Heraldry Society of Southern Africa

Heraldic registries in the Low Countries

(The Netherlands and Belgium)

Nederlandse Genealogiese VereenigingFryske Rie foar HeraldykDrentse Heraldisch CollegeConsulentschap voor Heraldiek in de Provincie GroningenAfdeling Heraldiek van de Koninklijke Commissie voor Monumenten en LandschappenHeraldisch College van de Vlaamse Vereniging voor FamiliekundeAssociation royale Office Généalogique et Héraldique de Belgique

The Low Countries were united as the Kingdom of the Netherlands in 1815, and were divided in 1830 at the time of the Belgian revolt. The royal arms and those of the provinces, local governments and other official authorities, as well as the arms of the nobility, are under official control, but those of private citizens are not. A number of regional heraldic registries fill this need.


Wapenregister of the Centraal Bureau voor Genealogie

 (Arms registry of the Central Bureau for Genealogy), The Hague


Nederlandse Genealogiese Vereniging

(Netherlands Genealogical Society), Weesp


Fryske Rie foar Heraldyk

(Friesian Heraldry Board), Ljouwert


Drents Heraldisch College

(Heraldic College of Drenthe), Assen


Consulentschap voor Heraldiek in de Provincie Groningen

(Consultancy for Heraldry in the Province of Groningen), Groningen


Heraldisch College van die Vlaamse Vereniging voor Familiekunde

Heraldic College of the Flemish Genealogical Association


Afdeling Heraldiek van de Koninklijke Commissie voor Monumenten en Landschappen

 (Heraldry division of the [Flemish] Royal Commission for Monuments and Sites)[1]


Association royale Office Généalogique et Héraldique de Belgique

(Royal Belgian Genealogical and Heraldic Office [Walloon community]),[2] Brussels


Members are invited to submit additional sites for inclusion here. Write to the webmaster.

[1] While this office has royal approval, it is not an institution of the national government.


[2] While this office has royal approval, it is not an institution of the national government.


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