Alpha Eta Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.

Alpha Kappa Alpha Women

Alpha Kappa Alpha women are college presidents, deans, directors of Fortune 500 companies, judges, mayors, and members of Congress, state legislatures, city councils, and school boards. [We] are rural and urban teachers, counselors, and role models. An Alpha Kappa Alpha woman made the calculations for the automatic control system design of the first orbital flight.

Members are poets, musicians, artists, and dancers. They are fighters for civil and human rights. They are the strong mothers and wives of brave men who have carried burdens in the heat of the day. Sometimes they are kinfolks--mothers, daughters, sisters--but often they are themselves the leaders of catalysts. They make history whenever they come together.

There are no average or even typical Alpha Kappa Alpha women. They fit no common physical descriptions or economic characteristics, yet they are all the same--these women who wear the twenty pearls. You can identify them by the smiles on their faces and the love in their eyes. Beautiful Alpha Kappa Alpha women are young, mature matriarchal, elderly, and venerable. Life polishes neophytes until they are shining silver stars, who then mellow into the glowing radiance of golden sorors."

Taken from Alpha Kappa Alpha Through the Years 1908-1988

Contact Us

Brittany Garth,
Richmond, VA

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