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  TUE    6.23.98         finally...   rest?  
The day after our mini tour in San Fransisco had ended,  you'd think that I'd be able to rest.   I didn't,  really.    After helping get the kids off to school I had to go to my doctor and get my knee checked out.   I had an appointment to see Dr.  Miller at 10:30am.   The problem was that there was a lot of walking involved to get to his office and my knees were sore again.  
The verdict?   Dr.  Miller was very doubtful that I tore any ligaments or cartilage.   He said that if I did tear something,  I wouldn't be able to walk on it at all.   OK,  that was reassuring,  but he still was going to take x-rays of my knee just in case.   I mean,  it hurt like hell and it felt as though I tore something.    So I thought it was in my best interests to go get the knee checked out. 
I was able to leave the hospital with some pills that would ease the pain and reduce swelling.   And I was able to get x-rays done on the knee.   I scheduled a follow-up visit for next Monday,  and off I went to pick up my son.   Oh,  and by the way,  my wife had taken the day off to be with me so I thought that was a nice gesture on her part.  

Spent much of the afternoon getting caught up on journal entries.   The tour to SF put me very much behind on my writings,  and I had a lot to cover. 

My wife and I saw the X-Files movie tonight.   I'm just starting to get into the TV series.   I don't watch too much TV nowadays,  but sometimes the band is off on Sundays, so I'm able to watch The Simpson's,  King of the Hill, and the X-Files. 
I enjoyed the movie version of the X-Files.   I found it entertaining and suspenseful.  

It was great getting back on the computer after a whole week out of town.   I didn't go through withdrawals or anything like that,  but when I finally got home to check email and update my web sites,  I realized I kind of miss the routine of working on my web sites and surfing the Internet.   I vow that one day I'll get a nice laptop computer with around-the-world access so that I can browse the Internet and check email while on tour. 

I seem to always go through withdrawals however,  when I've had an exciting week with the band.   I guess the adrenaline my body uses to pump myself up for these important gigs finally dissipates,  and I kind of go through a period when I'm depressed and out of sync.   This presents a problem when coming back because I'm expected to pick up the "slack"  where I left off,  and the only thing I'm thinking of is getting rest.   Well,  at least I'm home for awhile anyway...


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