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Discussion No. 1 Re: Energy Conservation [currently viewing msg 1-10]
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Message No. 1
Date: Saturday, 4 December 1999
Time: 9:20 P.M.

Subject: Discussion No. 1 (Energy Conservation)
From: Allan S. Hugo

Greetings all members in the list!

This is discussion number 1. You will have to reply to 
this message in order to submit your answer.


According to the first law of thermodynamics, "Energy is 
neither created nor destroyed." In other words, energy is 
always conserved. If that is so, what is the point why we 
are conserving energy in the first place? Discuss several 
ways to conserve energy.

To Answer:
Submit your answers to the group by simply replying to 
this message. Make sure you tell the group who you are. 
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Good luck!

Sir Allan

Message No. 2
Date: Thursday, 9 December 1999
Time: 12:24 A.M.

Subject: Re: Discussion No. 1 (Energy Conservation)
From: Cyril Tupas Pabiania

Hello all. I am Cyril Pabiania of EN1C. We need to conserve
energy in the first place, so that we can reduce our power
consumption. And too much use of energy is also dangerous in
our society. We should conserve energy because it is very 
important. It gives light and comfort to people. 

In the meaning you've given me, more use of energy can 
destroy itself.

Message No. 3
Date: Friday, 10 December 1999
Time: 10:46 P.M.

Subject: Re: Discussion No. 1 (Energy Conservation)
From: Neil Gaurana Parilla

HELLO EVERY ONE!!! My name is Neil Parilla of EN1C. 

Indeed the ENERGY is not created or destroyed but it 
involves many processes to convert energy into different 
forms.It takes a lot of time and effort to establish power 
plant ( for example, that power plant is for transforming 
a natural source of energy into electricty) and by that 
reason, we owe it from somebody. We need to conserve energy
because the medium for transforming that energy into diff. 
forms could not facilitate the large amount of energy 
demanded by applicable apparatus.  In other words, that 
medium used to transform such kind of energy could not 
perform much if the energy needed is too much from its 
capacity so, adjustment is necessary.

Message No. 4
Date: Sunday, 12 December 1999
Time: 7:57 P.M.

Subject: Re: Discussion No. 1 (Energy Conservation)
From: Georg Ercilla

Hello people! I am Georgina Ercilla of EN 1C.

We are conserving energy because there is a rapid increase
in the consumption of energy.   There is a big no. of 
people consuming energy everyday.  And thus, the energy
must be distributed fairly.  With this, we are being 
considerate to the people and conserving energy too!!!
There are many ways on how to conserve energy.  
For example, get the plug in the socket especially when
not in use.  Switch off the lights when not in use too!!! 

To sum it up, all things not in use which consume energy 
must be minimized and controlled. 

Message No. 5
Date: Sunday, 12 December 1999
Time: 8:20 P.M.

Subject: Re: Discussion No. 1 (Energy Conservation)
From: Francis A�onuevo

Helo everyone. Im Francis A�onuevo of EN 1C. 

As we all know the energy is neither created nor destroy, 
but other energy are transformed into not very essential 
from of energy. we conserve energy to avoid transforming 
energy into useless form. 
We can conserve energy by turning off the lights that are 
not in use. 

Message No. 6
Date: Sunday, 12 December 1999
Time: 9:36 P.M.

Subject: Re: Discussion No. 1 (Energy Conservation)
From: Mark E. Santiago

Hi to all. I am Mark Santiago.  

In order to preserve enegy we must turn off the lights 
after using them. Also, we must conserve water because 
in some areas, in order to have water, electricity is
being used. In order to preserve water and electricity,
we must use them wisely. 

Message No. 7
Date: Sunday, 12 December 1999
Time: 11:06 P.M.

Subject: Re: Discussion No. 1 (Energy Conservation)
From: Tanya Velasco

Hello ppl!!!  I am Tanya Velasco of EN1C.

we need to conserve energy because the resources are 
running out already.... and one way to conserve it is to 
use it only when needed!!!

Message No. 8
Date: Tuesday, 14 December 1999
Time: 6:57 P.M.

Subject: Re: Discussion No. 1 (Energy Conservation)
From: Rone Da-anoy

Hi! I'm Rone Daanoy of EN1C.

We must conserve energy,because energy resourses of today 
is so limited.

Message No. 9
Date: Wednesday, 15 December 1999
Time: 1:00 A.M.

Subject: Re: Discussion No. 1 (Energy Conservation)
From: Fred Charles Diaz Ea

Hello ya all!! 

This is Charles Ea of EN 1C.

To conserve energy we must first take to thought the word 
conservation & energy. Conservation mean to me the 
conserving of some kind of source like food which to 
conserve you place in th ref or something. Energy is 
what we use to do work or used to power something. So 
energy conservation is done when u turn off your lights 
when not in use or unplugging the appliances.   

Message No. 10
Date: Wednesday, 15 December 1999
Time: 9:08 P.M.

Subject: Re: Discussion No. 1 (Energy Conservation)
From: Ramon Velasco

Hello all. My name is Ramon Velasco Jr of EN1C.

Energy is neither created nor destroyed but it is 
transformed from one form to another. We conserve energy 
because it can be used in different purposes. It is very 
useful to conserve energy for the use in the future. 

For example, we store energy from the heat of the sun 
through the use of solar cells then it is converted into 
electrical energy and other forms of energy. 

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