Aspirations in Health

Vitaflex / Reflexology

     Vitaflex is a newer version of the ancient Tibetan way of reflexology with essential oils. It consists of electrical stimulation using the pads and nails of the fingers in a rolling motion to fire voltages into the body through reflex points (no, you do not feel any electric shock). Vitaflex is effective as a technique in and of itself, while aromatherapy is also effective independent of any other modality. By combining the two, the effectiveness of both is enhanced.

     The voltage produced by Vitaflex induce currents along the nerve pathways. The molecules of essential oils are also electrical in nature and move along nerve pathways. Sickness is often the result of blocked nerve pathways. Vitaflex helps move the healing molecules of esential oils along these pathways. When a gap or malfunction is encountered along the way, the oils and voltages jump-start faulty electrical circuitry, helping to restore proper function. It works best when oils and Vitaflex are applied at Vitaflex points on the body, according to Stanley Burroughs on p.40 of his book, Healing for the Age of Enlightenment.

     If you are coming in for a specific Vita Flex Technique ears (hearing, itching, ringing, etc.), Sinus, or Respiratory issues, you will be muscle tested to see which oils will be applied for your specific issue. With a Foot Vita Flex, different Oils will be used at each reflex point. Although, the Raindrop Technique is recommended as well, but not necessary. If you combine services and usage of any machines you will be given a discount.

     Please email me with any questions you may have or if you would like to set up an appointment call Vicki at 740-504-8423.


Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Evenings available.

Call Vicki at 740-504-8423 or email me.

Location - 16 Main Street S., Utica, Ohio

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