Last Updated: October 1, 2001 Visit the Cerebus.Org Page


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Dave Sim Cerebus is the epic story about an Aardvark named Cerebus. The writer/artist/creator, Dave Sim has been doing Cerebus since 1977. It is 300 issues only, ending with the title character's death.

"He came to our city in the early dawn... Though later he would be called the finest warrior to enter our gates, at the time, he was but a curiosity... You see, he stood only five hands high, had a lengthy snout, a long tail and was covered with short grey fur... He was, in short... CEREBUS THE AARDVARK."

It is unknown where Cerebus was born and spent his early life, but it was almost certainly a northern "barbarian" country. He moved to Imesh when he was 9, but he has seen his parents since then (Cerebus #39). Cerebus studied for three years with Magus Doran in his youth. He often refers to himself in the third person, a barbaric northern custom.

Cerebus appears to have no soul (Cerebus #2, 7). Conversely, he may have a soul, of a nature that trying to consume it results in the consumer's destruction.In Reads, Cerebus is revealed by Astoria as an hermaphrodite. This is evidently the case not only with his body but also with his mind. Yet, Cerebus him/herself, as well as the rest of the characters, because of her/his trappings and behavior, assume maleness.

Though small, Cerebus is deceptively strong. He is capable of breaking sturdy chains (Cerebus #4). He has developed quite a lot of muscle in his oversized snout and tail, and is capable of using them as fighting limbs. (Cerebus #2, 6, 8, 14). He has very good night vision (Cerebus #30). His fur smells truly awful when wet. Cerebus has good night vision. (Cerebus #30).

Cerebus seems to disdain the use of armor (except for an occasional helmet) (Cerebus #9). He is one of the very few right-handed swordsmen in Estarion, which may also help to explain his success (Cerebus #37). He is the number 6 crossbow man in Estarion (Cerebus #27)

Cerebus is himself bloodthirsty towards his enemies and vindictive when he can get away with it. Cerebus is an expert con man, and skilled at quickly making up mostly-plausible "facts" to support his schemes. This, combined with his great personal charisma, makes him an impressive political figure. Cerebus is often plagued by curiosity, and will frequently enter situations that he *knows* will get him into trouble because of it.

In Minds, many of the characters of Cerebus are revealed to be external projections of himself after contact with magic; The Crawler, Elrod, Turg, The Brothers of The Black Sun, The Regency Elf, The Roach. This revelation is made in connection with the fact that Cerebus had a destiny before him, but chose a different path with different consequences. The Fake Death is only alluded to in connection with the other manifestations of Cerebus.

For information on ordering Cerebus, write to

Aardvark Vanaheim.,
P.O. box 1674,
Station c,
Kitchener, Ontario N2G 4R2
For phone orders call 519-576-7820
For credit card orders call 519-576-0610
For fax orders send to 519-576-0955.

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