FRIDAY        October 09, 1998      
Post Recording Session Blues? 
I'm feeling pretty much drained from this week's schedule so far,  and the band still has gigs through Sunday,  then a few days off and then it's back to The Catamaran on Wednesday and Las Vegas on Thursday!! 
I thought we all did an excellent job in the studio,  recording our second CD effort.   The new 'modern vintage' drum heads by Aquarian are great and I felt they sounded better than the 'Jack DeJohnette' drum heads. 
I'm so glad we ended up recording at 'Studio West'.   And Jon Mathias did an excellent engineering job. 
We've all lost so much sleep,  and now that we are finished with the recording,  we now have to get back on track and do these gigs pretty much every night till Sunday. 
I Don't Have High Blood Pressure! 
I went to the doctor's today and had a checkup.   Although I'm not too big on going to the doctor's for any particular reason,  I had to go and have my blood pressure checked and my blood reassessed.   I had my blood pressure tested at one of those machines that can be found at your local drug stores.   Anyway,  my doctor said that those things aren't 100% reliable,  and the flourescent lighting and such can affect the performance of those machines.   Whew!!! 
My Romance 
I've been listening  (perhaps studying) the Carly Simon CD called My Romance.   On it there is a song called 'I See Your Face Before Me' written by Howard Dietz and Arthur Scwartz back in 1937.   It's such a beautiful,  sad melody and I love the way Carly Simon sings this: 
I See Your Face Before Me 
I'm on my way, back again, 
this is the end of romance, 
I'm on my way, back again, 
love is only a dance, 
I'll face the unknown, 
I'll build a life of my own, 
No one knows better than I myself, 
I'm by myself,  alone... 
I see your face before me, 
crowding my every dream. 
there is your face before me, 
you are my only theme, 
it doesn't matter where you are, 
I close my eyes and there you are, always. 
If you could see the magic, 
if you could see me too. 
There would be nothing tragic 
in all my dreams of you. 
Would that my love could haunt you so; 
knowing how I want you so, 
I can't erase your beautiful face 
before me. 



CDs Played Today:  

    Carly Simon - My Romance 
    Paul Simon - Graceland 
    Sirens of Song - Compilation 
    Keith Jarrett - The Koln Concert 
    Pat Metheny Group - First Circle
Last  Movie Seen:  
    Wild Things (video)
Last Book Read: 
    The Complete Poems of Marianne Moore
Tonight's Gig: 
    Tio Leo's
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