, such as male
and female.
The Rune of giving and partnership
governs relationships and unions.
This positive and generous rune
also overseas exchanges of all kinds.
Gebo is the rune of connections and
establishing thereof, especially connections
and relations between people. It represents
points where our roads intersect with those
of others, which is how various relations
and relationships originate. Some of such
relations are strengthened or confirmed
through exchange of presents.
With ancient peoples gift is very often a
symbol of oath, or undertaking. Gift understands
in itself that a part of the one presenting
it belongs to the person receiving such. In
exchange, the side receiving the gift remains
under an obligation toward the donor. This is
why rulers used to deliver gifts to their vassals,
in order to secure for themselves their loyalty.
It is for that reason that men always gave their
brides their rings on the occasions of wedding.
Gifts to gods were expression of love and loyalty
of believers, however also understanding the deities'
obligation to take care of and provide for people's
needs, which is especially clearly visible in case
of votives, (gifts contributed aiming at talking
the gods into approving of and granting some certain
things prayed for).
Accepting a gift means accepting an obligation.
This is how an imbalance is created, out of which
an obligation or an oath derives.
When used in divination it signifies: gift,
proposal/offer, relation, love, marriage,
partnership, generosity, unexpected good luck.

For use in magik: for finding or reinforcing
a love relation, fertility, bringing luck,
for designation of a present, or offer.

This rune features no specific upright
and reverse positions. Gebo announces a
present that can possibly be material in
its nature, however also an inherent gift
brought into this world with one's birth,
but nevertheless articulated and possible
to be shown to the world only at the time
the question is asked.
This rune is always a good omen. Designates
a new friendship or partnership in business,
to be realized in practice very shortly.
To all those involved the new relationship
will bring many pleasant things, much success,
and material well-being. All the participants
will be getting along and socializing in a fine
and smooth manner.
About the person asking the question the
rune says that he/she will give and receive
many presents, insisting on the dynamic relation
between the active and the passive aspects,
on equilibrium between giving and accepting.

Fehu Uruz Thurisaz Ansuz Raidho Kenaz
Gebo Wunjo Hagalaz Naudhiz Isa Jera
Eihwaz Perdhro Algiz Sowilo Tiwaz Berkana
Ehwaz Mannaz Laguz Ingwaz Othala Dagaz

Rune Interpretations


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