Heraldry Society of Southern Africa

Heraldic registries in Slavic-speaking countries

‘‘Beli Orao’’Akademie heraldických nauk Ceské republikyCeská Genealogická a Heraldicka Spolecnost v Praze

Practice varies considerably from one Slavic country to another. In most of them, heraldry almost died out under communist rule, but has once more flourished since 1991. Some have heraldic offices, but none provide for the granting or registration of the arms of private citizens. Two countries, the Czech Republic and Serbia, have private associations operating unofficial registers of personal arms.


Srpsko Heraldichko Drushtvo “Beli Orao”

(“White Eagle” Serbian Heraldry Society) – a private organisation authorised by its charter to design and register new arms and, in concert with the affiliated Serbian Genealogical Society, to certify the hereditary right to pre-existing arms.


Akademie heraldických nauk České republiky

(Academy of Heraldic Sciences of the Czech Republic) – a research organisation which also registers coats of arms, seals, flags and insignia.


Česká Genealogická a Heraldicka Společnost v Praze

Online register of personal arms (in Czech only) of the Czech Genealogy and Heraldry Society


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