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Discussion No. 1 Re: Energy Conservation [currently viewing msg 11-20]
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Message No. 11
Date: Wednesday, 15 December 1999
Time: 9:28 P.M.

Subject: Discussion No. 1 (Energy conservation)
From: Rex J. Qui�osa

Hello all. I'm Rex Quinosa of EN1C.

We conserve energy in order to preserve it for the future. 
It is stated that energy can[not] be created nor destroyed 
we always consumed energy so it is needed to be conserve.

Example is the large bed of rocks use for storing heat in 
some solar-heated homes. 

Message No. 12
Date: Wednesday, 15 December 1999
Time: 9:42 P.M.

Subject: Re: Discussion No. 1 (Energy Conservation)
From: Michael Siason Casaquite

Hi. My name is Michael Casaquite of EN1C.

The purpose of conserving energy is to maintain the amount 
of usable energy than the energy w/c are not usable. 
In addition, the rate of the electricity nowadays is very 

An example of conserving energy is storing electricity in a
dry cell battery and it converts mechanical, light  energy 
into other various forms of essential energy.

Message No. 13
Date: Sunday, 19 December 1999
Time: 1:38 P.M.

Subject: Re: Discussion No. 1 (Energy Conservation)
From: Rea A. Lazarte

Hello all. My name is Rea A. Lazarte of EN1C. 

The point that we should conserve is that in conserving 
energy would lessen our bills from consuming the electric 
current and conserving energy would save us money. We would
be spending less for imported oil and coal. Then we can use
our energy savings for infrastructure projects like the 
construction of roads, schools, and hospitals. Part of the 
savings can also be used to promote the development of 
renewable energy sources such as solar and geothermal, as 
some nonrenewable energy sources can easily be depleted. So
we should conserve energy because energy conservation is the
cheapest and the wisest way to solve our energy problem.

Increased in energy consumption is unavoidable. Conserving 
energy does not mean we should stop using energy. Conserving
energy means using available energy sources wisely and 
efficiently. In other words, we should use the least 
possible amount of energy in carrying out a certain task. 
What it means is that we should not waste energy on 
unnecessary activities. Here are some ways we can conserve
       1. Increase the efficiency of your appliances and 
             * clean and oil machines regularly;
             * use fluorescent instead of incandescent 
               bulbs, since the former illuminates more for
               the same amount of energy consumed;
             * and replace malfunctioning machines.
       2. Modify your usual activities.
             * iron clothes in the morning instead of in the
               afternoon or evening;
             * when cooking, prepare the ingredients before
               turning the stove on;
             * lower the the fire as soon as water boils;
       3. Change your lifestyle or pattern of activities.
             * use public transportation instead of private 
             * go on an outing near your residence; 
             * turn off lights when they are not needed;
             * and use a black and white instead of colored
               TV set.                  

Message No. 14
Date: Thursday, 30 December 1999
Time: 12:51 A.M.

Subject: Re: Discussion No. 1 (Energy Conservation)
From: Clemente T Hilado

Hello all. My name is Clemente Hilado Jr. of EN1J. 

Energy is needed in our daily lives routine. I think without 
energy life ain't easy. We conserve energy because nowadays
almost all of the appliances, industries, transportation and
electrical devices need energy to function. So, if we don't
conserve energy, some of the electrical devices will not 
function because of low voltage. Nowadays, we experience 
low voltage even at home because we people create our own 

Message No. 15
Date: Sunday, 2 January 2000
Time: 12:55 A.M.

Subject: Re: Discussion No. 1 (Energy Conservation)
From: Jaclyn Abaygar

Hello everyone! My name is Jaclyn Abaygar of EN1J.

The energy that we use, say electricity, is only about a 
little less than 50%, even 40% and the rest is being 
released in the environment. Because of this, there is the 
so called global warming, creating relatively unusual high 
temperature, therefore affecting in one way or the other 
the ecosystem and all forms of life on earth.

In order to save energy, one must only use what is needed, 
turning off lights not in use, and using only appliances 
when necessary.

Message No. 16
Date: Sunday, 2 January 2000
Time: 8:30 P.M.

Subject: Re: Discussion No. 1 (Energy Conservation)
From: John Ralge Estal

Hi I am John Ralge Estal of EN1C.        

We have to conserve energy because it is very important in
our everyday lives.

We can conserve energy by ex. turning  off the unused lights
and some other materials.      

Message No. 17
Date: Monday, 3 January 2000
Time: 11:44 P.M.

Subject: Re: Discussion No. 1 (Energy Conservation)
From: Joey Bagatela

Hello. My name is Joey Bagatela of EN1J.

We must conserve energy to conserve money. We must increase
the effeciency of our home appliances and machines.

Some practical ways to conserve energy:
        1. clean your appliances.
        2. turn off appliances when not in use. 
        3. check out posible wiring leakages in 
           the house.

Message No. 18
Date: Tuesday, 4 January 2000
Time: 12:03 A.M.

Subject: Re: Discussion No. 1 (Energy Conservation)
From: Karl Francis Villa Mira

Hello everyone. My name is Karl Francis Mira of EN1J.

Energy can't be created nor be destroyed but still we should
conserve energy. We could only use energy if we have money 
coz' fuel today is so expensive and its price still keeps on
rising. Also the rate of electricity is increasing. I hate 
to see my mom scratching her head watching our bills. 

Here are some ways to conserve energy:
  1. Turn off lights when not in use.
  2. When you will go only on a short distance,  
     instead of riding on jeeps, use a bike.
  3. Avoid using electric stoves. They eat lot of

Message No. 19
Date: Tuesday, 4 January 2000
Time: 12:28 A.M.

Subject: Re: Discussion No. 1 (Energy Conservation)
From: Eric Gotera

Hi! I am Eric Gotera of EN1J.

To conserve energy we must be sublime in using it for I 
believe that we only borrow this world from the next 

We conserve energy by using it very wisely and planning for
it for the next time.

Message No. 20
Date: Tuesday, 4 January 2000
Time: 12:55 A.M.

Subject: Re: Discussion No. 1 (Energy Conservation)
From: Nyssa C. Benjamin

Hello. My name is Nyssa Benjamin of EN 1J.
Energy is defined as the capacity to do work. energy is
conserved. Any energy that is lost in the system is also 
gained in the surroundings. We should also conserve 
energy so that the entropy of the universe will not 

Energy is expensive. One way of conserving energy is by 
turning off appliances or machines that are not use.

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