Thanks goes to Toby Ingram and Thomas Haydon for captaining and arranging the teams often at the last hour.

The following players appeared throughout the winter season:

Thanks also to Murray Comer; correspondent and player
Lord's Indoor Sixes
Auld Reekers beat Hackney Grasshoppers by 4 runs

Auld Reekers beat Gnomes by 5 wicket

Semi final: Alud Reekers beat Washington CC

Final: Auld Reekers lost to MCC

Auld Reekers vs Hackney Grasshoppers: "Champions of Choke

Auld Reekers vs Gnomes: "Look in the book son

Semi-final: Auld Reekers vs Washington: "Spitting the Dummy"

The Final: Auld Reekers vs MCC: "Another time Highlander"

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