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Kit 'n Kaboodles

Funny name isn't it? We have set aside Friday evening for those who like to teach their craft. Campers are encouraged to bring kits to sell and then demonstrate how to put them together. These kits are usually priced between $5.00 and $10.00 and must include full instructions for campers can take the kit home to complete if desired.  The Kit ‘n Kaboodles event usually takes place in the evening so you have some time to work on these mini projects.

Please contact Adrian Cooper [email protected] for more information. 


Exchange Gifts

Each camper is asked to bring five exchange gifts.  This means that on each of the five nights of camp, gifts are exchanged among the campers.  Thus, the need for five gifts.  You bring five wonderful gifts, you go home with five wonderful gifts!

The exchange gifts do not all need to be the same and they do not need to meet any theme requirements unless you choose to do so.  Exchange gifts should have a minimum retail value of about $15.  Of course homemade gifts are the most sot after and preferred. If you are a collector or not comfortable making your gift, you can bring purchased items and we will be delighted that you can be part of the exchange! The value can be difficult to judge, so think in terms of whether the gift is something that you would like to receive yourself.  Camp Mini Ha Ha has a designated inspirational person who can help you if you are having difficulty deciding what to make. You can also ask a friend to help you determine if the value seems appropriate.



Tidbits are smaller gifts that campers may bring to camp.  You need to bring one for each camper, which means 40 tidbits.  They don’t all have to be the same if you don’t care for heavy repetition!  Tidbits are exchanged throughout the day, usually at meal times and you’ll find yourself opening packages with several different tidbits each time.  The value for tidbits is in the $2 to $3 range.  The value isn’t the key here, so don’t spend too much time worrying about it, just have fun making something that feels like a “tidbit”.


Artisan Mart

Saturday afternoon, camp is open to the public for a show and sale.  Campers who are able are asked to bring finished projects to put on display.  In addition, the artisan market provides an opportunity for campers to sell their wares.  Any camper who wishes to sell their miniatures just needs to indicate their wish on the registration form.  Both the display area and the sales area are open to both campers and the public.


Camp Auction

The Camp Mini Ha Ha auction is one of the highlights of camp.  Every Saturday evening is taken over by the camper auctioneer and everyone gets into the bidding action.  Donations of miniature items for the auction are made by campers and other miniaturists who wish to offer support to Camp Mini Ha Ha.  We auction miniature or miniature related items that have been donated to Camp.

Everyone is welcome to bid. It is great fun and a wonderful help to get next years camp off the ground. All Pubas and Catchys (executive & helpers) are volunteers. We intend to keep CMHH an affordable fun filled miniature vacation. We rely on the revenue made at our Auction to help cover cost unforeseen and preparation for the following year. Anything you can bring or send with someone to be auctioned at Camp will be welcomed with open arms and gratitude. You can bring (or send with someone) anything miniature related of any value. You are not required to donate. We want you to give with an open heart in support of CMHH. If you cannot bring an item, you can support CMHH by bidding on that special little item that caught your eye!

The Camp Registration Form will ask you to indicate if you are donating an item to the auction; donating and participating are optional.  Bidding is enthusiastic and the auction items are varied.  It’s a lot of fun and you can come away with some wonderful new acquisitions.


Sunday Afternoon Tour

Sunday afternoon is left as open time for campers to take off and explore the surrounding area.  Anything is up for grabs – you can do some shopping, explore local artisans shops, do some sightseeing and maybe even take in a boat tour or whale watching expedition.  The choice is up to the camper.  You can even stay put and work on your project if you choose.


Annapolis Basin Conference Centre Brochure

Note:  The accommodations for the camp is a military dorm, not captains quarters as shown in the


Last updated February 22/09


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