Anne Frank Diary Reference     :     Amsterdam Virtual Tour         to map
[comparison of door in apartment the Franks used to live in, with period photo] The photo on the far left is from an online tour of the Frank's old apartment. The other photo is from Margot Frank's birthday party, in February 1934 (Getty images has two photos from the party: 1, 2). This was shortly after Anne arrived (she had stayed with her grandmother until this new apartment was fully furnished). Margot was eight, Anne was four.

The comparisons indicated are why I think the 1934 photo was probably taken in front of that door. Most door frames probably do not have that circle on them. The Franks probably held Margot's party in their own apartment.

In 2005, the apartment was restored to its period decor and furnishings, for use by exiled writers. I made a summary page, which includes links to offsite pages with many interior photos of the apartment.

1934 Ghosts: both Margot and Anne died in their teens, of typhus in Bergen-Belsen concentration camp.

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see more "ghosts"

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