Aspirations in Health

Harmonic Quad

with foot plates

Please remember, this site is for educational purposes only. I do not claim that any of these techniques or devices will "heal" you of your illness. I only pass along reports from others as to what it may have done for them. You are to maintain your current regimen with your medical doctor.

The Harmonic Quad (zapper), developed by Dr. Overman, transmits harmonic frequencies via hand holds, throughout the body, killing parasites such as giardia, cryptosporidium, flukes, candida, trichomonas, taenia (tapeworms), ascaris (roundworms), amoeba, entamoeba, cestodes, coccidia, microsporidia, strongyloides, trichuris (hookworms), helminths and other parasites in humans and in animals.

The zapper generates different frequencies that kill parasites effectively inside the body without damaging tissues or organs. However, it does not kill parasites in the intestines. There are natural supplements for that.

Dr. Overman said that there are more cancers and diseases in today's world because the toxins allow parasites to thrive. "In the presence of isopropyl alcohol in the tissues, the (human intestinal) fluke causes cancer, with methyl alcohol it causes diabetes, with methyl ethyl ketone or methyl butyl ketone it causes endometriosis, with benzene it causes AIDS and with xylene and/or toluene it causes multiple sclerosis MS or muscular dystrophy." Overcoming Parasites Naturally by Dr. James Overman 2003, 2004, 2006.

The "Zapper" has been known to be used by people with Lymes Disease, Cancer, Flu, Colds, Infections, and much more.

It is good for everyone to zap on a regular basis.

The Procedure

You will sit in a chair covered with what looks like aluminum foil, a reflective blanket. You will hold the handholds of the quad which will be covered with a dampened papertowel. A wire will run from each handhold to the foot plates where your feet will be placed. You will then have another reflective blanket placed over you. A small towel will cover the handholds so they will not touch the blankets. Rarely does anyone feel anything happening. Once in a while someone will feel a little tingling in the place where they have a problem.

Those who have a pacemaker or are pregnant should not zap.



Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Evenings available.

Location - 16 Main Street S., Utica, Ohio

Please email me with any questions you may have or if you would like to set up an appointment call Vicki at 740-504-8423.