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The self-liberation

Article by Sameh Saeed Abbood

    For more than a year, I’ve been writing, a series of articles, the last four of which were translated to English, to explain the principles and aims of antiauthoritarian. This attempt from me to explain the general strategy that the antiauthoritarians agree with, aims at the Arabic reader who misses that sort of writings. All over that year, I was criticized and questioned many times, also my attention was drew to some points, which are abstaining, some friends and readers from full conviction by these principles and aims, and I don’t hide that I am participating with them many of the criticism and questions. For there’s no value to the aims whatever genuine they are without providing suitable tools for achieving it, and there’s no meaning to the principles whatever great they’re unless you find a chance to materialize it in the reality, and there’s no importance for dreams unless you’ve the ability to materialize it, thus all these ideas whatever theoretically splendid they are, without knowing the practical tools, are but a drug that distracts us from understanding the reality, and affecting it.

    The most prominent points that I agree with, not in the pessimistic frame, but in the necessity of finding a solution are:

          Antiauthoritarian like all other ideologies, whatever liberal they are, can be used to practice the despotism. In that case, it would be the worst form of the despotism, because it would be practiced by the mass itself, which will push it to its slavery. This will be facilitated, by demagogical effect on the mass, that are subjected to illusion and deception, in its crushing majority, by elites, leaders and commanders, not only by authoritarians political, but by antiauthoritarians themselves, might be change to sort of indirect authority, that lean on the upper conscious pioneered and history, in worship of heroism and leadership frame.      

       What is the insurance that this won’t happen? Is it just the confidence by antiauthoritarians that declare antiauthority ideology? When was declaring the thoughts a proof of fitness or trustworthy, whether of sincerity or of pretense, except in naive’s minds, who are estimating the people according to what they’re alleging about themselves?  Is it the naive trustworthy in the mass, worship it and the belief with its infallibility despite often, it were giving the tyrants the authority? That will drag us to legal fear, that take place in the majority’s minds, which are been imposed from listening to what we said, and struggle for it, are, What are the insurances that what happened in all the precedent revolution often, reactions, setbacks and massacres by name in the freedom, and by name in the mass and by itself, won’t repeat?

     For an Arabic reader who himself know, what’s happening in Libya! By Qathafey who’s governing, individually and despotically under an ideology near from antiauthoritarian, if we say that Qathafey is just an opportunist clown; we can’t say that some person like Lenin who had approached the principles and aims of antiauthoritarian before the revolution directly, then he turned against it rapidly after the revolution, the Soviets and the workers supervision at factories has varied by Bolsheviks under Lenin leadership, to just a decoration of the communist party’s authority, only a few years after the revolution, starting with the Cronshtad events and the new economical policy. The question now is, why couldn’t the mass defend their freedom and authority? Why did the masses surrender to despotism tendencies of Bolsheviks? Why aren’t we supposing the mass responsibility of that growing tendencies, by their negativism, ignorance and superficiality?

       The yielding to the authority and worshiping it by the subdued is a complicated operation, so we shouldn’t cross it simply, by saying that it is because of a minority’s monopoly of the materialistic sources of authority only, whatever essential this reason is of course, but it’s not enough. For the side that deprived of the materialistic sources of authority, those who’re subdued, has been misleaded, tamed and deformed across thousands of years, so they became capable of the enslavement, exploitation and deception by all means, and able to created their masters, heroic and tyrannical. To make the others carry the burden of the responsibility of materializing their dreams and interests, or what they imagine to be their dreams and interests. If the tyrannical materializes it, he gets the canonization and obedience. If he fails, the subdued disbelieve in the tyrant rapidly, and are waiting that a new authority and a new tyrannical sun to rise.

     Humans in its crushing majority, across all their writing history, still, had dominated their thought and behaviors by all sort of illusions, with various ideologies, values, beliefs and legends, which the humans had known across their history, whether during a period of yielding to the standing authority or during which is producing or reproducing this illusions to tame the mass, or until in mutiny against the authority instants, we found the mutinous are drifting to new illusions which the new authority  have created, rapidly.

      Not only utopia sends for despotism necessarily to materialize it in the reality, but also any ideology and political program sends for despotism in face of all which their interests, aims and ideologies have contradicted with materializing the others’ interests, aims and ideologies in the reality. Then how are we able to materialize the antiauthoritarian in the reality without any despotism against authoritarians, and against who oppose their aims, and how can the aims materialize without any authority followed in succession to carrying out?

      When Humans are facing many options between materializing various interests for them, undoubted, they prefer the interests, which ensure their continuation at life, before those interests they might live without, if they have to choose between the food or freedom, they’d choose the food, surly, at any rate, the slaves won’t die from slavery. That is an important mechanism of producing and reproducing the authority, the exploitation and the compulsion across the Humans history .the true freedom is a certain interest for all Humans surly, that antiauthoritarians are struggling for materializing it in the reality, but Humans could abandon and overlook certain interests simply, for materializing other interests that’re nearest to materializing in reality, and more ensure to means of life the most necessarily, when they face the frightful coach case ,or absence law, security and system that arise from sudden  absence of any authority ,and when they face various crisis, that threaten by deprivation from means of life the most necessarily, we found them surrendering to any body who’d steal their precious freedom, for returning the security and system ,and to take them out from their crisis ,and secure means of life.

That is most the criticism and questions that has validity, so that, require examination and serious scientific studying.

The social reality has been changing by many ways, whether this change is, secondary or essential, partial or complete, gradually or immediately. May we define these ways in the following.

          The reformatory: The reformatory is standing at the seeking to the possible and available aims under certain social circumstances, so that, the reformative is abandoning the great radicalism aims generally, we can understand the reformatory as mean for social change for improving circumstances of Humans, and saving their human rights in utmost the possible and available in many levels. The reformatory don’t touch essentials of social system, therefore the reformatory is making partial changes, in its best conceptions, supposes possibility to radical change of social system, across gradual changes, and continual improvement of circumstances of Humans, across series of reforms in the road of the radical change. It wagers at gradual and continual progress of human .in its worth conceptions, just decorations of   standing situation and has been saving from radical changes by calming of social struggles, by the presentation of some condescension to subdued classes. So that, we can distinguish between two sorts of reforms, the first is putting the strategy aim in its consideration lasting, and seeking to the possible and available change, whatever helping to get near to the strategy aim. Another is seeking to prevent radical change just, by acceptance partial changes according of social powers balance.

      There are reforms at scientific, technology and cultural levels, aims at improving circumstances of Humans generally, which are continual operation, as long as continual human society. Apart at we are meaning by reformatory, as political, social and syndicalism movements, which are seeking, across wining by political authority or means of negotiation and pressure syndicalism, for wining various gains to the public classes, whether political, or social or economical, which For in the 20th century has its golden epoch, but in the end of it had setting epoch for many reasons.

 1- Dictators of the world money markets: when resulted from globalization of commodities production, The state is abandoning its direct intervention, necessarily, that distinguished monopoly epoch of production, and with freedom transportation of capital and commodities across the world, all the governments became conciliate the investors by materializing the best utmost climate for them, that are by liberating their movement and pampering them, in the same time, contraction of workers rights and persecuting them. Dictators of the world money markets raised in the same time, the capitalism is suffering from inflationary depression crisis, that means, that the old Keynes reformatory solutions are becoming usefulness for periodicity crisis, solution, when increasing of public expenditure for solution of depression crisis, would increase rate of the inflation, and solution of reformatory crisis is   meaning asceticism policy, would increase rate of depression.

2_weekness of political, social and syndicalism movements: generally, the public participation in political parties and syndicates, and parliamentary operation is deteriorating in amazing rates, the lobby’s groups of one case are becoming controlling in all political life, so, reformatory and syndicalism movements has weekend by the steady rise of rates of unemployment, that the unemployed workers army are been widening continually, employed workers army face many difficult for pressure at capitalists , rather are compelling  to acceptance most bad conditions of the work, for saving at which they have from work chances ,which are increasing continually in deteriorating rate ,that  unemployed workers are long for it by conditions worth than it .

3-collapce of the bureaucracy socialism:  there are exempting the capitalism from the old fear inspiring alternative by the labor revolution, especially that the collapse are damaging with the radicals anti-capitalism movements at short range, what is the insurance that the revolution won’t be stolen from them, as had been happened, what is the insurance that the revolution won’t deteriorate to this gloomy type, which was shown to them before and after the collapse.

       Thus, we can say to those who still wager at reformatory during state authority or economical struggle, they haven’t this time, they won’t do anything, expect they’d deceit the worker mass by claming to materialize its dreams under the same standing system. Generally, the reformatory isn’t antiauthoritarian road for social changes expect certain limits, for the reformatory joined with the state, social powers balance in the same standing system, and strengthening the state rule as mean of the reform. That won’t prevent the struggle for partial aims, which would help to   materialize strategy aim, or to separate the obstacles from the road to it.

     The revolution: there are two notions of the revolution, in the final annihilation exploitation and tyrannical frame:

 The political revolution in cyclical Marxism, that the labor classes would overcome the political authority, to practice their tyrannical temporarily against the bourgeoisie, to end the exploitation, then the tyrannical would been ending spontaneously, when their justifications would hidden.

   The social revolution in cyclical antiauthoritarian that means the annihilation of all means of social and political tyranny, included the state, then the exploitation would be ending spontaneously, when the bourgeoisie would miss who protects it, in face of the labor classes.

      As we see, they are two theoretical abstraction types justly difficult to defend by who are seeking the practical, because, they’re not standing at enough scientific study of the human reality and laws of its change, added they have been fraught with a good wish and intentions which would be the road to the hell,

     The first: that the organized labor classes would overcome the political authority by political party leadership, which ignores the possibility, that the party would be varying to monopoly of the authority without the majority, which would lead to continuation of exploitation and tyrannical, in name of the labor classes. That is what happened actually, with materializing the type, practical in Russia1917 year.

    The other, takes about the possibility of disappearance of the state and its fall, by revolution of labor classes spontaneously, without explaining for us, What is the imposed that the state won’t reproduce more tyranny newly, by the same mass, which had revolted against the state and destructed it, immediately, as refuge from coach case and absence of law, security and system, which would be created by sudden absence of state, before organization of antiauthoritarian society from dawn to up newly, that is what happened in Spain 1936.

        Cyclical Marxism type is wagering confidence in political party as organization and individuals, as considering as it’s the only representing, authorized agent, and guardian of labor classes, and expressive of it, and embodied it interest, in accordance with its allegation only, and other reasons are, that its members are claiming ideology and struggling for materializing it, so, they are the most progressive branch in the labor classes, in accordance with its membership only, they have the absolute right in  the representation ,the authority and the expression ,that is naďve and false supposed ,no perceive complicated of  the humanity and social phenomenon’s, and interlacement of its  motives and its changeableness.

      Cyclical antiauthoritarian type is wagering rare instant historicity, its spontaneous and automatic mutiny of subdued and deprived masses against the authority, added are narrowing of success chances of its wager. This it is expecting, in the one of the rare instants, the labor masses would destroy all the tyrannical completeness, to would begun in building the antiauthoritarian society from dawn to up. That is just imaginary supposed.

      The self-liberation: From bowels of standing social system, in all capitalist societies, various degrees and levels of course, in accordance with dominant circumstances in any society, apart the state and capitalism, and far way imaginary and theoretical schemes, The humans are practicing many of their activities in accordance with antiauthoritarian bases actually, among various social organizations, that any human well organized activity independently as far as state and capital, between equal and cooperated individuals volunteering is  antiauthoritarian activity. Some of this are distinguished by official, open and codified, the others not, and many of daily practices, which the human are practicing, without, they are perceive that these are antiauthoritarian activities that are saving many of their desires. Some of this is deforming by capitalism, or bureaucracy or authoritarian politics, the other independent at bureaucracy or authoritarian politics actually. That practices are dominated by authoritarian frame of the standing system in the end, thus it is in need of many changes and developments, to vary the strong social power, has ability to sweep all of state and capital from its back. That antiauthoritarians are seeking to by two tools:

      The first: is spreading antiauthoritarian though, teaching the labor classes how to dispense the state and capital, and get rid of effect of authoritarian politics, to be qualified practically to that the dispensing., and training at managing their activities in accordance with antiauthoritarian bases.

     The other: are struggling for developing these activities; this operation is requiring, the independence of all activities, practice and organizations    at both state, capital and authoritarian politics, actually which they are cooperating with each other, which they are expanding to cover the possible of human activities, in accordance with dominant circumstances in any society.

      Surly, the road isn’t easy, for both state, capital and authoritarian politics, to have the ability to control this activities, by any mean of violence, containment, spoiling, or domination,  

      This situation is creating necessarily, classes and social struggle, between the authoritarian side that is embodied in authoritarian political, capitalists, bureaucracy, and military, the antiauthoritarian side that is embodied in organized labor classes in accordance with antiauthoritarian bases. Thus the antiauthoritarians are resisting all sort of control on activities and organizations of labor classes from state or capitalists or authoritarian politics.

        That is a concept of the self-liberation, as road to social change, that it is   including both the reformatory as daily struggle and revolution as instant, and rather the most suitable mean for materialize final aims of antiauthoritarians. Surly, that type is avoiding criticism, which are amid at both the reformatory and the political revolution in cyclical Marxism type or the social revolution in cyclical antiauthoritarian type.

        The labor classes in accordance with this concept, are been liberated itself, without representing, authorized agent, and guardian of it, and their conscious is been liberated from authoritarian ideologies, by it would gaining skills, abilities and confidence in by itself, which it would avoiding in future from mechanism worship of heroism and leadership, and from drifting behind demagogy of the elites of various authoritarian politicals. The labor classes in accordance with this concept, has been creating the necessary materialist bases of future society from bowels of standing social system, in expanded operation from the self-liberation, and far way imaginary and theoretical schemes, or any sorts of social geometry send for despotism and authority necessarily to materialize it in the reality. The self-liberation as expanded operation is existing actually, might develop it instantly, without waiting spontaneous and automatic mutiny instants, may be would come or not, may be would be liberated or not. And it is giving us the practical proof at possibility principles and aims of antiauthoritarian by the practice, not only by the charged sympathetic with dream and faith, by jut provocation that it gaining its importance in instants flame of the social struggle only. And not only by the theoretical enlighten that is not effecting in limited educated branches in any society.

         The materialist base, which it would build by the self-liberation operation, would save and protect humanity from chaos crisis, which it is resulting from   sudden absence of any authority by falling all means of social and political tyranny in instants flame of the social struggle. And continuation of the full rebuilding of the society classes in accordance with the principles and aims of antiauthoritarian from dawn to up. And organizing activities like public strike, uncooperation, and civil rebellion, considering this an apparatus that can paralyze all the authority institutions






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The freedom and authority

The violence and non_ violence

The self-liberation

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