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Discussion No. 1 Re: Energy Conservation [currently viewing msg 21-30]
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Message No. 21
Date: Tuesday, 4 January 2000
Time: 1:27 A.M.

Subject: Discussion No. 1 (Energy conservation)
From: Crizalyn Alcantara

Hi. I'm Crizalyn Alcantara of EN1J.

We have to conserve energy because this energy is not enough for all 
of us if all of us are wasting energy.  We can conserve energy by
switching off all of the appliences that we are not using.

Message No. 22
Date: Tuesday, 4 January 2000
Time: 2:01 A.M.

Subject: Discussion No. 1 (Energy conservation)
From: Mary Grace Galvan

Hi. I'm Mary Grace Galvan of EN1J.

We need to conserve energy so that the next generation could use it. 

We conserve energy, for example, by switching off the lights when 
it's not used. By doing that maybe we could lessen wasting energy.

Message No. 23
Date: Tuesday, 4 January 2000
Time: 2:09 A.M.

Subject: Discussion No. 1 (Energy conservation)
From: Verna May Cabarrubias

Hi! I'm Verna May Cabarrubias of EN1J.
We need to conserve energy because without energy people cannot do 
things easily. By doing so, we must lessen the use of electricity by 
taking off the plugs of the appliances which are  not used.

Message No. 24
Date: Tuesday, 4 January 2000
Time: 2:17 A.M.

Subject: Discussion No. 1 (Energy conservation)
From: Wendy Kriska Padilla

Hello everyone. My name is Wendy Padilla of EN1C.

We all need energy.we should conserve as much energy as we can in 
order to have more energy for future use. They are right in saying 
that we should conserve it to lessen our bills. Almost all the 
answers I have in mind were already answered by them.  Here are a 
few left (I am sorry if I repeat some):
   * When ironing clothes: unplug the iron first before ironing the 
     handkerchiefs and other clothes that can be easily pressed.
   * Don't use electric fans or aircons when it is cold.
   * Turn off appliances and lights when not in use.
   * Don't leave the adaptor plugged after using the organ. 
   * During black outs or "brown outs" unplug all appliances and turn 
     off all the lights.
   * Use incandescent in rooms that don't need much light instead of 
   * Conserve water by closing the faucet after use or when not in 
     use. Water and fuel are sources of energy. In order to have the 
     availability of these sources, we should conserve them. 

I guess the last  could be a way of conserving energy.

Message No. 25
Date: Tuesday, 4 January 2000
Time: 3:58 A.M.

Subject: Discussion No. 1 (Energy conservation)
From: Mary Jane Gamboa

Hello. I am Mary Jane Gamboa of EN1J.

We conserve energy because it is important to sustain the phenomenon 
called life indifinitely. We conserve energy by turning off the 
irrelevant electrical appliances.

Message No. 26
Date: Wednesday, 5 January 2000
Time: 1:36 A.M.

Subject: Discussion No. 1 (Energy conservation)
From: Gladys May Disen

Hello. I'm Gladys May Disen of EN1J.

To conserve energy is to help our  younger generation of their 
energy because they need some energy in the future.  So we must  
conserve some energy for them.

We conserve energy by putting off the light after using it. 
We must only use the  appliancces needed in order to conserve 

Message No. 27
Date: Wednesday, 5 January 2000
Time: 11:45 P.M.

Subject: Discussion No. 1 (Energy conservation)
From: Margielyn Salazar Cortez

Hi all. My name is Margielyn Cortez of EN1C.

We need to conserve energy in order to lessen   our consumption. 
Energy cannot be destroyed nor created but the time will come that 
our source of energy will run out. We conserve energy so that we 
can use them for an important purpose. We also conserve energy for 
a reason which we can lessen our bills.
  * When using a light instead of bulb we may use
  * When ironing unplug the iron when you are
  * Turn off light when we are not using it.
  * Unplug the appliances when we are not using 

Message No. 28
Date: Sunday, 9 January 2000
Time: 11:50 P.M.

Subject: Discussion No. 1 (Energy conservation)
From: Marianne de la Vega caro

Hello friends. I'm Marianne Caro of EN1C. 

For me, we need to conserve energy because it is important for us. 
This is important for our future and for the next generation. 
It is true that energy is conserved. But, it is not when its 
sources are not wisely used. As a student, I can conserve energy 
by minimizing the consumption of energy. We can minimize it by 
turning off the lights or any appliances which are not necessary 
to use.

Message No. 29
Date: Friday, 14 January 2000
Time: 2:23 A.M

Subject: Discussion No. 1 (Energy conservation)
From: Crystal Rose Cabradilla

HELLO PEOPLE!!! I'm Crystal Rose Cabradilla of EN1C.

Why should we conserve energy?   

We all know energy has a lot of forms and this is one of the 
important reasons why we should conserve energy because when we 
use energy in useless ways, we are just transforming it into other 
forms which actually did not benefit anyone or the environment 
thus losing energy which could have been used in more useful ways. 

Like for example, when you have a car, and you want to go out just 
to chat coz you got nothing to do at home, so you drove to an 
internet cafe which was maybe 10 - 15 kilometers from your house, 
but when you arrived, the internet cafe was closed because it was 
a holiday, a really important one, like it was Christmas (weird), 
so you sighed and you grumbled and you decided to go back home and 

I know my example was weird, but i'll try to explain what I meant. 
Well, first, you wasted energy coz you drove your car and just 
wasted your energy in driving as well as the energy of the car 
which released its energy into the surroundings or rather 
transformed into heat and smoke from the "tambutso" which caused 
pollution. Second, you just wasted your energy driving and you 
didn't do something really important after all. You could have 
conserved energy if you just stayed at home and use your energy 
with house chores or use your energy to study or use energy to 
have fun with the family, rather than wasting your time and energy 
in going some place else which was not worth the use of energy 
at all. 

Message No. 30
Date: Friday, 14 January 2000
Time: 2:30 A.M

Subject: Discussion No. 1 (Energy conservation)
From: Jan Tracy Estrebillo

Hi everyone! I am Jan Tracy Estrebillo of EN1C. 

Well, we need to conserve energy because it is one of the most 
important factors of living. We can see, hear,  touch, smell and 
taste energy for it is in many ways.  Energy makes life on the go 
and be in motion... therefore, we must conserve it so that it will 
be fairly distributed and all  of the PEOPLE could equally have it.

One popular example of energy is electricity. Electircity makes life 
easy and our senses have proven how important it is.  We could help 
conserving by using it wisely,  like pulling the plug when we're not 
using the gadget (whatever), switching off the light  when it is NOT 
really necessary having  them ON, and so many other things...

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