Pictures and anything else that's visual.

These are the guys that I live with! From left to right: Danny, Bobby, Mike, Jeff, Tricky, and Jude. (Not pictured: John and Me.) Danny's in Iraq now... He was so close to graduating too but now he's gotta wait 2 years to. Guess who was responsible for that? Hint: Choked on a salty snack.

This is my summer session roomate Brandon! He likes changing light bulbs... It's one of his favorite hobbies. We went to highschool together, had a lot of mutual friends, but never spoke until college... Wierd huh?

This is David! AKA Nova Adage. I think I stretched this picture a little too much.

This is me... Doing my "snarl pose". Yeah! That's right! Ph3@R me! ROAR!... I'm pathetic, I squeak more than I roar but hopefully that'll change.

From your left to your right: Alex, Mike, Frank, Me, Josh. Every asian knows enough other asians to form a group... This is always true. If you find an asian person, chances are that they know at least another 4.

There are 6 things wrong with this picture. 5 can be found easily but you'd need to know me REALLY well to get the final one, or just really observant.

From left to right, it's me, Rick, and Bobby... We tugs yo! Jeff was featured in this picture too but he wasn't wearing sunglasses... Or a bandana... Or clothes... So I cut him out.

Me looking tough. Actually I'm just really self-absorbed and I like pictures of myself (Not Really). This picture was so great that I sold it for $40 on! (Nah just kidding, I gave it to a friend so that she could laugh at me even when I'm not really there.)

Sarah and Jen presenting my door. They're Twins! (And the best looking ones that I know of.)

From front to back it's John the Happy, Bobby the Content, and my new roomate Austin the Guy-In-The-Back-That-Everyone-Calls-The-Jew-Even-Though-He's-Not-Jewish.

This is Rick, he reminds me of Stifler from American Pie. He's definitely got the attitude.

Austin and Bobby... Doing... Something... While staring at my camera...

The biggest pigeon EVER! This thing was a beast! "Fucking HUGE, three, four hundred pounds, fucking huge."

Bobby's 'Ugly Pimp' Halloween costume. It's a shame he didn't get to wear it this halloween ('03) due to certain events... But hopefully he can don the mask and suit once again next year!

Austin and I busted into Rick's room to try and suprise him, but HE suprised US instead... If you talk to him, he'll give you some bullshit excuse about how some girls jumped him and made him put the stuff on at gunpoint.

Me and my horns, la da da. I learned to do this evil dance that makes me look really silly, but still evil! And I do it while chanting "evil... evil..." I'm such a loser...

Jeff and Rick's Halloween costume. They're from the Beastie Boy's 'Sabotage' video. In case you haven't seen it, it's about 70's cops.

Another one of Rick's disguises. Haha, what a dork... Wait... Those are MY glasses.

Tara, Rick, Honor, and Rob all about to go out to a club. I disapprove of clubbing but meh... They're all dressed up, might as well let em go.

Tara and Honor, the girls that live above us. Rick found them one day.

This is my friend Thu. Don't look for her at ECU, she goes to NC State... God knows why. She's also part of Phi Sigma Pi, as opposed to my Phi Sigma Theta. Oh! We're also telepathically linked... It's scary.

From left to right... It's Austin, Dan (Cav), and their daughter Dustina. (This just in... I'm an ass.) O:)

Reenactment of the old west. The part of Jewish cowboy is played by Cav (Dan). Cav is one of the only people that I've stayed in contact with after the fall of the Thunderdome Cluster (R.I.P)

Here's a picture of me taking a picture of myself with my new mini-digital camera! Also, I think this is the only normal picture of me on my website...

I can't really think up a funny caption to go along with this picture... But it DID inspire me to take more.

A penguin wandered into the computer room! Only one thing to do... Take it out!


Everyone wanted a close up of the penguin... Why doesn't anyone ever ask for a close up of ME?!... Oh, that's right... The ugliness. =�

Another normal picture! This one's SUPER normal... I'm almost smiling a little bit!

Illustrating one of 'options' in the self-defense article that I wrote. (Writings section if you haven't read it yet!)

Here's a picture of my friend Rui... My friends call her Girl Rui, and her friends call me Boy Rui. (Clickable link to her pictures)

...And here's a picture of one of her drawings! (Clickable link to her pictures)

216... Again! Woot! If you don't understand what 216 is... Well... You suck. No, it's not like 420, or 666 or anything like that.

And here are the 216 kids! From your left to your right: Bobby, Austin, Rick, Jeff, Danny (War Veteran/Butters), and Retard... I mean... Me. This is a picture of us at Caroline's birthday party, which was a blast! (Also note: Danny and Rick are over 21 and Austin has Kool-Aid in that cup) Missing from the picture are: John & Mike (Belker for 3 years).

And THIS is Caroline (or "Ki" to her friends). She's a professional rapper, dancer, and street thug. This is who I send out if people borrowed money from me and I need it returned... She's also my only Asian friend here at ECU so whenever we get together, ethnic jokes start flying by fast and furiously. (Note: Bling is real.)

Here's a random picture of Jen looking hot... Yeah... It's my desktop wallpaper.

Yeah I knew you were all hoping for this... Even more so than the Jen in swimsuit picture... It's my penguin terrorizing New York... I don't know who the kid in the front is, but homeboy better run!
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