Bypass Banwell


The problem

Do nothing
No shortcuts
Traffic management
Build a bypass!

What you can do
Light relie

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Is there a solution?

Everyone who has looked at the problem believes that a bypass is the only real way forward. No-one likes building more roads but, after years of battling, we honestly believe that there is no realistic alternative.

Please click on any of the following to find out more about some of the possibilities:

1. The 'do nothing' approach.

2. Limit the number of HGVs: No Shortcuts.

3. Traffic management: control the flow.


4. Declassify the main road: find another way round for the traffic.
The classification of the A368/371 as part of the Primary Route Network needs approval from the Government Office of the South West, which supervises freight strategy. As mentioned in the No Shortcuts section and discussed at length on our sister site GOSW is not an organisation that likes to say Yes!


5. Traffic lights and one-way systems.
This option has been closely studied by two sets of independent traffic consultants. Both has reached the same conclusion: that, at three minutes, the length of delay to clear the long dead section would result in even greater driver frustration and increase pollution at the fringes of the village.


6. Road widening
Banwell has been inhabited since Roman times and contains a number of fine historic buildings as well as a Grade 1 listed church. The centre of the village through which the road passes is classified as a Conservation Area. We are not destroying houses to make way for more traffic!

None of these 'solutions' has worked. We're left with one option to sort out the mess:
Build a bypass!

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