Inca Trail 2007

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You’re doing what? At your age!


In March 2006 I accepted a challenge to hike the Inca Trail in Peru in May 2007. Hiking for up to 12 hours a day and to heights of 14,000 feet, needless to say I started some training!


Why? I hear you say, well it was to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Relief and Myeloma UK, the charities which have helped my wife Hazel immensely over the last 8 years. Myeloma is a type of bone marrow cancer which destroys bone and damages the kidneys, and it cannot yet be cured. Hazel was told that the best she could hope for using existing drugs was a life expectancy of 7 years. Well this period has been exceeded and this is in no small way due to Macmillan Cancer Relief who in the early months following Hazel’s diagnosis played a very important part in preparing her for the battle ahead, and to Myeloma UK for their help, guidance and support.


I committed myself to raise over £3,000, and with my sponsors support I exceeded this by raising over £7,000, for which I am most grateful.


Apart from raising money for two very worthy charities, for anybody who had sponsored me I agreed in return to write an article and supply a photo for inclusion in their internal house magazine so that they are able to gain maximum publicity for sponsoring me. I have also written a diary which you can read, see my link below.


My training included attending Inspirational Training Days, courtesy of my Friends at Hallmark Healthcare, where I bent iron bars with my neck, smashed a piece of wood with my bare hands and walked across hot coals. I felt I was mentally prepared. As regards to the physical side, my gym routine was enhanced to involve more cardio vascular exercise and I started walking regularly three or four times a week. I was 57 by the time I did the trek and have a history of high blood pressure, therefore I had to make sure I was in the best possible shape.


This was a challenge I really looked forward to, it was obviously achievable but certainly no walk in the park and I didn't underestimate the challenge ahead…


Fourteen months after returning from Peru, Hazel sadly passed away on the 15th July 2008 and I have dedicated this trekking experience to her.


I have a few links, including my diary of the trek, please see below:-

Myeloma UK

Macmillan Cancer Relief

General information

Hiking information

List of sponsors

Day to day itinerary

Diary of the trek

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My thanks to my daughters Nicola and Verity for setting up this website and additionally to Verity for all her help and advice on training and what to expect, following her experiences climbing Kilimanjaro and trekking to Everest Base Camp. Her expolits can be found on the below link:-

Kilimanjaro and Everest

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