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As we walk into the kitchen, keep in mind that the refrigerator is largely an art collection. Mister used to monopolize the collection, but his output has declined. He used to paint and draw at home but now he largely limits it to school so we are down to a smaller number on display. Besides, in the last few months, Lamb has started posting pictures on the refrigerator's bottom part where she can reach--including a lovely portrait of myself.

On the left, as you walk past the small kitchen table (which must be rolled out and set up to be used) and wine cart, there is a small print by Sergon. He's similar to Kinkade in using light but without the annoying marketing that has made Kinkade's work about as appealing to me as Happy Meal movie tie-in figurines. I added the frame and matting:

Walking into the kitchen and facing right to look out at anybody sitting at the bar, you can see my only numbered print (no. 11 of 1,000), by Durwood Coffey. The print was a house-warming gift from the artist and my sister. The funny thing is, I called my sister to ask to buy this print and she told me that they were having one framed as a gift. It is a tree frog and I think it is really cool:

Coffey is really good though I admit his favorite sea life theme is not my cup of tea. But he is outstanding as a painter. Go buy his stuff. He is branching out into other themes and if he ever paints 19th century cityscapes I'll be tempted to buy the original though Durwood is loathe to part with those.

Ok, turn around and return to the hallway or climb over the bar (careful of the light fixture) and enter the dining and office area.

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