A Writer At Heart

Aureo P. Castro's Written Works



Front Cover





Just A Thought

In Filipino Language

Who This Work Is For

About The Author

Other Web Sites By The Author

Lifelong Learning

A Writer At Heart







Chaotic Times For A Budding Stage Actor

I consider myself lucky for having lived my youthful years at a time when all over the world fundamental changes in human thinking was taking place. And this was reflected in the active involvement of the youth in the shaping of their country's destiny and their own future.

I got caught in the midst of this turmoil and lived with other young change seekers fulfilling their roles in the total scheme of things. I experienced the hardships and the fun of getting the message of change and hope in the young and the impoverished sectors of society.

Angst portrayed on the face of the author

There were two basic fronts on which to work to effect the change being sought. You could have joined the physical struggle where violence is met with violence resulting in injuries or even death. As I was basically a man of peace, I chose to be involved in the other front which involved the battle for the minds of people.

I joined a theatrical group that presented stage performances in different places to convince the people of the need for change and invite them to join us in our campaign. This is where I got to meet the finest artists in the theatrical field I have ever known, such a bunch of colorful and interesting personalities. Our presentations were full of pain and suffering, of awakening to the social realities, of rising up against the enemy, and of the bright future ahead. I had a strong stage presence and since there was a need to project oppression of the poor in our repertoire, I was cast as an abusive and brutal military officer in one of the plays.

It was a life that was full of challenge and excitement but more especially of danger. The enemy had all the resources to resist the winds of change that were blowing everywhere. We fought hard and gave everything that we got. But the force of status quo was overwhelming and we lost miserably in all fronts. Not a few young change seekers who I personally knew gave up their lives in that struggle. My heart is heavy with sadness as I salute those fallen comrades and those others who suffered irreparably in the quest to concretize our idealism.

We were defeated not because we lacked physical and material resources to overcome the overwhelming odds. We lost because our ranks disintegrated slowly as the years went by and because the next generation did not take on the cause that we fought for. In short, we grew old and matured leaving behind the idealism that kept us going. We certainly lost the battle but rest in the thought that we won the war.


Other Articles In The Same Category

Painless Way To Write Poems. How to easily and painlessly write poems for your loved ones.

On Making Important Decisions. A simple guide to better decisions.

How To Keep Abusive Boys Away From Your Driveway. Sometimes, the only way to prevent people from abusing your kindness is to fight fire with fire with them.

Chaotic Times For A Budding Stage Actor. It was a life that was full of challenge and excitement but more especially of danger.


Copyright 2008 Aureo P. Castro                                       Email: [email protected]

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