My Art Tour

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We're standing in my hallway entrance right now, facing toward the main living area.

On your left is another postcard of the Battle of Lake Erie. This time it is a color print of the American flagship Niagara with the British flagship Detroit in the background. Again, I purchased this at Put-In Bay. Actually, Put-In Bay is highly disappointing. It is basically a party beach with hardly anything at all beside some peace monument to indicate a tremendous American naval victory. I imagine most people could go here for years before becoming vaguely aware that history was made nearby:

On your right are two small framed prints one above the other. They are cheap things that don't quite arise to the level of art, but it's what is here. I like them.

On the top is another plate stripped from a book showing the Capitol Building under construction. It might be prior to its burning by the British in the War of 1812 since the dome is disturbingly different under construction from what we know today. Sadly, I didn't document what I framed:

Below the picture of the Capitol Building is another small frame with another image of the old map of the world from the half bath. My son got this for me several Christmases ago so of course it goes on the wall!

From here we can move into the kitchen, walk into the main room, or head back to the entry.

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