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Informações   especialmente históricas e literárias , pesquisas, documentos e receitas constituem  propriedade material ou bem  intelectual dos membros das famílias  citadas neste website genealógico. 

Ícone: Horas Marianas, livro de oração de Maria carolina Alves Machado,  minha ancestral, que nele anotava dados genealógicos.  Impresso em Paris, 1827. VOLTE PARA A PÁGINA INICIAL POR AQUI

Ícone: certidão de nascimento de Sylvio de Oliveira Guimarães, avô da editora. FAMÍLIAS E SOBRENOMES PESQUISADOS

Ícone: prensa manual, do século XVII. NOTÍCIAS DE NOSSA GENTE
Ícone: Solar dos Guimarães, em Ouro Preto, MG. Casa onde viveu o escritor Bernardo Guimarães -  Crayon de Renato Picazzio - ÁRVORE GENEALÓGICA DESTE RAMO DA FAMÍLIA - LINKS LITERÁRIOS
Ícone: Solar dos Alves, em Soledade de Itajubá, hoje Delfim Moreira, MG. Crayon de  Delu Senna Machado. ÁRVORE GENEALOGICA  DESTES RAMOS DA FAMÍLIA
Ícone: Colégio Três Corações, fundado por Olympia Guimarães Fonseca, bisavó da autora deste site, fundadora de mais 4 escolas em MG e SP. Crayon sobre foto de Maria Paula Guimarães Lopes.
Ícone: Casa da Travessa da rua Barão de Petrópolis,  Rio de Janeiro RJ. Crayon sobre foto de Suely Guimarães.
Ícone: Oliveira, árvore-símbolo de Portugal,  onde se fixa meu pé europeu. O outro pé está nas tabas.   ÁRVORE GENEALÓGICA DA AUTORA E EDITORA DO SITE
Ícone: Cozinha (de fora) de uma fazenda sul-mineira. AS MELHORES RECEITAS DA NOSSA FAMÍLIA AGORA REVELADAS
Ícone: antigas árvores de costado, manuscritas, século XIX. Origem: Portugal FICHAS, DIAMAGRAS E FORMULÁRIOS DE GENEALOGIA
Ícone: Relógio antigo sobre folha de outono. Criação digital. FORMULÁRIO PARA  VOCÊ ATUALIZA OS DADOS DO SEU RAMO
Ícone: primeiro mapa que delineia o Brasil (1502) Chamado Mapa de Cantino.
Ícone: Árvore de Costados Manuscrita. Origem: Espanha. Século XIX. A QUEM ESTE SITE É DEDICADO
Ícone: Família do procurador do Estado de Minas Gerais, Albino José Alves Filho, bisavô da autora do site. FOTOS DE FAMÍLIA


páginas de genealogia em inglês

Ancestors - Site produced by the Public Broadcasting System for its Ancestors series.
Ancestry.com - Portal allows you to search numerous databases. Part commercial, part free. Ancestry.com also operates FamilyHistory.com and MyFamily.com.

Cyndi’s List of Genealogical sites on the Internet - A comprehensive listing of over 40,000 genealogy links, one of the best places on the Internet to start.

Ancestors - Site produced by the Public Broadcasting System for its Ancestors series.

Genealogy.com - Portal provides databases, forums, tuttorials and links to commercial services.

GenGateway.com - A good general site, which allows you to search by surname.

The Genealogy Home Page - Their home page is a good place to start.

Genealogy Online - A large site with a searchable database and a large chat area.

Genealogy Portal - Allows you to search for sites and surnames, vital records and software.

The Journal of Online Genealogy - Journal of Online Genealogy.

National Genealogical Society - Web site for the National Genealogical Society.

Rootsweb - One of the largest sites on the Internnet, includes a database with over half a million surnames.

 USGenExchange - Genealogical data exchange and surnamee registry that allows visitors and researchers to exchange data with one another. It is among the largest non-commercial genealogy projects on the Internet.



The Bible Archives - Archive of thousands of names found in family Bibles. (USA)

Blank Family Tree - A very basic blank family tree.

Census Home Page - U.S. Census home page, provides information on ordering past census data.

Freestuff - Links to free downloadable genealogy software.

Genealogy bookstore - Online bookstore devoted solely to genealogy material.

Genealogy Toolbox - A list of databases and useful resources.

GenForum - With more than 1.5 million messages, iit ranks as one of the Internet’s biggest message boards for family history.

Handwriting information - Tips on how to decipher old handwriting.

Interactive family tree - Template to make an interactive family tree (includes HTML code).

Internet Family Finder - Genealogy.com provides a search engine that indexes 325 million names on nearly 3 million genealogy-focused web sites. You can also use Genealogy Site Finder to look through more than 56,000 links classified by subject.

Mapquest - Good resource for finding any location in the world.

Names - Good resource on naming practices throughout the world.

National Archives - Searchable database of selected parts of the National Archives’ collection.

Obituary links - Page of links to various obituary pages.

Rootsweb: Cemetery - A great site to start looking for tombstone rubbings, state-by-state listing of resources and sites (includes a poem on the wonders of tombstone rubbing).

Rootsweb: relationship chart - A chart which shows you exactly what a “fifth-cousin, twice-removed” means.

Social Security Database - Ancestry.com provides a Social Security death index which can be used to look up when and where someone died by last name or Social Security number. You can also check national online White Pages to find addresses and phone numbers.

Surnameweb - A large database which allows you to search for links by surname.

Tombstone rubbings - How to do tombstone rubbings.

Useful Vocabulary - Genealogy vocabulary, useful in understanding legal terms found on many historical documents.

USGenWeb - One of the best resources on the Web, with a state-by-state listing of useful links and information.

  Rootsweb: Kids - Site where kids can begin to get involved in genealogy, has printable forms.



Distantcousin - A general site with large surname link list.
Gengateway - A collection of surname databases.
Gensource - A surname database

Hamrick: Names - Interactive map of the United States showing where the most popular 50,000 names in the USA are concentrated.

Rootsweb: Lineage - Another good list of links to various surnames.

Rootsweb: Surname Search - Three major surname search engines on one page.

Surnameweb - A large database which allows you to search for links by surname.

Surname definitions - A listing of the meanings of thousands of surnames.

Yahoo: Surnames - Yahoo list of links to over 2,000 surnames.



Australian passenger Lists - Passenger lists from Australian convict ships.

Cyndislist: Ships - A solid collection of passenger lists and resources.

Immigrant information - Information about immigrant ships.

Mayflower - Mayflower passenger list.

Passenger Links - Collection of passenger list links.

Rootsweb: Ship Lists - A great collection of passenger lists stretching from the 1400s to the early part of this century.

Titanic - Titanic passenger list.



African-American links - A collection of links to African-American genealogy pages.

Ccharity - A site dedicated to those researching their African-American genealogy, includes a comprehensive list of freedman records, African-American emigrants to Liberia, fugitive slave cases, manumission papers, wills of slaves, tombstone transcriptions, and a partial list of lynchings in America since 1859.

Familytreemaker: African-American Genealogy - A good starting point for those researching African-American genealogy.

Cetel - A good starting place.
Chinese surnames - A database of Chinese surnames.


Census - Information about the Australian census.

Familytreemaker: Australian - A good starting point, list of resources.

Rypac - Australia’s immigration and family history center.


Rootsweb: Barbados - Barbados genealogy page.

Jamaican Genealogy Page - Jamaican genealogy info page.

West Indian Links - West Indian genealogical links.



Euro Libraries - Public Libraries of Europe.

FEEFHS - Federation of Eastern European Family History Societies.


Census - Information about the English census.

Genuki - The U.K. and Ireland Genealogical Information Service.

  U.K. genealogy - How to research your ancestors from the United Kingdom.


French Genealogical Center of America - For Americans of French ancestry.

FFG - Federation of French genealogists.

French Links - Lists of French genealogy links.



German-American immigrants - A page dedicated to Germans who emigrated to America. Includes passenger lists of ships coming to America and U.S. passport applications.

German genealogy - German genealogy home page, with a list of links.



Familtytreemaker: Cuba - Cuban genealogy page.

South American Links - South American research links



HHS - Huguenot historical society.

NHS - National Huguenot Society.



The A-Z of Irish genealogy - A good starting point.

Irish Links - Irish genealogy links.

Irish Times: Ancestors - A comprehensive site listing land records, ship logs, and a surname search.



IGSA - Italian Genealogical Society of America.

ItalGen - Italian genealogy home page, includes a surname database.



Getting Started - Information about getting started on researching Jewish genealogy.

  JamGen - A site devoted to Jamaican Jewish genealogy.

JewishGen - The official home of Jewish genealogy.

JewishGen: Database - Searchable Jewish surname database.


Genealogy Links - Native-American genealogy links.

Getting Started - Information about getting started on researching Native American genealogy.

National Archives - National Archive material on Native-Americans including information about the census and the Bureau of Indian Affairs.



Links - Polish genealogy links.



NordicNotes - A great collection of genealogical material for Scandinavian countries. Includes databases and archive materials.

Scandinavian databases - A collection of Nordic databases.

Special resources:



Adoption.com - Good place to start genealogy research if you were adopted.

Adoption Search - An “adoption-focused search engine.”



How-to Article - A good starting off article on researching female ancestors.

Maiden Names - Seventeen ways to find a maiden name.

Notable Women - Notable women ancestors site.



JewishGen Registry - Holocaust Global Registry which provides information on Holocaust victims, with a comprehensive surname search.

Remember - Holocaust resource site.

Yad-Vashem - The largest Holocaust site on the Internet, part of a large Jerusalem-based project.



"Eu só boto be-bop no meu samba
quando o Tio Sam tocar um tamborim..."
Jackson do Pandeiro, IN "Chiclete com Banana"




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Genealogia  Mineira  

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