A Writer At Heart

Aureo P. Castro's Written Works



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Just A Thought

In Filipino Language

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A Writer At Heart








On Making Important Decisions

"And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye." -- Antoine De Saint-Exupery, The Little Prince.

I have been toying with this idea for quite sometime now. I want to make a simple guideline for making an important decision. In life, we are often faced with situations when we are faced with different choices that are mutually exclusive, that is only one choice can possibly be made and once a choice is made, the benefits of the choices that were not taken will all be foregone.

I propose a two-level decision-making process to handle this situation. I suggest that we use our logical mind using the mathematical and technological tools available to us to reduce the choices to a manageable size possibly not more than two. Then out of the two remaining choices, use your primitive, unconscious mind to select the option where your heart feels less pain or that your heart will be happy about.

In the first phase of the decision-making process, we subject the options to test for compliance with the physical and natural laws of the universe to ensure that the alternatives selected would prove to be practical or technically viable. This is to make sure that our feet are firmly grounded on reality and that the options chosen can be implemented practically.

The second phase allows our own personal core to come into play enabling ourselves to like or dislike any option, attach positive or negative feelings to them and select the choice that we feel comfortable about either by reducing our negative emotions or increasing the positive ones. The process is very similar to when we are attracted to someone, seeking no explanation or rationalization but just letting ourselves flow with our feelings into liking that particular person. Another way of saying this is to state that we use our hearts to select the option that we feel positive and strong feelings about.

My proposal attaches greater importance to the primitive, unconscious mind by awarding it the final say in the decision-making process. I feel very strongly for the use of our gut feelings in making important decisions in our lives. I have always believed that the conscious mind being more sophisticated than the primitive mind can play tricks on us or even make a fool of us by inventing all sorts of ideas or thoughts that can muddle our thinking process. The primitive, unconscious mind, on the other hand, contains in purest form our own personal core and defines ultimately who we are.

Only our heart knows what is best for us. The heart does not know how to tell a lie. It does not pretend to be rational but let ourselves celebrate in our imperfect humanity, indulging in our passions, just letting ourselves be who we really are. It is where we keep our deepest secrets, our childhood dreams, our natural love of playing and having fun, our angst, our tears, our joy and laughter. It only thinks of what is best for us and wants us to have it. It doesn't know about failure or regrets, it only wants us to be our unique selves.

So the next time that you are faced with an important decision, use your heart to see clearly what is right for you. Trust your instinct for it never fails to want for only the best for you.


Other Articles In The Same Category

Painless Way To Write Poems. How to easily and painlessly write poems for your loved ones.

On Making Important Decisions. A simple guide to better decisions.

How To Keep Abusive Boys Away From Your Driveway. Sometimes, the only way to prevent people from abusing your kindness is to fight fire with fire with them.

Chaotic Times For A Budding Stage Actor. It was a life that was full of challenge and excitement but more especially of danger.


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