Note:This is NOT the complete rant list from my old site. I've taken out the ones that were in bad taste, outdated, or I just changed my opinion. (Trust me, the ones in bad taste were extremely harsh.)
Loud Gym Patrons
Idiots that give me fitness advice.
Cardio vs Running
Protestors Suck
Grades and "Smart" People
Men's Rights
Disappointing People
Movies and kids don't mix
Snobby kids should be beat
Girls that stare at my ass
People that wake me up
Depressing People
Fat Loss
People that ignore me
Wrong Impressions of Me
Out with a BANG!

Loud Gym Patrons
If you have a regular workout routine at a gym, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. "ROAR!!!" "HOOOYAAA!!!!!!". Do you really need to make that much noise?... I've maxed out bench pressing and didn't make a single sound. Not a grunt or anything. The only thing you can hear is the "clank" that the bar makes when I put it back up on the rack. "Duh... Bench pressing ain't dat hard!" If you're thinking this, then fine... Dead lifts, parallel squats, leg press. I've done my 1 rep max on these things before and NO noise. You might think that making these noises gives you a burst of power... That's a LOT of bullshit right there. How can expelling MORE oxygen give you more power? It doesn't make sense. If anything you'll get weaker and light headed. I would LOVE to see one of those idiots that scream for every rep pass out while they're on a leg press. "WAH!!!... oh... uhh......." followed by *SQUISH* as a 630lb sled comes crashing down on the loud dumbass. Forcing his own legs to pierce through his ribs... Oh, that'd be a lovely scene.

Idiots that give me fitness advice.
"Pulldowns work better if you bring the bar behind your neck." Right up until you bust your rotary cuffs. "All you need is a balanced diet, follow the food pyramid, you're eatting too much protein and not enough carbs!" I'm trying to lose weight, buzz off. And on and on and on. I really don't like it when people give me advice pertaining to lifting or nutrition when I don't ask for it. There are usually two types of people that give unwanted advice. The ones that want to be helpful but are misinformed, or the annoying person that wants to show off their "vast" knowledge about everything to you. Either way, it's annoying... Here's a tip for all you advice givers out there. You can have the best intentions out there, but please... PLEASE don't open your mouth unless asked. Now I'm getting a little egotistical, so excuse me for this next part. I have read so many fitness articles, medical articles, and have experimented with various diets and workout routines. When I get into something, I want to learn everything about it. Chances are that if you think you know something about weight lifting that I don't, you're wrong unless you have the title: "Dr.". This applies to personal trainers too, I've seen an ACE certification test... It's nothing to me, NOTHING. It's just useless. Also, here's a tip for everyone else, if you DO want to ask for work out advice. Don't just go ask the biggest guy there. I mean, sure he/she COULD know what's going on, but it COULD just be genetic, or they're on so many steroids that they can just flex and build more muscle. I suggest that everyone goto and read read read!

Cardio vs Running
What's with all these treadmill kids anyways? "You wanna bring out your abs, you need to get on a treadmill!", "You can't drop fat by just lifting! You need to get out and run.", "Running's good for you, trust me." I'm going to type it plan and simple... The thought of running in place for 20 minutes makes me sick and the view never changes. Let's define cardio for a second though... Cardio - Raising your heart rate. HEART RATE! Doesn't mean you need to run, you get your heart rate up and that's cardio, doesn't matter how you do it. Me personally I like lifting with 30 second rest between sets. It keeps my pulse elevated, not only that but you're burning calories AND building muscle. Think you can't lose weight from lifting? Here's a fact, every pound of muscle you get burns 60 calories a DAY. You don't even have to be awake to do it either, you're burning fat as you sleep. Here's another reason why I don't like running, you're burning muscle... Yeah, that's right, you heard me. Your body uses carbs as fuel usually, but once you run out of carbs, it should shift to burn fat right? WRONG! Your body's going to burn whatever's there for energy, and a lot of the time it just happens to be PROTEIN. Yup, that's right, PROTEIN. Don't believe me? Take a good look at the people running around on the treadmills in your gym, now how many of them look like bodybuilders or powerlifters? Not only that, but look at all the marathon runners out there. They're so skinny, wanna know why? It's not because they have low fat percentages, it's because they've burnt up everything in their bodies including the NATURAL muscle mass that people should have. Muscle is sacrificed for energy. Also, running screws up your knees. This is a fact, consistant grinding will wear your knees down. Getting your heart rate up is key in losing weight, but running is not the only way. It's like Maddox (website in "links" section) once said: "I ran once... BAD mistake, never again." Don't get me wrong, I don't HATE runners or anything, infact running IS good for you... I just don't like people that tell ME to run.

Protestors Suck
"No war! Yes war! No more tax hikes! Save the whales! Free Slasher Bob!" SHUT UP!!!!!!!! What the hell are you protesting for? You think the people that actually pay attention to you have a say in the matter? NO! Are you pissed off about something in the government, write a damn letter. Write a MILLION damn letters. Eventually one will get through and someone important will read it and if you make sense, then maybe they'll consider it. People need to realize that although democracy is "for the people", it takes a LOOOOOOOONNNGGGGG time to change anything. You know what pisses me off more? People that whine about government and yet they don't vote... I mean, what the hell! By not voting, you're saying that you don't CARE what happens next. So if you're of legal age but didn't vote, then SHUT UP and stop whining. I don't vote, but I don't whine about government issues. War in Iraq? I didn't care! You know what I *DID* care about though? Protestors blocking off roads and loud chanting that woke me up at 3am in the morning. For those of you that don't know... Waking me up is a BIG no-no. I have a hard time sleeping, but once I do fall asleep, I'd like to enjoy it. If you interrupt me, chances are that I won't be able to fall asleep again. Which REALLY pisses me off. Anyways, back on track. Protestors are just wasting their time screaming their lungs out and and holding signs. If you want results, gather up your hippie friends and write some letters to congressmen or something.

Grades and "Smart" People
This here gets me really ticked off. "I have a higher GPA than you, thus meaning that I am smarter than you!" How do you GET good grades? Well let's see. You can sleep with the teacher (you dirty dirty kid). Cheat on your assignments. Play with the grading system. You want a higher GPA and you're in highschool? Take AP classes, a C is a 4.0. Yeah that's right, C's in AP classes count as A's. Want a better GPA in college? Transfer! Your grade will be reset as a 4.0 and you'll still have credit hours. School grades hardly measure intellegence. I had a 2.8 in highschool, wanna know why? In my sophomore year of highschool, my parents PRE-grounded me. No TV, no going outside, no having fun and this was BEFORE school started. They thought that it would be good since I would only have my school work to keep me company. What they DIDN'T calculate was my vengeance factor. Out of spite, I purposely got D's in my classes, that's right, I CALCULATED how many questions I'd have to get right on tests and such in order to get my D, and I never failed at it. Now you're probably thinking: "Wow, that was stupid, you screwed yourself to get back at your parents!" Here's something you won't hear anyone else say kids: Highschool is not important. There! Don't believe me? Think about it, a kid can go to community college, do good for 1 lousy semester, and then transfer to a better college. Where does highschool factor into this? It doesn't! All you really need to do is graduate and you can have a fresh new start. "I bet your GPA would've still been bad if you did decent in your sophomore year!... Because you're dumb! heh heh, you dummy dummy dumb dumb! *drool*" Here are some numbers for you to play with. I graduated highschool with a 2.8, and nothing but D's for 1 whole year. Let's take that out! Let's assume that highschool is only 3 years and that sophomore grade blitz didn't exist? Wanna know what my GPA would be? 3.4! And that's assuming that I don't take any AP classes to boost that grade. People that believe intelligence is measured with school grades are idiots. Another example: SAT scores! A friend of mine has a 1350, he took special SAT prep classes, took the SAT 4 times, bought a LOT of books, and took on-line courses. Me however, I didn't read any books, I didn't do any practice tests, I didn't read the "tips and tricks" shit. You know what I did? I read comic books and played with my Gameboy. I took the SATs twice, 1300. That's not a combined score either, the second time I took it, BOTH grades improved. All you smartasses out there are probably thinking: "If you're trying to say that you're smarter than your friend, well you're not. If you were, then you should've taken the practice things." I never said I was smarter than my friend, I'm just saying that grades CAN'T reflect natural intelligence.

There are two type of smartasses, the ones that do it because it's fun, and ones that do it because they think they're smarter than you. The ones that do it because it's funny are alright, I like laughing, everyone does! But the ones that do it to challenge you... Well... Ugh. Me personally, I have my temper in check usually. So if you're being a smartass to me, no matter what the reason, chances are that I'll just reflect it back at you, and if you're talented enough, we can play ping pong with our words. However, if you're a natural annoying smartass, here's a little warning: You're going to get your ass kicked. Being a smartass to everyone is like poking sleeping tigers with a sharp stick. Most will go back to sleep if you wake them up and ignore you, but there's always that one violent tiger that will pounce on you and rip your skull out. So, word to the wise. Control your tongue.

Men's Rights
Just like the title says, "Men's Rights." You might be thinking "Oh, men have rights, infact the male has the MOST rights in America!" Yeah, that's why we're always the stupid, fat husbands married to the intellegent woman on sitcoms right? That's why they're the ones that can't figure out how anything works in commericals right? You know if you have women in sitcoms being stupid and having a brilliant husband you'll get women's rights activists all over your ass. Because for some reason that's wrong. Oh, here's another thing. If a girl punches her boyfriend, it's considered cute. If a guy punches his girlfriend, it's abuse... No really, when's the last time you heard about a court case of a guy charging his girlfriend or wife with domestic violence? I'm going to stop before I get too carried away.

Disappointing People
I'm sitting here thinking to myself about how many people I know that are utter failures at being friends, or human beings for that fact. Just about everyone I know has failed me or made be ashamed to know that person in some way big or small. Obviously the ones that do it a lot more get dropped during my annual "Aeolian Idol" contest. Sometimes you just need to test your "friends" to make sure that they're not more trouble than they're worth... Not everyone goes under this evaluation, only the people that I suspect are deadweights or leeches. Admit it, you've all done it before so don't lecture me. One of the biggest things is seeing if your "friend" cares enough to call you or takes the initiative in getting in contact with you. If you find that you're the one who's always asking your girlfriend to go out or do something, then STOP and see how long it takes her to ask YOU. If she never calls you and asks to go out, well then you should drop her. Obviously she doesn't give a damn about you. This isn't just about significant others. You should be testing your friends once in a while if you question their loyalty and same with family members. Yes that's right, FAMILY members. Try it, give your target a month and see what happens. If the person thinks the same way you do to them, then everything's alright and that person is a true friend, girlfriend, family member, etc. Now what happens if you find out that a person just flat out doesn't care? Well then don't waste your time with that person anymore, you obviously tried right? You're the one that's putting in the effort and getting NOTHING in return. So go and cut ties with that person. Don't tell them that they failed your little test, they don't have the right to know. I HATE people that pretend to be my friend when in actuality they're indifferent and they just don't care; even worse, when you're being used for something. That's why I went under a huge AIM haul when I changed my screen name. I went from 131 people down to 70. That's 61 people that just got cut. I certainly don't feel bad about it since I'm only cutting off people that don't seem to care. I hope that some of those 61 people finally NEED me for something and then finally realize that I haven't spoken to them in months and that we've drifted too far apart.

Movies and Kids Don't Mix
I'm sure we've all experienced this before. You're just sitting in the movie theater with your eyes glued to the screen just waiting for the drama to unfold and instead of hearing the most important line in whole thing, you get: "WAHHHH I'm out of popcorn mommy!". I mean HOLY SHIT! WHAT THE FUCK! If my kid did that out loud in the movie theater I'd beat him infront of everyone, then have people join in. Kids should know when to shut their mouths. What about the kids that are "too young" to know when to shut it? Then leave their ass at home! If they're too young to know when to shut up, then they'll be too young to understand ANY kind of movie. I personally think that it should be movie theater policy to beat up anyone that makes so much noise. I'm not blaming the kids, I'm blaming their stupid ass parents that bring them to the theater. Oh, it doesn't stop there! There are so many dumbass teens in there too. I was watching "S.W.A.T" with my friends when all of a sudden a girl in the back squeals: "Oh my GAWD! Colin is SOOO cute! I LOVE him!". No one wanted to know what you think about Colin Farrell, NO ONE! Those airhead friends that you were with probably didn't care either! You just made everyone hate you, congratulations! You know what it is? Teens think that they're invincible since they're young and surrounded by their friends. Do you want to know how to fix it? It's quite simple! All you have to do is kick that person's ass. Yup! That's right! Next time snobby teens that think they're so cool and great cross you, just kick their ass. The world would be a better place if that happened. I'm 18, and whenever I do anything stupid in public, I WISH that someone would come kick my ass and drop my ego a notch. But alas...

Snobby kids should be beat
I hate snobby kids... I HATE them. I'm not talking about just the rich ones that have everything and look down on everyone. I mean EVERY SINGLE LAST ONE OF THEM. The 'know it all' types are the worst. They don't listen to you when you try to help them, they offer stupid advice when you don't ask for it, they try to impress you with their vast 'knowledge' of the universe. What happens when you try to tell them that they're snobby or that their advice isn't appretiated? Well they just thrust their noses up in the air, turn around, say something about how great they are, and then leave. It's procedural for them. How do you break this chain? When they're turning around, give them a swift kick in the pants. That's right, their heads will be pointed up and they're trying to come up with something witty to say so you can catch them off guard. Another breed of snobby kids are the 'enlightened' ones. They OBVIOUSLY have everything figured out and if you say anything against them, then you're wrong. Before you say anything, know that these people are different from me because I actually DO understand everything ;)! I try to avoid these kinds of people just because there's no POINT in arguing with them. Let's say you two are just cussing each other out and shit. Once the 'enlightened' fuckhead runs out of things to say, he'll finish the argument with: "This is pointless and stupid, I'm not going to talk about it anymore." or something to that effect. He/she obviously has nothing left to say but still NEEDS to get that last word in. Also, you can't have a single conversation with these people without hearing about how great they think they are, their accomplishments, and their outlook on life. They also LOVE to point out ANY mistakes that you've made and announce it. "Oh! You spelled 'Trihydroxystilbene' wrong! Aren't you glad that I pointed that out to you? Don't I rule?" NO! goto hell.

Although I am almighty and great, there are parts of me that I hate... No, not physically... Well, maybe my head. Yeah my head, if I could change it, I'd make it a little smaller. My head is HUGE! What really sucks about it though is that I don't nearly look as big as I really am. Hm, ok well onto mental things. Although on my website I seem like a guy that's not afraid to speak my mind, in real life I usually keep what I truely feel on the inside. No, it's not unhealthy so all you New Age hippies can bite my ass. The problem is that my real opinions contrast heavily with the collective opinion. So if I speak my mind, I'll end up pissing someone off and thus I try to keep it to myself. It's also hard for me to express myself in real life since I'm so used to bottling everything up. These apply to only the strongest feelings though, love, hate, rage, etc. Chances are that if I can SAY "I love you" or "I hate you" easily to you, then I really don't mean it. Sorry! Another thing about me! I care way too damn much about other people. It pisses me off so much that they usually don't appreciate it or don't seem to notice. You know, I don't HAVE to wait for you, I don't HAVE to go over there and see you, I don't HAVE to buy you anything for any holiday, but I do it anyways so be happy you dumb twips.

Girls that stare at my ass
Girls are pigs. I can't go one day without one coming up to me, slapping my ass, and doing a wolf whistle. I'm a human being too! I am NOT some mindless sex object and I think that it's time people realized this. What really pisses me off is when I'm trying to talk to one, and they talk back half coherent with their eyes wandering all over me, undressing me... Makes me sick! I wish I could find one that respected me for my personality and mind instead of my obvious perfect physical features. It's really annoying for me to goto the gym too. First I beat the living hell out of the guys on the threadmill AND the ones on the leg extension. Then I'll proceed with my workout (which is always the most perfect one). Girls keep coming up to me and asking for my phone number and it cuts into my rest periods between sets! I mean holy shit! The gym is a place where people go to workout, NOT some singles bar. You might think that I only date the best of the best or something since I'm ranting about too many girls approaching me, but my tastes are really simple! I only have 3 rules.
1.) Don't be a whore
2.) Don't lie to me
3.) Don't kick hobos on the street
See? It's simple but so far every single girl that I'm interested in has problems with one, two, or all three of these rules. (Incase you're clueless... This doesn't really happen. I'm too ugly and most girls enjoy kicking hobos too much.)

People that wake me up
I have a hard time falling asleep. I also like to have atleast 6 hours of quality sleep so I can get a half assed recovery before another day of facing both idiots and HUGE idiots that like to get in my way and try to inject me with stupid. Once I am asleep, everything seems right. My mind is finally at rest and all is calm... Then it happens. Some stupid kid that wants to impress someone drives by in his car that has no muffler and wakes me up. I mean what the fuck... Good job, you have a loud car, your life is finally complete, all that's left is suicide. I HATE people that wake me up by doing stupid shit like this. What's worse are people that drive by my dorm honking their infernal horn. I have no air conditioning so I always have the window open. I hear all... Also, I've been woken up stupid drunk/high whores giggling their asses off while crossing my room to goto another orgy. I hope they get some STD that leads to a painful death. I wish people would be a little more respectable to me. And yes, specifically me because I take more shit than you would ever know.

What the hell? You ever think about existance? I don't mean with a spiritual sense, I mean in a uh... "Sociological" sense. Most people in their prime 16-40 are either in school or working... And if it's not one or the other, it's because they're dead or they don't give a shit about their own life. It's pretty much the same thing. You don't ever get a break until you're like 60 and retired, but by then you're old and you can't enjoy things as well as you could back when you were younger. (I'm talking about physical things... Not just sex you pervert.) Not only that, but you have to raise evil children that are trying to get you arrested for disciplining them. Isn't that just wrong? You struggle throughout life, dedicate so much time to studying so that you can work for more money later so that it can help bring up your children. Then when everything's said and done, you're too old to enjoy the rest of your life. I think that everything should be REVERSED! People from 20-30 should be able to screw around and not pay taxes or do anything! Then after 30, they have to go back to school and THEN work. Retirement will still exist so that the old people won't work themselves to death... Like in Japan... Them some crazy fuckers. I don't mean ALL Japanese people, I mean the people that get worked to death. Ugh, that's dedication for you!

Depressing People
Everyone knows someone like this. The kind that says: "Oh my life sucks, I'm going to go kill myself." Suck it up. Everyone's life sucks. Look at me... I mean seriously, you think you got it bad? My parents think that reading an Algebra book should be the most entertainment that should be allowed to me, I don't have a girlfriend, I could care less about my education right now, I'm a sophomore in college and still have no major, my head is the size of Mars, and the list goes on and on... But hey you know what? I don't put depressing shit all over my webpage, AIM profile, or my away messages. I also don't go around telling people that I'm going to kill myself week after week because no one has hardships except me. Suck it up you dipass pansies. A lot of people out there have it worse than you but we don't whine about it half as much. It's so frickin' annoying! "I got a B in biology. My future is ruined, only thing left to do is suicide." Good! Go kill yourself and rid the world of your whiney ass. If you're really stupid enough to kill yourself over something that small then you deserve to die! I mean c'mon now, what the fuck is your problem? You "despressed" people are just attention whores. Not only that, but you make people put in a HUGE effort to give you attention! Example, I'll ask what's wrong, wannabe depressed kid replies with a: "Nothing...". WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU MOPING AROUND THEN?! Don't make me dig to get to your problems. You know what? From now on, anyone that acts depressed or IS actually depressed will recieve no attention from me. That's it! In order to talk to me about anything, you MUST be in a friendly, cheerful mood... And you need to bake me a beef pie too. That is all. The basic point of this rant is to let everyone know that depression can be over come with being ignored. Don't give into the attention whores!

Fat Loss
All I really want is 9% is that SO much to ask for? I think I'm at about 14% right now. Yeah I know, I'm ashamed... That's why I'm taking Xenadrine and attempting to do circuit training, which doesn't really work good because people at the stupid rec. center like to sit on the machines, benches, or in the cages in between their sets. Look, if people simply all got up in between their sets to let others use the machine that they were on, the gym would be a better place. People wouldn't have to constantly ask to work in or anything and I could actually do a circuit when it's semi-crowded. So, instead of circuits, I'm just gonna do 4x10 exercises with 30 second rest intervals. It's not as effective but it has to do since everyone except me is an idiot. Also, I *hate* the diet that I'm on, I'm attempting to pop my ketogenic virginity... (No carbs). And I'm getting the worst candy craving, it's insane. Try going a week with no carbs, then walking down the candy section at Walmart. You know what really pisses me off? Macronutrient whipping boys. Yeah, it used to be that a lot of people thought that they could eat "Fat free" products and not gain a single pound. Nowadays with all this Atkins shit going on, people think "Carb free" is the best since they'll burn only fat. IT'S NOT THAT SIMPLE. Excess calories are what make you fat, doesn't really matter where the calorie is coming from. Once it builds up to 3500, you've just gained a pound. Not all calories are the same though, don't get me wrong. They all have the same energy value yes, but they have different thermogenic effects when they're in your body, protein has the highest value, that means that your body will expend more energy trying to process protein than it does trying to process a carb. YAY! Ok well, I guess this wasn't much of a rant... More like a health lesson, but hey! You learned something... I hope.

People that ignore me
Why though? Why am I the one being ignored? Did I do something wrong? Am I asking a stupid question? What the fuck?! I hate people that ignore me, especially people that I considered my friends. If you didn't hear me then that's fine, honest mistake. But if anyone who thinks that we're friends decides to ignore me for whatever reason, then we're not friends anymore. It's that simple. Ignoring someone is one of the most disrespectful things that you can possibly do to someone and I for one won't tolerate that shit. If you ignored me, expect to BE ignored, expect to be ridiculed, expect your life to be tampered with. I swear to God, some people just really piss me off with this. From now on, it won't just apply to people that I know. It'll be the same with people that I DON'T know either. I'm usually a very friendly person, I'll try to make conversation if you seem fit for it, but I'm not going to try very hard anymore. The way I see it, if someone wants to talk to you and you break the ice, then they'll talk. If they don't, then they're an ass and should be dropped off a building. Oh, what if me and someone else is talking at the same time? Well the answer's obvious, listen to me first because chances are that whatever I say will make more sense. I think I'm currently being ignored by two people. Ah well, it won't really matter right now since eventually I'll meet them and well, if they don't realize that something was wrong, they'll definitely know it now. I can see it now, "Hey Rui, what's up?... RUI! RUI RUI RUI!!!... What's wrong?... Oh! Is it because of me ?" At which point I'll be reminded of all the times these people have pissed me off and I'll simply glare and walk away. I won't "cut" people off for no reason. Anyone that I ignore, I ignore for a reason, and a damn good reason too. If you haven't talked to me in a while, try messaging me and see if I respond.

Wrong Impression of Me
This pisses me off. I'm a nice guy (you can tell by the lack of girlfriend), I like cleanliness, I'm healthy, I have positive outlooks for everyone except me. Yet some people like to think of me like I'm an asshole or something. Why?... Well first off, this person probably sucks or is completely oblivious to everything I do. I mean holy shit, almost everything about me screams 'NOT AN ASS!'. I bet there are people out there that just sit around in a room dreaming up shit about me just because of how perfect I am. They can't stand the fact that I'm the best person in the world, but then again who can? ;) Ok, maybe I'm a little egotistical sometimes but it's good for self-esteem I guess. You know what else sucks? Having shit elevated about you, it's close to having a rumor spread. Here's an example: Let's say me and a buddy of mine are joking around about another friend. I call the other friend a llama whore jokingly. Next thing I know, everything gets twisted up and I'm taking heat from someone that thinks I called him a farmer's whore who dresses up like a llama. Finally I clear everything out, but the 'friend' that got mad at me still doesn't believe me since he's so ready to think of me as a bad guy. (Disclaimer: This situation is purely hypothetical, if this or something similar has actually happened, then it's a coincidence.) Of course somethings that I do could be misinterpreted. Kind of like my wannabe hardcore gym rat... er... ismness(?) But you've gotta be a total idiot if you think that I'm a meathead. I'm getting a year of Organic Chemistry (or as chem majors call "The Widow Maker") under my belt. If you don't understand, this is the class that determines if you're going to be a doctor or a gym teacher. The people that think I'm a meat head can't even SPELL O-R-G-A-N-I-C. That's another thing that pisses me off. Idiots who think they're not idiots. Most of them try really hard to be a smartass just because of that 'smart' part being tied into the word. Listen, if you're a smartass naturally (if comments just float into your brain) then by all means, be a smartass, people like you add color to the world. But if you actually need to stop every other thought process just so you can think up a witty reply to something, then go shoot yourself in the head since your brain'll do better as fertilizer. Or, if you're standing on concrete... Well... Guess your brain's just flat out useless. I'm betting there are people out there who think that I'm one of these. No, sadly it's the other way around. Infact, most of the time I have to stop myself since half of my comments are just plain hurtful. I guess that's a flaw... I'm way too mean. No wait, I'm not! If somehow you think that I'm mean, well you probably did something to provoke me. I've got a LOT of shit tolerance, it's like a big bucket. I can hold quite a lot of it. But once it gets topped off and you don't clean it up... Well, I'll just dump it all back on you, put the bucket on your head, bang on it with a hammer, then stuff you into a trashcan and roll you down a hill into a transformator (not transformer). Or I'll wander off somewhere... Whatever.

Out with a BANG!
No, this isn't a message about me scraping my site... Although I've been working on it less frequently, I've grown more fond of it. It's kind of like my own little sanctuary where whatever I says goes. You ever try to help someone or maybe a group of people that don't seem to know what they're doing? Then, instead of being thanked, they throw it back in your face, get all pissy and force you to put them down with an M4A1 Colt Carbine. Example! Counter-Strike, the on-line favorite pasttime of both geeks AND dorks. Now, I'm a pretty big dork... HUGE dork if you will, and I've had my geeky moments. I've been playing counter-strike for years right up until my recent retirement. You try to help someone that's got a negative score, you TRY to tell them to aim with the bottom of the top crosshair and what happens? They type: "STFU N00bz0r! I KNOW WHAT I R DOIN' AND sez dat BRUSTFIRING r teh pwn." Well OBVIOUSLY 'brustfiring' (Burstfiring) isn't working too well now is it? How's about accepting some friendly advice and improve a little so that your team won't think you're deadweight? Ok, this doesn't happen too often anymore since I rarely play counter-strike nowadays (More of a Natural Selection fan). So this isn't what's REALLY bothering me. It's the whole nutritional thing. Now if you know me, and I mean REALLY REALLY know me, then you understand that nutrition is my religion and GNC is my place of worship. I've got a pretty good understanding of exercise but nutrition is where my mastery lies. I used to try and help people out but... I've learned something. Most people don't appreciate help, not only that but they all want a quick fix and will NOT stay with any plan no matter how simple. Let's start with the 'don't appreciate help' part first. What the hell is wrong?! I try to help, I tell you that lard is NOT good for your health, soy turns you into a girl, mixing Pepsi with Krispy Kreme doughnuts will put you into an insulin induced coma, and a lot of other stuff. What do I get in return? "Oh Rui, you and your silly diet myths." MYTHS?! WHAT THE FUCK! I preach a lot but the thing that keeps getting thrown back into my face is this.

Soy: The isoflavones genistein and daidzein bond to your alpha and beta estrogen receptor sites. What happens then? Well simple! Your body has more estrogen now. Metabolism slows, fat storage goes more to your chest and butt than to your stomach, protein synthesis slows down. There's nothing good about soy protein. It wasn't MEANT to be consumed. It was used as manure in Asia, and it's only a WASTE product of soybean oil. It USED to be animal feed too until all the pigs and cattle got sick and all their offspring had severe birth defects.

Doesn't sound so great and upscale now does it? But I get this thrown back at me so much. Most people can't argue against it properly, they don't understand enough about it. But they still do, just to piss me off. "Oh no, it's soy, Rui's afraid of soy, OoOOooOoO." Hey fuck you. I'm not gonna try to help anyone else out anymore. This isn't targetted at one person, this is targetted at EVERY person that's EVER said this back to me. I'm just trying to help, if you don't believe me, FINE! Turn into an estrogenic little sissy. I'm tired of defending my position on soy. It's not easy having a strict diet either. Apparently I'm a party pooper for it. I really don't see HOW though, I mean it's not like I'm going around making people puke up all the fat that they just consumed. I'm not STOPPING anyone from eating shit, however if I don't put that crap in my mouth, the world will end. "Live a little." They say. I like how people want me to eat 'normal' food once in a while, but I really have it under control thanks. Ok! Onward to how people just can't keep a workout or diet plan. Everyone wants to change an aspect about themselves no matter HOW minor it is. I want my mole gone, the one on my lip. Some say it's hardly noticable, others say that it gives me a defining look... I think it's stupid looking and I wanna freeze it and then crack it off. But hey yeah... Most people want to lose fat or gain muscle, or in ONE instance, someone that actually wanted to LOSE muscle. It's one thing to SAY that you want to change, and it's another to have me write up a diet worthy of a nutritional thesis paper and then ignore it. You know what?... I'm going to stop EVERYTHING! No more help from Rui. No more, nuh uh! NONE! This is the end.
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