Aspirations in Health

Foot Bath/Detox/Fungus

     We live in a world of toxins, chemicals and pollutants. We are breathing, eating and living in environments filled with them. Our body stores these toxins because, many of which, it can't get rid of on its own.

     I use the Harmonic Quad 5 with the Electrolysis Foot Tub. It is a 2 compartment tub, one for each foot. Cationic toxins accumulate in one compartment and anionic toxins in the other. The separate tubs are because you should not let these two mix like a lot of people do. As well, You get the benefit of zapping while detoxing. Aside from being a great detox for everyone, this is said to be of great help to people with weak kidneys and Morgellon's disease.

foot tub

A Few Benefits

*helps get rid of heavy metals in the body

*helps detoxify the liver and body

*reduce inflamation

*liver, kidney and parasite cleansing

*has a positive effect on your immune system

removal of waste products

     After a session, you may feel energetic, relief from inflamation, or other problems, but this does not cure or heal diseases directly. It is only an aid in your total healing.

     To treat athlete's foot or toe nail fungus, you need to be treated 3 to 4 times a week for 2 weeks. Essential Oils will be used in this process.


     Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Evenings available.

     Location - 16 Main Street S., Utica, Ohio

     Any combined services will be discounted.

     Please email me with any questions you may have or if you would like to set up an appointment call Vicki at 740-504-8423.

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