My Sanctuary
The Days...   As They Unfold In Time

About Me

I was born on January 26, 1958 in San Diego, California at the Balboa Naval Hospital.

My parents immigrated to the United States from a province called Camarines Sur in the Philippines.

I am the eldest of five children.  I have one brother and three sisters.

I'm married and have been for the past 19 years.   I have two sons,  Cameron (age 10) and Jordan (age 6).

Music has always been my "schtick".   I began piano lessons at age 5,  and began playing drums at age 11.

Ever since I was a kid I always wanted to play drums like Buddy Rich. 

I stayed up late one night when I was about 9 and watched Buddy play drums on the Johnny Carson Show.

My parents either couldn't afford to get me a drumset or didn't think I was serious enough to warrant owning my own drumset. 

I carved drumsticks out of wood from the backyard,  and made my own drums out of cardboard boxes.  My parents must've felt sorry for me,  and they ended up buying me my first drumset at age 11.

As a kid of 6,  I remember my mom sending out for that Dr.  Seuss book offer,  and I remember anticipating the arrival of each book in the mail. 

My two most favorite Dr. Seuss books were "Go, Dog, Go" and "Green Eggs and Ham".

As a kid of 5,  I remember my mom being a very big fan of President John F. Kennedy and admiring him very much.   I remember her crying as we watched the funeral procession of JFK on the black & white television.   It was a sad day and I remember feeling the sadness.

As "nerdy" as it sounds,  I love to collect things,  and I have a very nice collection of magnets on my refrigerator door that I'm proud of.   I am also a serious coin collector,  and have been a stamp collector since I began in the boy scouts.

I love rootbeer and I also have a weakness for chocolate ice cream.

I have a passion for watching sunsets and gazing at the stars in the night time sky.
As farfetched as it may seem, 

I have a secret dream of becoming a very successful poet...   living in Manhattan in a nice apartment and working at home.  (wouldn't that be just nice!)

I absolutely love going to the movies,  and I remember "Mary Poppins" as being the first movie my parents took me to see in the theaters.   I remember my parents taking us kids to see "Ben Hur" and the only thing I remember of the movie was the chariot race.

I literally love music in an eclectic sort of way.   I can listen to jazz and classical music,  then turn around and listen to country, pop and R&B.   I also love ethnic music from places like Japan, Tibet, India,  China and Africa.  I hate to say the "N" word,  but I DO love New Age music, and there's a lot of pretty profound stuff that's obscure but very enjoyable.

If I really get into a particular recording on CD,  I could listen to it for months before getting tired of it.

I go into a depression every now and then,  and have been driven to tears for no apparent reason.   I simply accept it as part of my personality and that it's OK.

I truly love all forms of music, impartially.   I have no prejudices when it comes to music.   My philosophy is that as long as the music is honest,  and touches the heart and soul,  then it is truly worthy. 

I love music very much.   It's a deeply personal and passionate experience for me.


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