A Writer At Heart

Aureo P. Castro's Written Works



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A Writer At Heart







Have A Simple Web Presence At Absolutely No Cost

Snapshots of my geocities.com web site and blogger.com blog.

Have you ever thought of creating a web site and make your presence felt in the Internet? There are varied reasons for you to have a semblance of web presence one of which is so you can promote yourself, your products or services to the on-line community of Internet users.

But you may think that it may take some cash to pay for someone to create your web site and then pay again for the hosting of your web site in the Internet. Well. I’m sorry to tell you that in both points, you may be a little off the mark. Listen up because this is a great opportunity for you to step into the World Wide Web without spending a huge amount of money.

First off, you can very easily create a blog or web site without knowing anything about HTML. (HTML is a mark-up language used by Internet browser programs to determine how the information is to be presented in the computer’s screen.) There are hosting services that let you create your blog or web site in one step at a time and often with very good and acceptable results. Not only that but they also let you make use of their web hosting services for free. The catch is that you will have to contend yourself with a few advertising items inserted on top or at the side portion of your web site. But hey, you get to have a web presence without investing a cent of your own money. Isn’t that great?

In addition, Microsoft has made available in its Office Suite a simple but powerful yet easy to use tool for creating and maintaining your web site in your computer. You can use the Microsoft FrontPage software to create visually appealing web sites to present your information to the World Wide Web. I have used Microsoft FrontPage in all of my web sites at geocities.com and you can look at them by clicking on the links to my other web sites somewhere on this page. Check the URL in your browser’s address box and if you see geocities.com in the address bar, then I created that web page using Microsoft FrontPage.

Actually, there is a lot of free web site hosting services that you can choose from but among the giants of those are definitely blogger.com and geocities.com. Just choose one or both of them and you can’t go wrong.

Blogger.com offers a very intuitive step by step method of creating your blog withour ever having to worry about knowing any HTML. You are first asked to register, then choose a name and a template for your blog and off you go on typing your first post to your blog. It’s really very, very simple and a fourth grade pupil can very well do it.

Geocities.com also offers template but they are a little less intuitive than blogger. But you can very well create an acceptable web site using those templates. However, using FrontPage often gives a better result and provides more flexibility on how your web site is designed and presented.

With blogger.com, you have to use any one of the templates that are offered or you can create your own template which is a little daunting for ordinary computer users like us. In that regard, you have a little less flexibility and your blog will appear the same as the other blogs that blogger.com is hosting but only with a different content.

The two giant hosting services also have a few differences in their hosting policies. Geeocities.com has stricter policies on how you use your web space and will without warning you close your web site if you violate any hosting policy.

But for me, I want to be given wide latitude on how my web site is designed. Hence I choose geocities.com for my web sites and use bloggger.com only for my blogs. On this site, you will find links to both my blogger.com and geocities.com web sites. Follow those links and you will get to know the look and feel of the blogger.com and geocities.com platforms.

So the basic point that I want to tell you is this: When you need a blog go to blogger.com, but if what you need is a web site, opt for geocities.com. But if you want to have a fail-safe web presence, then host your web site in both of these free web site hosting services. To make it easier, you can first create a blog in blogger.com and upload your web site information to your blog. Then, go to geocities.com and create a web site that has a similar look and feel as your blog in blogger.com. This way, your reader will feel the same personality in either one of the two web presence.


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Copyright 2008 Aureo P. Castro                                       Email: [email protected]

Hosted by www.Geocities.ws