Heraldry Society of Southern Africa

Heraldry links


Over the past decade there has been an explosion of heraldry on the internet. These links will enable you to make contact with other heraldry societies and with heraldry authorities, as well as begin an exploration of heraldry on other websites.


The Heraldry SocietyCumann Geinealais na hÉireannRoyal Heraldry Society of CanadaAmerican Heraldry SocietyHeraldry and Genealogy Society of CanberraSociety of Heraldic Arts

Heraldry societies


Bureau of HeraldryLord Lyon King of ArmsCollege of ArmsChief Herald of IrelandCanadian Heraldic Authority

Heraldic authorities


Heraldische Gemeinschaft WestfalenOstdeutsche WappenrolleNederlandse Genealogiese VerenigingAfdeling Heraldiek van de Koninklijke Commissie voor Monumenten en LandschappenConseil Français d’HeraldiqueSwiss Heraldry SocietySvenska Heraldiska FöreningenAkademie heraldických nauk Ceské republiky

Heraldic registries


Other heraldry websites


Members are invited to submit additional sites for inclusion here. Write to the webmaster.


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Society coat of arms drawn by Barrie Burr

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