Tarot history and iconography pages

Etymologies proposed for the word tarot since the 16th century

Bagatella ("Magician") pages -
Children of Mercury

Papesse pages -
15th century instances of the name papessa or papesse in various contexts
"Papesse" as an allegory of the Roman Catholic Church in 17th century printer's marks.
"Papesse"-like engravings in 17th century ecclesiastical books
and here
Pope Joan portrayed without the baby
An essay on the tarot's Popess and Pope Joan
A close look at tiaras on the papal cards

Wheel of Fortune pages -
Visconti and Fortuna
Mystical illustrations from a Visconti manuscript

Hanged Man pages -
A false iconographic analogue of the 15th century

Older sources mentioning tarot -
Andrea Alciato, Parergon Juris Libri VII, 1543

Other allegories -
Multifaceted allegory
Magna Mater
Prima Causa from pseudo-Mantegna and Lazzarelli
An allegorical frontespiece

Older sources mentioning divination with playing cards -
Gianfrancesco Pico della Mirandola, De Rerum Praenotione, 1507 (edition of 1601)

Texts -
Marziano da Tortona's funeral orationn c. 1425

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