Beausejour - Brokenhead Minor Hockey Association


Minor Hockey Calendar
BBMHA Contacts
Coaches & Managers
Equipment:What will 
they need?
Hockey the Game
Parents Make the 
Duties of Players
Rules and Regulations
Hockey Terms
Risk Management
2004 - 2005 Fees
Hockey Manitoba
Fun for Kids

Players recognize that coaches, managers and other team officials are placed in a position of "loco parentis" (acting as a responsible and reasonable parent) by the Association. As such they are charged with controlling and directing player behavior both on and off the ice, at all hockey or team activities, while representing the Association. Players are, therefore, subject to disciplinary action at the team, league, Association or Hockey Manitoba level, should they exhibit behavior, which transgresses these guidelines/expectations. 


Players are expected to:

  • comply and obey all reasonable direction of the coach, manager, and team officials, providing such direction does not transgress normal moral, ethical or religious standards; 
  • protest unreasonable direction in a respectful, courteous fashion; 
  • comply with all Association, League, Hockey Manitoba and CHA rules; 
  • demonstrate a positive attitude to the game, practice and learning in general; 
  • arrive for games, practice and other team functions at the time specified by the team; 
  • have all equipment maintained in good repair and ready for use prior to games and practice; returning team or Association property to appropriate officials in a condition similar to that when issued other than normal wear and tear; 
  • advise the coach and/or manager if unable to attend a game or practice due to illness, injury or other commitment, well in advance of the activity; 
  • demonstrate respect for the game officials, team mates and opposing players and officials by refraining from profane, verbal, physical or other abuse (including physical gestures) at all times; 
  • maintain dressing rooms in a clean and orderly fashion. Vandalism of any sort is expressly prohibited; 
  • strictly refrain from the use of alcohol, tobacco or other banned or illegal substances, while participating in a team activity; 
  • recognize that they are subject to the authority of the team and the Association for the time spent in the arena before, during and after any game or practice. 
  • road trips are, therefore, a fully functioning team activity and behavior in hotels, restaurants and other arenas is to be consistent with these guidelines/expectations. 

  Beausejour Brokenhead Minor Hockey Association
Box 98 Beausejour, Manitoba, R0E 0C0
If you have any questions please email us at [email protected]

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