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An Alternative Vision for the Middle East

Article by Sameh Saeed Abbood

Throughout the old Ages, Jews were Bedouin primitive tribes dwelling in the deserts between Egypt and Babble, whereas during the Middle Ages they have transformed into functional groups practicing certain crafts e.g. Banking, Brokerage. Meanwhile, they were living in isolated neighborhoods along the Mediterranean where they have been objected to a series of persecutions in Europe. Actually, such persecutions were an embodiment for the real conflict between them and the feudal kings and princes as well as their Christian corrival merchants and craftsmen.


By Capitalism winning over Feudalism in the end, Jews got rid of the continuous persecution in West Europe. Nevertheless, they never got rid of the Nazi persecution that continued in East Europe till the Communist Revolution. Consequently, they went out of their social isolation and started having their vocational and professional ties dissolved. Now, under the animated capital structure which have erased the fences between individuals of different classes; Jews have faced disintegration after their long coherence under the stagnant feudal structure. Hence, they were obliged to take either of two choices:


Choice of Fusion


A proposal by Mosa Mendlson was to fuse in the secular capital society, which granted Jews liberty and equality with the Christian majority, and as a result, to dissolve in the capital society and disperse among its various classes.  Such proposal resulted in the appearance of several Jewish scientists, thinkers, and artists whose works had an outstanding imprint in human civilization during the 19th and the 20th century, where as number of them has joined and even led the revolutionary and reformatory communist and labor movements all alike. Those have completely disserted the isolating Jewish culture and even contradicted with the whole Jewish heritage. In this sense, the Jewish capitalists have formed an effective and crucial sector of the sovereign capital class, however, they lacked a country of their own that is capable of protecting their interests versus their competitors.

Zionistic Choice:

Under the pretext that the Jews are unable to live with others, Tudor Hertzel’s proposal was to accumulate Jews and keep them as an isolated ghetto, practicing a new social function that matches the new international capital changes. Here lies the concept of Zionism as settlement colonialist movement related to the international capital interests, despite of the attempts to forge such fact with deceptive communist claims aiming to attract wide communist Jewish sectors.


Why Palestine


Among several places suggested for the implementation of the colonialist Zionist conference in 1891, Palestine was selected for different reasons all related to the Jewish and to international capital interests as well:


Palestine is a poor country, however, it enjoys a strategic position whereby the Zionists could control the whole Middle East area with its rich resources of oil as well as international trade roads. In this way, such choice was able to attract the international capitalism that viewed Palestine as a mainstay securing its interests. The Jewish capitalism on the other hand, viewed Palestine and the surrounding areas as depositary for sheep workers whereby they could snap the highest surplus value under circumstances of military and racial oppression. After the world war II. In the light of the world division into two camps; the capitalist and the Bureaucratic, the interests of the Zionists and international Capitalism have met for the accomplishment of the Zionist project, by supporting it, and defending it.

Selecting Palestine was also based on the irrational Zionism myths & legends. Such legends were an emotional incentive for a great number of Jewish workers and cultured to drift towards the leaders of the colonialist movement, that will accomplish the society, against there true interests, of secure real liberty and equality in a safe secular society.

  From the very beginning, the Jewish culture was primitive tribal one; a culture that often suffers form draught, which creates the necessity for the continuous invasion of other agricultural societies. Perhaps, this is the reason behind the racial, snob and isolated feature for the Jewish culture in some of its expression. Since they regard themselves God’s preferable and selected people, they believe they have to keep such bless keeping the purification of their culture, blood, and community. In this sense, being a Bedouin culture, the Jewish culture was historically characterized by aggression against others whom they regard their pries ready for being devoured either by drudgery or by aggression all for the will of GOD in some of its interpretations of the Torah.  

The Zionist propaganda depends on certain components for the accomplishment of its project:


Deceptive historical facts like the “ Holocaust” with a concentration on their sole sufferings regardless the others like communists and the gypsies as examples for minorities and political opponents suffered equally from the Holocaust.

Irrational myths like their claims that they were having a nation in such position from thousands of years. Though it was proved that they existed there as pastoral tribes with other different tribes dwelling either in deserts for posturing, or in villages for agriculture. They formed a tribal union for a while before the Babel Ian era. Nevertheless, it has to be clear that such claim is a non-straightforward and a destructive logic- staying in Spain for 6 Centuries, Arab, in this sense, is supposed to claim its right in it!!!

Inane religious believes about God’s promise for them to have such place. We note that many of orthodox Jews oppose the Zionism and not recognize with Israel, standing on other interpretations of the Torah.


Through more than 70 years, the colonialist settlement Zionist project; Israel, was accomplished through a long series of genocides and bloodsheds e.g.: Der Yassin, Kafr Qassem, Sabra wa Shatela, Qana, Daoud Hotel expulsion, Bernadot’s assassination, the massacre of El harram El-ibrahiemy, as well as the collective execution for the Egyptian captives in 56and 67.Even the Jews were objected to such terrorism in Iraq so as to immigrate to Israel. Massacres and terrorism are continuously progressing against the Palestinians, the Arabs, and even all who sympathies with them. In this way, those criminals have allowed themselves to uproot a whole nation from its ground, steeling their rights and turning the majority into homeless national-less humans. The Palestinian resistant on the other hand are either suffering in the West Bank from brutality not less than Nazi, or living as third citizens under prosecution and racial discrimination. The 55 years history of Israel is loaded with aggression and occupation: in 56, they occupied Sinai and then withdrew after the American alert, then in 67, they occupied Sinai, the West Bank, Gaza, and El-Golan, and withdrew from Sinai after 73 war and the peace agreement. In 1982, they invaded South Lebanon, and then withdrew in 2000 due to the armed Lebanon resistance with no Accords and agreements. 


According to the law of return, Israel grants any Jew visiting Israel, the right to have nationality and residence in the lands of his grand. Meanwhile, Palestinians are expelled from the lands where they actually live, their rights are stolen, prosecuted if choose to resist and prevented from return if forcibly compelled to leave.   Israel is built on a religious base, which gives it the racial feature in spite of the secular democratic claims for the sake of appearance as oasis of the democracy in Middle East, internationally.


According to Zionism, the new social function for the Jewish is to transform from trade and banking in the Mediterranean and Europe into military barracks for the interests of the international capitalism in the Middle East. Perhaps, this justifies why Israel is a nation in the service of its army and not vise versa, Jewish from 16 to 49 year are obligatorily recruited in the army of defense.  In addition, security and defense is the most prior and vital item in the Israeli State budget, most of the Israeli politicians are professional soldiers. Moreover, weapon is the first industry in Israeli, which clearly links to the interests of the Israeli capitalism to the interests of the militarily entities and weapon producers in Israel.

Being a mistrial Barracks, the Israeli society is surprisingly unable to secure and protect its people due to continuous wars it wages to the armed Palestinian resistance. They put themselves at the edge of the danger, and accepted the horror life, When they participated in the criminal project, surly, they expected resistance from those who own the land and the rights they were steeling, so that, they must blame themselves only, when they are subjected to violence.

      Israel is an investment project, is financed by international capitalism, and still, whether by indirect fund and aid from governments, especially U.S.A, or by direct tools as investments and contributions. That explains the impudent partiality and clear collusion with Zionism and Israel from the great capitalist governments. As long as the project is successful and achieved its aims and expected profits, the partiality, the support and collusion would continue until the reverse is proven.

  Pointing out that Arab capitalism was never far away from financing And supporting this project even if indirectly and unintentionally through investments And bank accounts in capitalist developed societies, as well as its merging in the world market which lead to a unification of world capitalist interests, including both Jewish and Arab interests, despite their unsubstantial struggle for ruling the markets. For Arabs are the only ones among the third world countries who where successful in accumulating a huge capital because of the petroleum golden era, most of this capital was not invested in developing the Arab region, as much as it helped the world capitalism. And thus Israel as flourishing and surviving by the virtue of Arab money direct plows to west Europe And U.S.A. 


In their views concerning getting out of the ambush the Zionists have laid for themselves, they are divided into two camps

The Leftist Zionists:

They accept fusion in the region and accept call for naturalization with the neighbor countries so as to enjoy economic hegemony. Therefore, they are welling to end occupation of Gaza and the west Bank to BESTOW the Palestinian a small country -20% of the original Palestinian area. Perhaps, such country will be dependant in terms of economy and even military. Some of those who belong to this wings accept the return of the “future” Palestinians, and they are with the total equality between Jewish and Arabs in Israel.



The Rightist Zionists:

This wing stands with the continuity of isolation, war, and instability together with the hegemony military over the region. Therefore, it refuses to put an end for Gaza and the west bank occupation. Moreover, some of them call for the complete expulsion of the Palestinians from Palestine. Whereas, others accept to grant the Arab- over populated areas in Gaza and the West Bank Autonomy, but also under the Israeli authority. Perhaps, all refuse the return of the refugees and they are with the religious racial feature of Israel.


In spite of their certainty that such colonialist project will inflame the hate of Moslems and Arabs, who represent 1/6 of the world, the Zionists faithfully adopt such project. They could not stop worshiping aggression, they could not curb their thirsty for bloodshed and adore for terrorism. Meanwhile, they managed to brainwash the majority of the Israeli working class with the illusion of independence and freedom whereas they are totally deprived of such freedom for the sake of the luxury minority of capitalist leaders and politicians exactly like the Arab working classes (They even feel advantaged because of the large wages they get compared to Arab workers). 

        Similarly, the imperial and capitalist organization that founded Israel, supported it and internationally legislated it was quite sure that the existence of Israel would inflame the national, religious, and racial feelings in the Middle East. Moreover, it strengthened the religious, national racial and ethnic political movements that marginalized the liberal, secular, internationalist and leftist movements in the region.  In this sense, Israel existence, its hideous practices, and support for international imperialism and capitalism was an excuse for the strength of all the racial, ethnic retarded and reactionary ideologies even among the Arabs. 


Perhaps, Israel existence and practices was a fundamental reason behind a series of mistakes, crimes, betrayals and idiot actions conducted by all religious and national streams e.g.: the Black September massacre by the Gordian system, Tall El-Zatar by the Syrian army, the Iraq invasion to El-Kuwait, and 11th September events, the terrorism practices against civil aims which are practiced by some Palestinian organizations , abandoning the secular democracy option at all historical Palestine land  and accepting by two state instead.

Actually, it seems that the Arab capitalists are unable to protect their interests against their other competitive capitalists, mainly the Israeli capitalists with their threat of hegemony over markets. The reason behind this impotency is that those Arab capitalists adopt pre-capitalism dogmatic thought whereas the Zionists came from the heart of the advanced world with all of its experience and progress, the fact that supported them with supremacy in spite of their dependence on primitive culture merely for propaganda.


The Arab Islamic and National streams are aspiring to achieve the Utmost Program; ending the existence of Israel, defeating Zionism, and the expulsion of Jewish. However, after their consecutive defeats, the realistic among them, particularly those who are in the governing positions, adopted the leftist Zionist program.  They accepted naturalization policy and became satisfied with a small-depended country in the west Bank and Strip. In this sense, they thankfully adopted their enemies’ ideology and accepted Zionism in its high tide… Meanwhile,  the radical , and those who are away from authority and its responsibilities , are still able and welling to declare the Utmost Program as an invariable target.


We have to admit the failure of all peaceful negotiations based on the different international resolutions and released by conferences, nations, and organizations missed rationality when acknowledging the Israel existence. In spite of its racism, barbaric aggression and primitive criminal practices together with its violation for all these international accords and resolutions, the international community has granted it legitimacy and even supported it to steal a whole nation by force and drudgery. Meanwhile those forged civilized presidents and leaders keep asking such an oppressed nation to shut up and even to tolerate with its stealers and killers. For when they revolt and ask for their rights, they should be described as aggressive terrorists. Perhaps, such injustice acts as an incentive for the excessiveness of the national and religious obsession for those oppressed people and other uncontrolled parties.  In the meantime, we have to admit the deterioration and retardation of the region for more than half a century

  With all our objections to violence and opponent to the military, principally, and my belief in true real civilized strife, I digest the brutal circumstances carrying the palatines for practicing violence in their glorious struggle against Zionism. As long as they have been unjustly oppressed under brutal heinous Israeli practices, they can never be blamed for taking all the possible actions to erase and diminish such oppression and repression.


Standing against the national and religious tendencies that will heavily inflame the struggle, the internationalist liberals leftists, in both sides, stand with an alternative vision for the Middle East. They refuse any political use for any congregational identity whether racial, ethical, religious or national. They call for a real and sound understanding for the struggle. For the international leftists, it s a class struggle and it requires the union of the working class in the face of the ruling capitalism on both sides of struggle. 

 Along with the progress of the Fascism and conservative Rightness all over the world, those that carry the motto of democratic secular solution in the Middle East, have been diminished into mere marginalized ineffective political groups. Meanwhile, the Arab working class is still bound to the religious, national and capital ideologies similarly like the Jewish working class, which is bound to Zionism. Nevertheless, such obstacles should not prevent a right vision from taking place. We should look for an unexpected and fast progress among human awareness, and hope for realistic changes capable of getting disengaged from the dominant ruling class.


Standing on a human, secular, anti-racism, and anti-Fascism, ground together with being against misuse of religion and nationalism, I call all Palestinian, whether Moslems, Christian, or Jewish in all Palestine and on both sides of the green line, to struggle with all civilized means for a secular liberal society. I urge them to refuse all solutions based on dividing their home into two nations on racial base whether national or religious. I call them also to topple the Israeli return law and all the other Zionist racial laws with the guarantee of return of the Palestinian refugees and compensations for all their sufferings during years of expulsion




The internationalism to get out form the jungle

The freedom and authority

The violence and non_ violence

The self-liberation

An Alternative Vision for the Middle East


Reality of the Egyptian Proletariat




renewal of the notion of the community




 [email protected]

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