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Discussion No. 1 Re: Energy Conservation [currently viewing msg 41-45]
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Message No. 41
Date: Thursday, 20 January 2000
Time: 11:03 P.M.

Subject: Discussion No. 1 (Energy conservation)
From: Maricar Magabilin Iba�ez

Hi! I'm Maricar Iba�ez of EN1J. 

"The amazing technological advances and the vast increases in the 
standard of living all depend on energy. We have only look around 
us to see how much our lifestyles depends on these.

Without our modern sources of energy, chiefly the fossil fuels,
we would to go back to the living the old way, and with the 
world population today much larger than it was, it is unlikely  
that we could even live as well as they did then.

There are two major approaches to these problems and we have to 
use both:
      1. Conservation
      2. Development of alternative energy resources

If this continues and it seems certain to do so, the cost of 
other energy resources would become competitive.

Message No. 42
Date: Thursday, 20 January 2000
Time: 11:03 P.M.

Subject: Discussion No. 1 (Energy conservation)
From: Kristine Marie Franco Malijan

Hi! I'm Kristine Malijan of EN1J.
One way of conserving energy is to put off all the unnecessary 
lights when not in use. We have to make sure that all appliances 
not in use must be plugged out from the socket in order to save 
the flow of current and to avoid accidents!!! 

Message No. 43
Date: Thursday, 20 January 2000
Time: 11:04 P.M.

Subject: Discussion No. 1 (Energy conservation)
From: Wilfredo Lazalita Dejaresco

Hello. My name is Wilfredo Dejaresco of EN1J.

Why & how do we conserve energy ? 
Because energy is the one main source of our livelihood. 
We conserve it by turning off the electricity after using.

Message No. 44
Date: Thursday, 20 January 2000
Time: 11:35 P.M.

Subject: Discussion No. 1 (Energy conservation)
From: Jelanie Astrologo

It is a pleasure to say something. I am Jelanie Astrologo of EN1J.


Energy is the capacity to do work.It is never created or destroyed
as in the Law of Conservation of Energy. As of now, we commonly 
heard that we are running out of energy. It's because our society 
depends on the chemical energy in two substances-coal and 
petroleum of the three so called fossil fuels. About 90% of our 
energy comes from fossil fuels. So when we say that we are running 
out of energy we are really expressing the fear that we will 
consume all of the potential energy of these fossil fuel resources.

Saving energy will also save you money. With the extra money you 
can do more of the things that are important to you.
We can help conserving energy by not using energy if it's
not urgent. Turn your lights off if it is not used and also your 
other appliances.

Message No. 45
Date: Friday, 21 January 2000
Time: 12:46 A.M.

Subject: Discussion No. 1 (Energy conservation)
From: Angela Sagayno

Hi all. I am Angela Sagayno of EN1J.

The following is quoted from Earth Cycle's Publication Online:
Vol. 10   No. 1  Winter, '99/00 
[The material is for any person or organization interested in 
learning how we can conserve more of our natural resources 
by increasing our recycling. We look forward to continuing to 
provide a variety of information to enable people to enjoy the 
benefits of recycling.] 

"Simple  Things  to... 

Make Your Home More Energy Efficient


1.  Insulate Your Water Heater. 
    Unless you own a newer, double insulated water heater, 
    wrapping a blanket of insulation around the outside of your 
    water heater can save you up to $45 a year in operating 
2.  Lower the Temperature. 
    Many water heaters are set on "high" - around 160 degrees.  
    For most families, a "low" setting of 120 degrees F 
    (or around 140 degrees F if you use a dishwasher without 
    a booster heater) is satisfactory.  By lowering the 
    thermostat, you could reduce your water heating costs 
    10 - 20 %. 


1.  Check the inside temperatures with a thermometer - it should 
    be between 38 to 40 degrees F in the refrigerator compartment, 
    and 0 to 5 degrees in the freezer. 
2.  Clean the condenser coils on the back or bottom of the unit 
    regularly - either with a vacuum or brush 
    (there's a special coil brush you can buy that's inexpensive). 
3.  Keep the door closed as much as possible. 


1.  Your heating and cooling system is the largest energy user 
    in your home - approximately 60%. 
2.  During the heat of the summer, for every degree below 
    75 degrees that you set your thermostat, your air conditioning 
    costs increase approximately 9%.  Adjust your thermostat 
    higher one or two degrees every day until you find the highest 
    temperature you are comfortable at. 
    Hint:  use a fan - it makes a room feel cooler than it 
    really is. 
3.  Keep your filter clean. 
4.  During the winter, you could save approximately 3% of your 
    heating costs for every degree your thermostat is set below 
    75 degrees. 


1.  Turn off your stove (if electric) and your oven a few minutes 
    before your food is ready.  The retained heat will finish 
    cooking your food. 
2.  Try not to open the oven door more than you really 
    need to - you lose 25 degrees every time you do. 
3.  Use lids on pots and pans whenever possible when cooking on 
    the stove - it cooks the food faster by retaining the heat. 
4.  When possible, consider using your microwave oven, electric 
    skillet, slow cooker and toaster oven - they use less energy. 


1.  Since most of the energy used by clothes washers is for water 
    heating, choose a machine that offers enough water levels to 
    suit your needs. 
2.  With today's advanced detergents, most clothes can be washed 
    in warm or cold water with a cold water rinse with good 
3.  Clean your lint filter from your clothes dryer after every 
4.  Be sure your dryer is vented properly. 


1.  Wait until you have a full load before turning on your 
2.  Let your dishes dry naturally after the wash and rinse 
    cycles are complete (some of the newer dishwashers may have 
    a "no heat" dry option). 

BILLS !!! "

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