ASR-X PRO Sampler




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Sticky Pads on the ASR-X

Sticky Pads - a not too uncommon problem with the ASR-X as the Pads begin to wear.

Dury Gabriel wrote:

<< Hi, I opened my key board and first tried to wash it with a something wet but... the sticky thing was very hard to wash and it was still there. Then, I tried a little bit of lighter gas and the result was #1. But I need, the rubber sheet between the triggers and the electronic ship, mine seem to be destroyed where the pads hits. (I don't know if it is possible to order some, but I will email Ensoniq about it)



ps: Sorry for my bad English... I'm French...>>

To which Chitek replied:

"I have taken my ASR-X apart and you can too. Each pad sits on two springs. The reason why your pad is sticking is because there is dried up sticky stuff on the sides of the pad and it doesn't let it come up and down freely or there is stuff on the bottom where the pad makes contact with the board and it gets stuck there. You can open the pad board and clean it yourself but you have to be careful with the springs. They can pop out and they are easy to loose track of. I lost one."

To which I asked...

<< What solvent do you apply to remove the gummed up sticky stuff? Did it erode the Rubber Pad badly/at all? >>

...and Unk replied:

"For cleaning all yer studio stuff:

1) dirty pots on boards: soap and water

2) magnetic media residue (tape heads etc): isopropyl alcohol

3) wine spillage on keyboards: flush with tonic water or Perrier



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Date Last Modified: 10/08/00

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